Supreme Chef

Chapter 174 Listening to the Organization

Chapter 174 Listening to the Organization
After finishing all this, Lin Mu turned around and left Shanghe Village with a smile.

While walking back, Lin Mu hummed a ditty.

Shanghe Village is not close to where Feng Man lives. By the time Lin Mu walked to Feng Man's place, it was already four o'clock in the morning, and all the people who got up early for a walk had come out.


As soon as Lin Mu reached the door, he heard Feng Man's scream.

Without caring about anything else, Lin Mu kicked the door open with one kick.

After rushing to the bedroom in two steps, Lin Mu was looking at Feng Man, looking at his naked body in the mirror and screaming.

Looking at Feng Man's naked body, Lin Mu couldn't help feeling hot again.

"Ah! You get out!" Feng Man turned around, saw Lin Mu, her pretty face blushed, and quickly covered her body with her hands, and shouted to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu closed the door casually, but he didn't go out. Instead, he came to Feng Man, hugged Feng Man in his arms, and said with a smile, "It's not like I haven't seen him last night, so what are you doing!"

Hearing what Lin Mu said, Feng Man also remembered his madness last night, his cheeks couldn't help but get hot for a while, he hid Qiong's head deeply in front of Lin Mu's chest, raised his powder fist, and punched Lin Mu vigorously, saying : "It's all your fault!"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "It seems that you took the initiative last night..."

When Feng Man heard this, he quickly stretched out his small hand, covered Lin Mu's mouth, and said, "Don't say it!"

Seeing Feng Man's infinitely shy appearance, Lin Mu smiled and kissed Feng Man directly.


Feng Man struggled symbolically at first, but soon Feng Man disarmed and responded enthusiastically again.

But soon Feng Man thought about his own body, quickly pushed Lin Shu away, and said, "Wait a minute, I have... a few questions for you!"

Lin Mu let go of Feng Man, licked his lips and said, "Ask!"

Seeing Lin Mu's action, Feng Man's face turned red again, he slapped Lin Mu lightly, and said, "Necrosis!"

Feng Man randomly lifted the quilt on the bed, saw the spots of bright red on the snow-white sheet, not only recalled the madness of last night, but his face couldn't help but feel hot again.

Feng Man turned his head away from looking at it, covered his body with the quilt on the bed, and said, "I ask you, how did my skin get so good?"

Feng Man was surprised just now because she found that her skin suddenly became very, very good.

Lin Mu wondered why, it turned out to be such a trivial matter.

Feng Man was his first woman, so of course Lin Mu would not favor one woman over another, so last night when his desire was at its peak, Lin Mu casually used the dual cultivation method to help Feng Man cleanse his tendons and cut his marrow.

But after Lin Mu explained this to Feng Man, Feng Man's beautiful eyes widened, and she couldn't believe what she had just heard.

What she heard just now has completely exceeded her understanding of this world.

It took a full 10 minutes before Feng Man digested what Lin Mu said just now.Feng Man exhaled deeply, calmed down his shock and said, "Is everything you said true?"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Isn't your skin the best proof?"

Looking at his fragile skin, Feng Man fell silent again.

Indeed, your own skin is the best proof.What could be more convincing to yourself than this.

After another 5 minutes, Feng Man said: "So you are a fairy?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "To be precise, I used to be a fairy!"

Feng Man's eyes sparkled and said: "Then you can fly?"

Lin Mudao: "For the time being, it should be possible to fly a certain distance, but it may be difficult if it is too far away."

Hearing this, Feng Man looked at Lin Mu expectantly, and said, "Then can you take me out for a flight?"

Lin Mu looked at Feng Man's graceful body wrapped in a quilt, and said, "If I just take you out like this, maybe there will be another headline on the news tomorrow, a man going out with an inflatable doll in his arms!"

Feng Man was stunned for a moment before he realized, his pretty face flushed, he picked up the pillow at hand, threw it at Lin Mu, and said, "Are you the inflatable doll?"

Lin Mu laughed loudly, dodged Feng Man's pillow, and then leapt straight onto the bed, hugged Feng Man in his arms again, and was about to kiss Fangze!
Feng Man dodged the trees and said, "No! The county government is going to work soon, if I don't go, they will definitely come for me!"

When Lin Mu heard Feng Man's words, he had no choice but to give up, got up from the bed resentfully, and said, "Well, I will teach you a set of exercises later, and you can practice according to this every day from now on. Enough medicinal materials will open a furnace for alchemy and help you improve your cultivation!"

Women have always been very sensitive, especially a girl who has just become a woman. Feng Man didn't listen to Lin Mu's exercises and alchemy, but Feng Man could hear the word "you" very clearly .

Feng Man asked vigilantly: "Who are you? Besides me, do you have anyone else?"

Lin Mu didn't want to hide from Feng Man at first, so he told Feng Man about Yu Yaqing and Fan Xiaoxiao.

