Supreme Chef

Chapter 1764 The vice president personally escorts

Chapter 1764 The vice president personally escorts

Everyone looked at Lin Mu, waiting for Lin Mu's answer.Of course, the members of the Tian family still hope that Lin Mu will refuse.

Because as long as Lin Mu refuses, then Lin Mu can get out of the Supreme Academy.In this way, the people of the Tian family can justifiably kill the trees halfway.

"I agree." Lin Mu agreed directly.

When the people of Tian's family heard about Lin Mu, they agreed to guard the city gate and do such a lowly job.This somewhat surprised the people of the Tian family, but it was also a good choice for the people of the Tian family.Lin Mu is in the Supreme Academy, and they may have more opportunities to do it.

The deputy dean looked at Lin Mu and nodded slightly, and said, "Since you agree, from today onwards, you are an official disciple of the Supreme Academy. Except that you are responsible for guarding the city gate, other treatment is the same as that of an official disciple."

"It's not fair!" As soon as the deputy principal finished speaking, the members of the Tian family objected loudly.

The vice-principal said: "Lin Mu is well-deserved number one, and he is already an official disciple of the academy. The punishment now is just to punish him for speaking rudely. There is nothing unfair, everyone should leave."

The vice president's words are considered to be a complete conclusion.Lin Mu can stay in the Supreme Academy, but he has to guard the city gate.

"Come with me, I'll take you to get some things you need." The vice president looked at Lin Mu and said.

This is tantamount to public protection, which surprised everyone.

A dignified vice-principal actually led a disciple guarding the city gate to collect things.Isn't this telling everyone that this disciple is protected by me?

"Awesome!" The disciple who was in charge of guarding the city gate was completely overwhelmed with admiration for the trees.

Lin Mu followed the vice-principal, not overly ingratiating, nor overly humble.

"Why did you agree to stay?" the vice president asked first.

Lin Mu said: "I know that I will die if I leave here, why should I leave?"

Affiliated courtyard station, said: "Perhaps it is more dangerous to stay here?"

Lin Mu said: "At least there is a chance."

The vice president nodded and said, "You are smarter than I imagined. But only such smart people can live longer."

The vice president paused for a moment, and said, "That old man, Daoist Guang, how is he doing?"

Lin Mu couldn't help being startled when he heard the vice president's words, and said, "Senior knows Senior Guang?"

The vice president seemed to be in deep thought, and he said after a while: "I never thought that after such a long time, I could still see him. I didn't expect his old bones to be so hard. Under such circumstances, Neither died."

The trees did not take over, because this was a secret of Daoist Guang.Although I know it, I can't easily reveal it to outsiders.

"Haha! I don't have any malicious intentions, and I don't mean any stereotypes. It's just emotion. You don't need to pay attention to me. Daoist Guang did write a book for me. You can read it for yourself." The deputy dean shook his hand, and the letter written by Taoist Guang fell to the ground. In the hands of Lin Mu.

Lin Mu was familiar with Taoist Guang's aura, and he was sure that it was written by Taoist Guang.It's just that Lin Mu didn't expect that Taoist Guang would have such a relationship with the vice president of Supreme Academy.Moreover, Daoist Guang wrote the letter without knowing anything about it.

"After reading it, destroy it. Don't let anyone know." The vice president said.

Lin Mu nodded, and then directly destroyed the letter completely.

"Senior Guang didn't tell me in advance because he was worried that I wouldn't be able to get here?" Lin Mu asked.

The vice president shook his head and said: "No. If you can't get here, there are not many people in the fairy world who can get here. He won't tell you, but he just doesn't want to change anything. Any slight change in the last days , may cause countless changes in the future.”

Lin Mudao: "Senior, do the last days really have something to do with another world?"

The vice president nodded affirmatively and said, "Yes."

The Vice President's voice was heavy. From his voice, Lin Mu seemed to have seen countless bloody storms.It seems to have seen countless rivers of blood floating.

This one word is an affirmative answer. I don't know how many people's lives will be sacrificed to get such an affirmative answer.

"This is the place where you will receive your clothes and some student supplies. I will send you here. I believe that some people who should have seen it have already seen it." The vice president said.

Lin Mu solemnly cupped his hands in thanks, and said, "Thank you, senior."

The deputy dean said: "I didn't help you with anything, these are just what I should do. But I took you around this time, and I can only guarantee that the older generation will not attack you. As for the competition between peers , I will not interfere. Life and death are entirely up to you."

Lin Mu cupped his hands again and said, "Senior has done enough. I will resolve the competition among my peers myself."

The vice-principal nodded, and said: "Guang Daoist is optimistic about you, and I am also optimistic about you now. In the early stage of Xianjun, you can kill the early stage of Xianhuang, no matter what method you use, the things you can do, except the academy Except for a few of them, it is absolutely impossible for the rest.”

Lin Mu smiled slightly and said, "It's just a fluke."

The vice-principal said: "Okay, you go and get some things from the disciples, I won't come to you again, and you don't need to look for me."

"Junior understands!"

The vice-principal left, and Lin Mu entered the disciple's room to receive his own things.

Because Lin Mu was brought by the vice president himself, the elder in charge of the disciple room was very polite to Lin Mu.Even if Lin Shu is just a gatekeeper.

"These are all you need to survive in the Supreme Academy. This stone tablet is the same as the one you seized before. It's just that it records your contribution. In the Supreme Academy, you want to get anything , it all depends on contribution points. Don’t lose this. As for clothes, you can choose to wear them or not.

You are guarding the city gate, except for the public area of ​​the disciples, you are not allowed to go to the rest of the places.Especially breaking into other people's territory, so that even if you are killed, no one will take care of you.

If you want to resolve the conflict, you can summon the Sky Battlefield.There life and death are in peace.Is there anything else you don't understand? "The elder in charge of the disciple asked Lin Mu after explaining some things to pay attention to.

Lin Mudao: "Elder, does the disciple's public area include alchemy room and scripture building?"

The elder said: "Included. But if you want to enter, you have to rely on the contribution points in your hand. As for how to get the contribution points, you can go back to the gate of the city and ask other disciples."

Lin Mu cupped his hands in thanks, and said, "Thank you, Senior."

After speaking, Lin Mu directly changed into the clothes prepared by the Supreme Academy for the disciples, and left the disciples' room.

(End of this chapter)

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