Supreme Chef

Chapter 1736 The Real Land of Enlightenment

Chapter 1736 The Real Land of Enlightenment (2)

The space was shattered like glass, and the hidden place behind the space was completely exposed.

There is still a Taoist platform there, but that Taoist platform is completely formed naturally.Unlike the following nine, the traces of artificiality are too obvious.

There is only one Taoist platform there, which is higher than the nine Taoist platforms.There is no futon made of enlightened wood, only a table like white jade.However, the sound of chanting became really clear, and the scriptures were very complete.

And everyone can see clearly that each of the complicated scriptures bred in that table represents a kind of mysterious way.

Is there anything more attractive than this futon?

Seeing such a scene, Gui Ming became even more annoyed.

He came here to look for an opportunity, to try to break through the Immortal Emperor with one move, and become the Supreme Immortal Emperor.

But even though he got the first platform, it was far, far worse than the real and only place of enlightenment above.


Gui Ming was roaring, trying to break through the barrier above the platform with all his strength.

But the person who arranged this stage is obviously a real and powerful man, no matter how crazy the ghost is.In the end, it was useless, unable to break through the platform.

In fact, Lin Mu had doubts about this place for a long time.

When Lin Shu and Gu Jian were trembling near the first platform before, they had approached the first platform.

However, Lin Mu found that the chanting sound in the first stage was already very loud and clear.

But there is still a huge distance from the real scriptures.And the scriptures are intermittent.Not at all, the place of enlightenment that Lin Mu was really looking for.

It's just that Lin Mu didn't have evidence at the time, and he didn't know where the real place of enlightenment was.

But after getting the help of the unicorn, Lin Mu confirmed the final place of enlightenment.

Because Lin Shu has pulled the Tianlong bow to the full moon, the space here is completely unstable, but only there is still stable as usual.

There must be a demon if there is an abnormality, which makes Lin Mu conclude that there must be something there.

At this time, the appearance of the final platform made Lin Mu sure that his guess was correct.

Lin Mu put away the Heavenly Dragon Bow and Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow, and saluted from afar towards the corpse of the divine beast Qilin.

Although Lin Mu didn't know why it wanted to help him, and he didn't know whether he could see his gift.But Lin Mu did it anyway.

Then let Lin Mu, an unexpected scene appeared.The qilin, who was almost completely petrified and didn't know whether it was alive or dead, nodded to Lin Mu in a subtle way.

Although the slight movement could be ignored, Lin Mu still saw it.

This made Lin Mu a little frightened. If the news of a divine beast that was still alive came out, would it cause an uproar in the entire fairy world?

Lin Mu didn't dare to think about the next thing, secretly glanced at the nine people's attention, all of them were on him.Lin Mu still decided to bury this matter in his heart.

Lin Mu turned around and walked towards the final platform step by step.

"Stop, boy, that place belongs to me. If you dare to take half a step there, this old man will surely tear you to pieces!" Gui Ming's eyes were red, and he was roaring madly.

Lin Mu glanced at Gui Ming, then stomped heavily on Gui Ming's head, and flew directly to the final place of enlightenment.


Gui Ming didn't expect that Lin Mu would dare to be so bold to himself, and was so angry that he vomited blood.

"The old man's mental quality is not good, so let's go home and take care of him. And when he goes out in the future, don't say that I'm on the same list as you, I can't afford to lose this person." Lin Mu said standing at the entrance of the Land of Ultimate Enlightenment.

"Ah! The old man swears, I swear to kill you!" Gui Ming directly swore with his own blood.

"It's serious, I don't have time to play with you, you can play slowly by yourself." Lin Mu taunted, then turned and entered the place of enlightenment.

Gui Ming watched the trees enter, his eyes were red, like a real ghost.

Lin Mu entered this final place of enlightenment, and immediately heard the clear and loud sound of chanting sutras.

This scripture is truly indescribable and indescribable. Lin Mu's mood entered into a calm state in an instant.

Lin Mu sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to listen carefully to the scriptures, looking for an opportunity to realize enlightenment.

Lin Mu's heart was like still water, and his whole body became completely ethereal.

For Lin Mu, there is only one chance.If he couldn't realize the Dao all at once, it would be very difficult for Lin Mu to find such an opportunity again.

Lin Mu listened to the scriptures, and then corresponded with his own understanding.At the same time, Lin Mu was still observing the scriptures contained in the platform, corresponding to the path he was going to take one by one.

At this moment, Lin Mu understood a lot, many things that he didn't understand back then, were completely understood by Lin Mu.

Although the road base of the forest is still like a pool of stagnant water, faint light has begun to appear.What Lin Mu needs now is a miracle of enlightenment.

Lin Mu's body gradually became transparent, and the scriptures carved into his body by Lin Mu before have slowly begun to emerge.

At this time, the three emperors who had already realized the Dao were really surprised to see the lines hidden under Lin Mu's body that represented the principles of Dao.

They looked down on Lin Mu before and did not regard Lin Mu as their opponent.

But they completely changed their minds, Lin Mu is not only their opponent, but also their strongest opponent.

The road Lin Mu walked was something they had never touched, even their father had never touched.

This is a brand new road, and no one knows where it can lead.But it is undeniable that this road is definitely the real Xeon road.

"He wants to condense the principles into scriptures one by one and engrave them on his body. Is it to form the strongest scripture armor?" Lei Zong's emperor felt that his own ideas were not enough.

"It should be like this. Lin Mu's idea is indeed earth-shattering. In the future, he will definitely become a strong enemy of the four emperors." The emperor of the puppet sect said very bitterly.

Although he is very reluctant to admit that he is not as good as Lin Mu.But in fact, it is true.

In his opinion, apart from the Four Great Emperors, there is really no one who can compete with Lin Mu.

After all, the fathers of the four major disciples almost stepped onto the path of supremacy.That is a true road to the strong, going further than their father.Maybe they have traveled farther than them.

Such an admission is very helpless, but there is no other way.

The three people from the ancient dynasty were also sober, but in fact they also felt a little bitter in their hearts.If they knew that Lin Mu was such a strong opponent, they would never turn back temporarily.Because now it seems that killing Lin Mu is more beneficial to their prince.

(End of this chapter)

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