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Feng Man realized that Yu Yaqing and Fan Xiaoxiao were not latecomers, but he was the latecomer.

Seeing Feng Man's silence, Lin Mu said, "I know this kind of thing may be difficult for you to accept for a while, but my love for you is the same, I..."

Feng Man covered Lin Mu's mouth with his fingers, and said softly: "Needless to say, I can accept it. I thought about it just now, I can't adapt to life without you, maybe this is fate, it has been there from the beginning. It is doomed. I am willing to accept it! Even if it is always behind your back!"


Lin Mu didn't speak, but directly answered Feng Man's words with his most passionate wet kiss.

The two of them were entangled again, and after nearly an hour, Feng Man got up from the bed with a blushing face.

After tidying up his body, Feng Man glared at Lin Mu complainingly, and said, "It's all your fault, I told you I'm going to work later!"

Lin Mu looked at the wet Feng Man and said with a smile, "If you don't want to go, you can resign!"

Feng Man said: "I have never thought of resigning, and don't you also say that being in the world of mortals is also a kind of practice? When I am really tired, I will quit the officialdom, and it can be regarded as fulfilling one of my father's wishes. Bar!"

Lin Mu said: "You can do whatever you want, anyway, if you have anything to do in the future, you can come to me directly, no matter where I am, I will come as soon as possible!"

Feng Man said with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't be polite to you in the future!"

Lin Mu gave a smirk, and said, "That's right, I'll be the county magistrate from now on!"

Feng Man nodded, and said: "This idea is not..."

Before Feng Man finished speaking, he immediately understood the meaning of Lin Mu's words, gave Lin Mu a hard look, and said, "Rogue!"

Lin Mu laughed for a while, and said, "Don't you think this idea is good?"

Feng Man turned his head and said: "I don't have the same knowledge as you, a rascal. I have to tidy up quickly. I have a meeting later. How about continuing to discuss the affairs of the Jinxiu Group?"

Lin Mu put his hands behind his head and said, "Don't worry, the matter of the Jinxiu Group has been resolved, and the villagers will come to you to agree to move the grave later!"

Feng Man turned around and said with twinkling eyes: "You went last night!"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Of course I, the county magistrate, can't do it for nothing!"

Feng Man gouged out Lin Mu's eyes, ignored Lin Mu's rascal words, and said, "Tell me quickly, how did you do it?"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "You will do this kind of thing in the future. It's already seven o'clock, and you still have an hour to organize yourself!"


Feng Man glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, and didn't care about arguing with Lin Mu, and rushed directly to the bathroom.

Three or ten minutes later, Lin Mu and Feng Man had already appeared in the canteen of the county government, having breakfast.

"Are you going back to Binhai today?" Feng Man asked with some reluctance.

Lin Mu nodded and said comfortingly, "Zhuangzhou is not far from Binhai, and it only takes an hour and a half to drive back and forth. If you want to go, you can come back anytime!"

Feng Man thought so too, since Zhuangzhou is not far from Binhai, he felt relieved at the moment.

But before Feng Man finished his meal, Feng Man's secretary ran in in a panic and said, "It's not good, county magistrate Feng, people from Shanghe Village have come to the county government!"

Feng Man glanced at Lin Mu, and found that Lin Mu had a clear expression, and he felt relieved at the moment, and said, "Let's go out and have a look!"

Feng Man and the secretary came to the compound of the county government. Feng Man saw that the staff of the county government had already come out, and the guards at the gate were also on alert. The villagers of Shanghe were notoriously tough.

Seeing Feng Man come out, a group of villagers in Shanghe Village rushed to surround him, but they were stopped by the guards at the door.

The old village head of Shanghe Village stood up and said, "Everyone, calm down and step back!"

The old village head's prestige in the village is still quite high. Hearing the old village head's words, the villagers of Shanghe Village all backed away.

After everyone retreated, Feng Man came to the old village head and said, "Where are you, village head?"

When the old village head saw Feng Man, he immediately said excitedly: "Major Feng, we are here to thank you!"

Feng Man was also confused by the words of the old village chief: "Thank you?"

The old village chief nodded and said, "Well, we are all here to thank you!"

After finishing speaking, the old village head turned around and shouted, "Did everyone come to thank County Chief Feng!"

When the old village chief yelled, everyone immediately responded, "Yes! We are all here to thank County Chief Feng!"

After being yelled at by them, Feng Man was even more confused than the monk who was two feet tall.

Feng Man said: "Old village chief, this is it. If you have anything to say, let's go inside and talk. Everyone standing here will affect the normal work."

The old village chief nodded and said, "Okay! I'll listen to County Chief Feng!"

After finishing speaking, the old village chief turned around and said to the villagers: "You all wait outside, don't make trouble, don't provoke trouble, and you must obey the leader's arrangement!"

"Yes!" Everyone replied in unison.

Seeing the villagers in Shanghe Village cooperate so much today, the county leaders were dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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