Supreme Chef

Chapter 1741 Big Event

Chapter 1741 Big Event (1)

There was a dragon roar, and then a bone dragon that traversed thousands of miles rolled over in the direction of the forest.

This is definitely the skeleton of a divine beast. I don't know where the blood spirit dragon dug it out, and it can even manipulate it.

The overwhelming Longwei, and the oppressive Immortal Emperor are a little unnatural.

"I'm here too. If the old man doesn't leave any passing money today, don't even think about leaving here." Wu De used the complete Qiankun seal to drive a god corpse buried in an unknown age to kill him.

"Little Daddy and I!" Gu Xuan gave a yell, and then flew over on the auspicious clouds.

Gu Xuan didn't bring anything out of the ordinary, but Lin Mu found that Gu Xuan's Myriad Spiritual Eyes became more and more ethereal.Apparently, here she has found a good thing that can make her Wanlingtong evolve.

"Do you think you can defeat me with the help of foreign objects? You are all going to die today!" said the Immortal Emperor coldly.

"You won't know if you won't win until you fight." Lin Mu also made his attitude clear.

"Okay! Today, old man, I will let you all die." After the Immortal Emperor finished speaking, he completely released his coercion on behalf of the Immortal Emperor.

"This is the Immortal Emperor's attack. Could it be that there is an imperial battle happening? Let's go over and have a look." The people nearby all felt the coercion, and dared to come towards Lin Mu one after another.

The place where the trees are located is where the Chaos Cave is located, and it is here that the secrets of heaven are veiled.Only those who are very close to the Chaos Cave can sense the aura of the Immortal Emperor.Outside of the abandoned land, no one can find it, and no one can sense it.

If it weren't for this, the Immortal Emperor wouldn't dare to make a move here.Otherwise, it would be very troublesome to attract Daoist Guang and the others.

Feeling the real coercion of an old immortal emperor, Lin Mu also deeply understood how far there is still a gap between himself and the real top powerhouse.

However, no matter what the other party's cultivation level is, Lin Mu will never be able to do such a thing if Lin Mu is arrested and sits and waits for death.


Lin Mu raised the Shadowless Knife in his hand, and then slashed down without hesitation.

"Small tricks." The old Immortal Emperor showed contempt on his face, then raised his hand lightly, and grabbed the Shadowless Knife.


The Shadowless Knife collided with its palm, making the sound of metal clashing.


On the edge of the Shadowless Knife, Lin Mu's sharp knife aura cut a gap under the old Immortal Emperor's palm.


This made the old Immortal Emperor's brows wrinkle involuntarily, he was somewhat surprised that Lin Mu's Shadowless Knife could hurt him.


But what surprised him was obviously still behind, Lin Mu only played a leading role, and the real big dish was still behind.

The Blood Spirit Dragon directly manipulated the keel and bit down on the old Immortal Emperor.

This is a real divine beast. Although there are only bones left, it is not something he can easily underestimate.


With his other hand, he directly held the dragon's head with one hand.

After all, it has been dead for so many epochs. Although it is controlled by the blood spirit dragon, a real beast, the power it can exert is only less than one-thousandth of it.

Otherwise, if it is a real adult beast, this old Immortal Sovereign might have turned around and ran away long ago.


The divine corpse controlled by Wu De also arrived in an instant behind the keel, and the divine corpse still held the Qiankun Seal in its hand, and smashed it down towards him.

The back of the old Immortal Sovereign's head glowed, and a silver-white halo lit up.


The Qiankun seal hit the aperture, and suddenly the aperture emitted streams of light like water patterns, resisting the forest's Qiankun seal.

Just when the old immortal emperor thought that he had blocked all the attacks, a beam of seven-colored destruction light swept towards him directly.

This light made his heart palpitate, and with a fierce push, he blocked all the attacks, and at the same time, his body retreated at full speed.

But in the end, he was still a small step too late, half of his beard was cut off by the colorful light.

"Wu Shuang Holy Body, Divine Beast Bloodline, Qian Kun Yin, Wan Ling Tong. I underestimated your combination a little bit. You really surprised me, but let's stop here for today." The old Immortal Sovereign said this, cleanly He cut off his remaining beard neatly, as if to show his determination again.

Wu De and the three thieves looked at him with a smile, and said, "Old guy, what you just had was just an appetizer, and now it's the main meal. You can enjoy it slowly."

After speaking, Wu De poured out a humanoid creature from the imitation of his Sky Swallowing Magic Bottle.

"Little Daddy, run, if you don't run, it will be too late." Gu Xuan anxiously transmitted voice to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu glanced at the humanoid creature, and felt a deep sense of powerlessness. Then, Lin Mu wrapped Wu De and the three of them together, and directly used the speed rules and the limit speed of the holy body to escape from this place at top speed.

"It's not that easy to run away." Seeing that Lin Mu and the others were about to run, the old Immortal Emperor was also ready to set off to chase.

But as soon as he started, he felt a chilling sense of crisis.

The old Immortal Sovereign looked at the humanoid creature, half of the humanoid's head was missing, but the sea of ​​consciousness still glowed again, and a bloodthirsty light flickered in the eyes, staring at him firmly.

"It's just a dead person, I want to stop the old man, go die for me." The old fairy emperor roared, and stamped his palm towards the dead body.


The dead body made a move, and the same palm slammed over, and it was torn apart directly, the blow of the old Immortal Sovereign.

"A master who has surpassed the extreme!"

The old Immortal Emperor was shocked when he saw the corpse, then he didn't dare to stay, turned around and was about to leave the place.But the corpse had already stared at him, and it was very difficult for him to escape.

There are no hundred moves in the battle, and the old Immortal Emperor has already vomited blood. He is no match for this corpse at all.

At this time, the four of Lin Mu had already fled to a safe place.

"Where did the four of you dig him out? Shouldn't he belong to this era?" Lin Mu asked Gu Xuan and the others.

Gu Xuan looked at Wu De and said, "You have to ask Uncle Wu De about this, Uncle Wu De dug him out."

Wu De is indeed good at this kind of work.

Wu Dedao: "It was dug out from a destroyed tomb. When it was dug out, there were strange lines engraved on his head, which seemed to be used to lock him up. There was no danger. But the lines It will start to burn when it encounters air, so I directly bumped him into the bottle, thinking that maybe it would be useful, and it could trick a few people. But after I let him out just now, I realized that this thing is bigger than I thought. It's even more dangerous, but fortunately that stupid old man is standing there, otherwise we would have become his prey."

(End of this chapter)

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