Supreme Chef

Chapter 1743 Subversion of the world view

Chapter 1743 Subversion of the world view

Because it is said that this ominousness has a lot to do with many major historical events.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I saw it."

"What is that?" Senior Yan asked impatiently.

The disappearance of his master was related to ominous conditions, so he wanted to know even more urgently.

Lin Mu told everyone what he had seen and heard.Everyone showed shocked expressions, especially when Lin Mu said that the monster seemed to come from another world, which really shocked them.

In their cognition, there is only the world they live in. How could there be another world? This is really unbelievable.

"By the way, senior, do you know what happened to the Supreme Academy?" Lin Mu asked.

Guang Dao said: "Let me answer this question, perhaps I know the most about the Supreme Academy."

Everyone present knew that Daoist Guang had a great background, and he knew many things that they had never heard of.

Guang Dao said humanely: "The history of the Supreme Academy is much longer than everyone knows. Even since ancient times, I am afraid that it has existed. It has only one purpose of existence, and that is to cultivate the real Supreme!"


Daoist Guang's words really shocked the sky.In this world, there is such an academy, and the supreme being can be cultivated, which is simply unimaginable to the extreme.

"Senior, are all the supreme beings cultivated?" Lin Mu asked.

Guang Dao said humanely: "That's not true. If the Supreme is really so easy to cultivate, it won't be called the Supreme. However, there are a few Supremes who did enter this academy when they were young and gained great achievements. benefit."

Although Taoist Guang denied the issue of trees, what Taoist Guang said still shocked them.There are actually several supreme beings who have entered this academy.

"Senior, how many supreme beings were born in ancient times?" Gu Xuan asked.

Gu Xuan listened to them talking about supreme beings every day, and felt that her head was getting bigger. She also wanted to find out how many supreme beings appeared in ancient times.

Taoist Guang said: "There are twelve supreme beings in total, which correspond to the number of annual rings and moon rings. They represent time, space, the universe and all things in the sky."

"So many twelve?" Gu Xuan always thought that there were only a few, but she never expected that there were as many as twelve.

Guang Dao said humanely: "At that time, in ancient times, the world of Immortals, Realm of Comprehension, and Myriad Worlds was a whole. Even in unknown areas, there were many relics that people could enter. The population of ancient times at that time was a million times that of today. A domain governed by the Supreme Being is almost as large as the current hundreds of fairy worlds, do you think this is too much?"

After Gu Xuan heard it, shock appeared on her small face.She really thought about it simply, she didn't expect the ancient times to be so brilliant.

With the current population size of hundreds of fairylands, one supreme being can be born. This is really not too many, but too few.

"Senior, let's talk about the Supreme Academy. Senior, you said that the Supreme Academy may have continued from ancient times, so can there still be living fossils in the academy that have survived since ancient times?" Lin Mu listened to what Taoist Guang said. There is also some interest.

"Actually, I don't know much about the Supreme Academy. After all, I haven't really entered it, but the possibility you mentioned may not exist. The destruction of the ancient times is far more complete than that of the ancient times. But is there such a thing?" I'm really not sure about the reincarnated people." Taoist Guang said.

"Senior, is the purpose of the existence of the Supreme Academy just to cultivate the Supreme?" Lin Mu asked.

Taoist Guang shook his head and said, "Of course it's not that simple. I wasn't sure before, but after I've been to some places, I'm a little sure. The real purpose of the existence of the Supreme Academy is not to cultivate the Supreme, but to fight against the Attack from another world! Looking for true immortality!"

"What! An attack from another world, looking for true immortality!"

After Taoist Guang finished speaking, everyone in the room was shocked.What does Taoist Guang mean by this, another world?eternal life?

Guang Dao said humanely: "Yes, that's right. According to the situation I have now, the demise of the ancient world may be related to another world. As for the specific reason, it is beyond my knowledge. But the destruction of the ancient times, It is indeed believed. However, the purpose is not as simple as we speculated before. It is possible that the Twelve Supremes did not disappear, but died in battle. The reason why someone artificially destroyed the ancients was to deceive a person outside the forest. The world, create the illusion that our world is withered, and prevent them from purging us. Keep the fire of our world!"

After Taoist Guang finished speaking, the boat was so silent that he didn't even breathe.

Daoist Guang's words completely overturned the cognition of everyone present.It completely shattered their original world view, and everyone was silently digesting and rebuilding their own world view.

For two hours, no one said a word.

Taoist Guang also understood that such a thing was difficult to understand, even after he knew the truth, it took him a long time to accept the fact.

"Grandpa Guang, why did that world come to invade us?" In the end, Gu Xuan was the first to complete the re-cognition of the world view.After all, Gu Xuan came from the earth, and she was a child when she came here, so she knew very little about the cultivation world and the fairy world.It is not difficult for her to rebuild her worldview.

Hearing Gu Xuan's question, everyone once again focused on Taoist Guang.They also want to know why another world invaded their world.

Taoist Guang shook his head, sighed, and said, "I don't know about this either. I'm afraid only the Supreme One knows the answer?"

Everyone was a little disappointed when they heard Taoist Guang's words.Because if you know why they come, you can respond accordingly.

"Then what is the purpose of the Supreme Academy coming out at this time? Because the time is up?" Lin Mu asked.

Guang Dao said humanely: "It should be like this. Maybe it is an ancient arrangement, which has no effect in this life. It is necessary to cultivate a supreme, or even surpass the existence of the supreme, to lead everyone to fight against the invasion from another world."

After a pause, Guang Dao said humanely: "However, this kind of training is covered with blood and bones. No one will need a Supreme who is accumulated by resources, because it is of little use. So you are very concerned about the emergence of the Supreme Academy. , it is best to have a clear understanding.”

(End of this chapter)

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