Supreme Chef

Chapter 169

Chapter 169

The atmosphere of silence was finally broken by Feng Man. Feng Man glanced at the crowd and said, "Everyone sit down!"

After everyone sat down, one of them was clearly the leader and had a very leadership temperament. Looking at the mess in the room, he frowned and said, "What's going on, County Magistrate Feng?"

Lin Mu looked in front of him. This 40-year-old man with a smooth face couldn't help but think of Wang Wensheng's father, who was also Feng Man's former leader.

Moreover, this slick county official and Wang Wensheng's father have a common characteristic, that is, their eyes are always lustful, especially when the focus is on a beautiful woman like Feng Man.

Feng Man's disgusted expression flashed by, and he said, "Secretary Sun, the county government's rectification notice on black cars and shops has been issued for a while, right?"

Secretary Sun nodded and said nothing. Obviously he thought that at this time, he should exert more authority.

Feng Man also ignored Secretary Sun, but pointed to the two groups of people who were beaten by Lin Mu and those who were standing in the corner, and said, "If it wasn't for me today, I saw these unscrupulous businessmen and these unscrupulous drivers with my own eyes. I would never have imagined that the documents of our county government would be nothing but a piece of paper! This must be said of our county government’s dereliction of duty!”

Secretary Sun obviously didn't like Feng Man's wording, he couldn't help frowning, and said:

"County Feng, these are individual cases and cannot represent our work, it is not in place!"

Feng Man also didn't like Secretary Sun's wording, and said sharply: "Individual case! Why can't I believe that such an individual case happened to me by coincidence!"

After finishing speaking, Feng Man looked at Director Liu of the vehicle management office with sharp eyes, and said, "Director Liu, the black car driver, said he paid you the money, so he dared to be so rampant. Director Liu, he Is that what you said?"

Although Feng Man is a beautiful woman, she is still her immediate boss. When asked by her immediate boss, Director Liu's body still trembled involuntarily, and hurriedly explained: "Major Feng, how can you listen to me?" What about the one-sided words of a driver of a black car? I am the director of the vehicle management office, not the captain of the traffic police, so I can't control them!"

Feng Man sneered, and said: "Director Liu, you are implying me that this matter has nothing to do with you. Is it the dereliction of duty of Captain Wang of the traffic police team?"


Director Liu thought that he had escaped like this, completely ignoring the language problems in his words.

And Feng Man has been in the physique for so many years, and his political consciousness is definitely no lower than that of anyone else. As soon as Director Liu's words came out, Feng Man accurately grasped the flaws in his words.

Captain Wang of the traffic police team, when he heard Director Liu's words, he scolded his mother in his heart: Your grandson picked it clean, but you put the shit pot on my head.

Captain Wang, seeing Feng Man's questioning gaze, also quickly opened his mouth to defend: "Major Feng, this matter really has nothing to do with me! Our traffic police team has been cracking down hard since we received the order from the county government. Black car, you have seen the results!"

Feng Man still wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Secretary Sun: "Magistrate Feng, didn't we come to hold an on-site meeting today? Why did it become an interrogation? The interrogation is a matter for the public security! Let Director Liu, first Take these people back for interrogation!"

"Yes! Secretary Sun, I'll take people back to the institute right now!" Director Xiao Liu was quick to see the opportunity, and immediately got up to salute when he heard Secretary Sun's words.

Feng Man looked at Secretary Sun, and gritted his teeth. Secretary Sun is the head of the county party committee and has been operating in Zhuangzhou for many years. His words are basically tantamount to conclusive conclusion. If it is really true, take these people to the police Bureau, all the evidence is tantamount to disappearing.

But he was alone and weak, so he couldn't stop it at all.

"If you don't clarify the problem today, no one will leave!" Lin Mu stood up at the right time and blocked the door.

In Zhuangzhou, Sun Yingcai was absolutely undeniable. No one dared to disobey his words. Lin Mu's little boy who popped out of nowhere dared to disobey him.

Sun Yingcai's face darkened immediately: "County Feng, who is this person? How can we let an outsider sit in on our county government's meeting?"

At this time, Director Liu said very wisely: "Secretary Sun, this person claims to be a professor from the provincial hospital, and he injured all these people!"

"Nonsense! A doctor, how can he participate in our county government meeting? If some government secrets are leaked, who will bear the responsibility!" Sun Yingcai also took advantage of the topic and began to lose his temper.

Although Feng Man knew that Sun Yingcai was making use of the topic, there was nothing he could do about it. Lin Mu was just a doctor, and it was indeed not suitable for him to attend here.

Feng Man glanced at Lin Shu standing at the door, then at the group of county government officials sitting opposite her, feeling a deep sense of powerlessness, and she even regretted her original decision.

