Supreme Chef

Chapter 1699 Tianchi in the sky

Chapter 1699 Tianchi in the sky

Lin Mu raised his head and looked into the distance, Lin Mu knew who was coming.

This is his old opponent, the Nine Obsidian Lord who has illuminated the ninth world, the glorious ninth world.

If the tenth life hadn't met him, Jiuyao Xingjun might have become Shiyao.

But even so, Lord Jiuyaoxing's status in the eyes of everyone is irreplaceable.

At this time, Nine Obsidian Lord is not only a mountain in the hearts of the golden generation, but for the newly promoted geniuses, Nine Obsidian Lord's name is even more impressive.

How many masters have taught their disciples to follow the example of Lord Nine Obsidians.

Lord Nine Obsidians is the standard in everyone's eyes, the benchmark in everyone's eyes.

"Brother Lin, I didn't expect that your temper is still the same as before." Lord Nine Stars came through the sky, and the nine stars surrounding his body became more and more eye-catching.Obviously, Lord Nine Obsidian's law is about to be completed.

When Nine Obsidian Lord arrived, everyone who was oppressed did not dare to take a breath.

But when they saw that Lord Jiuyaoxing was so polite to Lin Mu, they were even more afraid.

What kind of person is Nine Obsidian Lord, even such a person should be so polite to the forest at this time.What right do they have to despise trees.

Lin Mu looked back at Lord Jiuyaoxing, and said, "This is how you meet old friends, or do you want to continue the previous battle."

Although Lin Shu was seriously injured, Lin Shu's backbone was still there.Lin Mu has never thought of retreating, let alone retreating, no matter who he is facing, Lin Mu will never retreat.

Nine Obsidian Lord smiled, and took the initiative to land on the ground, saying: "I really want to learn about it, Brother Lin, your recent comprehension. Especially Brother Lin, you have come from a single-handed way of time, which really makes me admire , let me feel ashamed. But it is obviously inappropriate for our old friends to reunite today."

Mr. Nine Stars is of course talking politely, Mr. Nine Stars has never thought about the problem like this.

It's just that Lin Mu's performance just now made him unable to make a judgment, and made him unable to judge the depth of the forest tree.What's more, Lin Mu is not alone now, there are five of Gu Xuan around.

Nine Obsidian Lord was not sure of victory, so he chose Huairou.If he is sure of winning, he will never be polite.


Seeing that Lord Jiuyaoxing was so afraid of trees, those newly promoted geniuses took a deep breath.

People like Lord Nine Obsidian must be afraid of trees.It's ridiculous that they still want to kill Lin Mu to prove the Tao, such an idea is really ridiculous.

"Brother Lin, maybe you don't know that there are still a few interesting people in the fairy world who are about to leave the customs. I hope that you can fully recover this time, brother Lin. If you are missing from that kind of competition, brother Lin, you will definitely be very pale. Yes." Nine Obsidian Lord obviously did not give up, and was ready to test further.

Lin Mu said to Nine Obsidian Lord: "This is not your character, but I have never been so indecisive. If you want to fight, I will fight with you. I, Lin Mu, have never been afraid of any challenge. Whether it is in the past , now, or in the future. I will not be afraid of any challenge!"

Lord Jiuyaoxing smiled slightly when he heard Lin Mu's words, and then stopped talking.

Nine Obsidian Lord chose to remain silent.

Nine Obsidian Lord did not speak, and Lin Mu did not speak.Others didn't even dare to vent their breath.

Especially those newly promoted geniuses, they finally understood where the gap between themselves and Lin Mu, the platinum generation, was.


81 days passed in a blink of an eye, and the gates of hell were fully activated.

The death portal hanging in mid-air is constantly shrinking and shrinking.

In the end, the light and shadow portal shrank into a pair of three-foot-three portals.

This is the real gate of hell, representing death and destruction.


After a sound like thousands of horses galloping, the gate of hell was blasted open a small gap.

The back of that door seems to be connected to hell, and there really seems to be thousands of troops from hell wanting to come out of it.


The black death energy, representing death and destruction, poured down from the opened gap like a waterfall.

This is the top of the mountain, the weakest place of death.

But in just an instant, [-]% of the people on the top of the mountain fell silently.

There are still [-]% of the people, although they have not fallen, but they have been seriously injured and completely lost their combat effectiveness.

The top of the mountain is the weakest place covered by the dead air, and it is already like this, the bottom of the mountain is really conceivable.

The Gate of Hell is really not a random name, it really represents death and destruction.

This kind of dead air soon covered the entire Kunlun Mountains, where the trees were visible to their naked eyes.This is the real cleansing, the real mourning.

The screams from below, even on the top of the mountain, made people feel a little panicked.

This death rage raged for 49 days, and the remaining people on the top of the mountain for 49 days were less than [-]%.

As for the bottom of the mountain, there is probably no one who can survive.

"Ding dong!"

The dead energy that had raged for 49 days seemed to be finally, completely exhausted.A burst of crisp and sweet fairy music came, and then a clear spring flowed down from the cracked door.


Seeing the gurgling spring water, Gu Xuan's eyes lit up with excitement.

In the void, a pool made of clouds appeared under Tianquan, carrying Tianquan.

This is the real Tianquan, not contaminated with any soil on the ground.

Tianquan is golden, which contains endless principles and energy.

"This is the Tianquan baptized by the ancient witch god, it is enough to heal my wounds and restore my body." Lin Mu looked at Tianquan, his eyes were also shining.

No one will die with each other, and the same is true for trees.What's more, Lin Mu still has so many worries that he can't let go of, it's even more impossible for Lin Mu to die.

"Look at the bottom of that cloud pool, there seem to be some fragments, and there seem to be some patterns. Could it be some insights and experiences left by the ancient witch god after baptism, or some magic weapon?" Someone speculated road.

Lin Mu stared at Tian Quan and used his own time rules.Driven by the principles of time, Tianquan seems to have returned to the ancient times all of a sudden.

In that era, Lin Mu saw the supreme witch god, and accepted the final baptism here, and accepted the test of life and death.

But in the end, many witch gods fell, and they did not succeed.Before they died, they left behind their own sentiments, and at the same time left behind their magic weapons.

They seem to be paving the way for their offspring, accumulating for their offspring.

Lin Mu didn't know what they were doing all the time.This made Lin Mu very puzzled.

However, there is one thing Lin Shu can confirm, this Tianquan does have the effect of repairing the body.As for the fall of those witch gods, it has nothing to do with this effect, it is an unknown reason.

For Lin Mu, it doesn't matter how the witch god fell.The important thing is whether this Tianchi can really heal his seriously injured body.

Now that Lin Shu has confirmed it, that's enough.


Lin Mu was the first to make a move, flying towards Tianchi under the backdrop of the law of time.

(End of this chapter)

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