Lin Mu looked at Feng Man, cast an encouraging look, and said calmly: "I am indeed a doctor, but at the same time I am also a citizen. As a citizen, I have the right to supervise all actions of the government! More importantly, Help the government and right the wrong!"

After a pause, Lin Mu said: "If we can't correct the mistakes here, then we can go to the city, if not in the city, we can go to the province!"

Sun Yingcai looked at Lin Mu, sneered, and said, "You are a small doctor, and you are quite lenient. Didn't you say to go to the city to solve it? Well, we can find Minister Sun of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee right now. Handle this matter and let him judge!"

Sun Yingcai's words were clearly warning Lin Mu and Feng Man. His background was the head of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, so they should be careful and stop causing trouble.

Lin Mu looked at Sun Yingcai and sneered.joke!Now, what Lin Mu is most afraid of is comparing his background with others, especially in Binhai, comparing his background with himself, he can abuse you two streets.

Don't talk about your own identity, even the mayor of Binhai. When Niu Jianguo saw him, he had to call him uncle respectfully. The secretary general of the provincial party committee had to call himself uncle. A municipal party committee organization minister would also have the nerve to show it. Show off to yourself.

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Since you want Minister Sun to comment. All right! You can call Minister Sun now, and I want to hear what this good public servant of the people has to say about this matter!"

Sun Yingcai couldn't help but sneered when he heard Lin Mu's words, and said, "Who do you think you are, and you still want to listen to Minister Sun's instructions, what are you..."

While Sun Yingcai was chattering, his phone rang. He took out the phone and looked at it. Sun Yingcai couldn't help but smiled sinisterly and said, "Don't you want to hear what Minister Sun has to say? Now I will let you take care of yourself." Listen!"

Sun Yingcai glanced at Lin Mu contemptuously, then picked up the phone and said, "Minister Sun, what instructions do you have?"

Minister Sun on the other end of the phone said: "Secretary Sun, Mayor Niu and I are going to visit your Zhuangzhou next week to see the scenery of our coastal economically strong county. If possible, Mayor Niu and I will prepare, Take your county as a model and report it to the province!"

When Sun Yingcai heard it, his mouth was about to crack behind his ears, and he nodded and bowed quickly: "Thank you, Minister Sun! Thank you, Minister Sun! We must make good preparations! Make sure the leader is satisfied!"

Minister Sun was very satisfied with Sun Yingcai's attitude, and said, "I'm with Mayor Niu now. Mayor Niu is very concerned about the development of your county. Don't let me lose the chain!"

Just as Sun Yingcai was about to speak, Lin Mu snatched the phone away.

When Sun Yingcai understood what was going on, Lin Mu had already said, "Let Niu Jianguo answer the phone!"

When Lin Mu opened his mouth, Sun Yingcai already regretted it, and hurried up to grab the phone, but Lin Mu was a full head taller than Sun Yingcai, no matter how hard Sun Yingcai grabbed it, he couldn't reach it.

Minister Sun was also displeased when he heard that someone called Niu Jianguo by his name, "Who are you?"

Lin Mu said: "Just tell Niu Jianguo that my name is Lin Mu and ask him to answer the phone immediately!"

Minister Sun on the other end of the phone was a little uncertain when he heard what Lin Mu said so resolutely. He held the phone and looked at Niu Jianguo who was sitting behind the table, and said, "Mayor Niu, a man named Lin Mu is looking for you!"

When Niu Jianguo heard that it was a tree, he got up from his chair and almost jumped off the table.

Niu Jianguo answered the phone and said, "Uncle, I am Jianguo!"

Minister Sun broke out in a cold sweat when he heard that Niu Jianguo actually called the person on the other end of the phone Uncle. Fortunately, he was polite enough to the person on the other end of the phone just now.

Lin Mu glanced at Sun Yingcai and said, "You don't need to rush, I'll turn on the speakerphone now and let you listen!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu turned on the phone on speakerphone, and said to Sun Yingcai, "Since you want to hear it, you can listen to it for me!"

After speaking, Lin Mu told Niu Jianguo everything that happened to him in Zhuangzhou.

Sun Yingcai was covered in cold sweat now, and almost collapsed on the ground. Standing there, his body was trembling.

After Niu Jianguo listened, he was silent for a long while, and then suddenly burst out: "Sun Yingcai, you bastard, you will immediately go to the city hall and explain everything to me. If you don't understand, you will resign on your own initiative!"

Sun Yingcai's body trembled when he heard Niu Jianguo's words. He never thought that Lin Mu and Niu Jianguo knew each other so well, and Niu Jianguo was also called Lin Mu's uncle. If he had known earlier, he would have been obedient and obedient. Why is he like this now.

This time, I was completely defeated, not to mention the official position under my buttocks, I might not even be able to sit in prison.

(End of this chapter)

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