Supreme Chef

Chapter 1776 Can I grab it?

Chapter 1776 Can I grab it?

As soon as Lin Mu arrived, someone came to provoke him.

Those two people who accompanied Lin Mu couldn't help but change their expressions when they heard such words.

Because they were worried that Lin Mu would blame them for this matter.He thinks that the two of them deliberately brought Lin Mu here to provoke him.

"What are you talking about? We guard the city gate and are formal disciples of the college. Naturally, we are qualified to participate in the competition between college disciples." The two dared not let Lin Mu misunderstand, so they could only stand up and explain.

"You two think that following Lin Shu will make you proud. You should go back and guard your city gate obediently, and be your watchdog. Don't shame yourself here as soon as possible." The provocative person said contemptuously.


The two are able to guard the city gate here, that is also a genius in the domain, and it is also admired by everyone.They naturally have a temper, especially when they are insulted like this, they are even more angry.

"I want to challenge you to the battlefield in the sky with you!" The two guards of the city gate said angrily.

"Yo Yo! The two guards of the city gate dared to say that they were going to the battlefield in the sky. Did they really think that anyone could go up there?" The provocative person continued to taunt the two of them with all his words.

Lin Mu said: "They are not qualified, so I don't know if I am qualified. Anyway, now that there is time, how about I go up with you two?"

The provocative person couldn't help but change color when he heard Lin Mu's words.

They knew about Lin Mu's skills, Tianrui was no match for Lin Mu, and it was even more impossible for them to be Lin Mu's opponent.If they go to the sky battlefield with Lin Shu, there will only be one result, and that will be a dead end.

"Lin Mu, we know that you are going to participate in the competition. We don't want people to say that we are bullying you. You want to go to the sky battlefield with us. Let's talk about it after you come out of the martial arts field alive."

Lin Mu said: "Okay! When I come out of the martial arts arena, I will definitely come to ask for advice. At that time, you must not find a reason to refuse, because it will make me look down on you."

"Hmph! Lin Mu will wait until you can come out alive."

This martial arts arena is a big melting pot, unless you are real gold, you will be melted.


A bell rang, and three vice presidents appeared in the field.

"From today on, everyone, it's the Freshman Challenge. This time, everyone will rely on their own abilities. If they can enter the top fifty, they will be eligible to enter Nirvana in the medicine pool of longevity medicine. If they can get in the top ten, they can get A drop of longevity medicine..." Hongdao said the rules and rewards.

All the freshmen heard the longevity medicine, and there was no one who was not excited.That is the elixir of longevity. It has survived countless epochs.Not to mention getting a drop of medicinal liquid, even soaking it in the medicine pool of the longevity medicine will yield unimaginable benefits.

And this time is really different from the past, this time they even rewarded the liquid medicine of the longevity medicine.This was something that was not available in the past. Even the three vice presidents of the college might not be able to enjoy the medicinal solution of the longevity medicine.

"The rewards and rules have been announced. This is the life-saving jade slip made by the academy for everyone. As long as the jade slip is there, you can send out your primordial spirit or seriously injured body. This is your only means of life-saving. Of course, this does not mean that It can completely save your lives." Gu Gong stood up and said, then flicked his sleeves, and exactly [-] jade slips fell into the hands of [-] people.

The Supreme Academy is indeed preparing for everyone to kill a Supreme, but unnecessary deaths can be avoided or must be avoided.

"Why don't we have any?" There are 420 six new students, but Gu Gong only distributed 26 jade slips, so naturally [-] people lost, and Lin Mu happened to be one of them.

Gu Gong looked at the person who asked the question, and said: "The production of jade slips is very complicated, and the process is also very time-consuming. The most important thing is that the post-production has been lost. So there are only four hundred of them."

"Then why are we not, not they?" The questioner pointed to the five major families and the camps of some major forces.


Gu Gong sold it directly, and shattered the questioning fan with a slap, saying: "Anyone else have any questions?"

As the vice-principal, he just killed a new disciple.Naturally, no one would say anything, even Hongdao didn't think there was anything.

It is impossible for this kind of person who only knows how to use words to become supreme, and it is even more impossible to lead everyone to fight against another world.

"Does anyone have any questions now?" Gu Gong looked around at the remaining 25 people who did not have jade slips and asked.

25 people did not speak.

"I have a question." Lin Mu stood up and asked.

Seeing Lin Mu standing up, Gu Gong was still a little disappointed, after all, he was also optimistic about Lin Mu.But at this time, Lin Mu had doubts because of the problem of the jade slip, which was undoubtedly difficult to become a master.

"Say, what questions do you have?" Gu Gong asked.

Lin Mu said: "I want to ask, can I grab the jade slips in their hands and use them?"

After hearing Lin Mu's question, Gu Gong's eyes lit up instantly. This was what he wanted to hear.

But Gu Gong remained calm and said, "Of course. As long as you have the ability, you can snatch the jade slips and their name tags from anyone."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Then I have no problem."

After listening to Lin Mu's words, the people who had the jade slips on the opposite side subconsciously clenched the jade slips in their hands.

Lin Mu is not a person who seems to be with him. Some people even think that Lin Mu will definitely be able to enter the top [-] new disciples.Some even think that even if Lin Shu enters the top ten, there is nothing strange about it.

"Okay, now the freshman competition has officially started. No matter what method you use, the person who gets the most famous cards in the end will be the champion." Gu Gong said.


As soon as Gu Gong finished speaking, Lin Mu appeared in front of Tianrui.

"Lin Mu, what are you going to do?" Tianrui asked sternly.

Lin Mu said: "What do you think I'm going to do? I don't have a jade slip in my hand now, so I feel quite worried. How about you lend me the jade slip in your hand?" Lin Mu said casually, completely ignoring Tianrui. Put it in your eyes.

After hearing what Lin Mu said, Tianrui was so angry that the roots of his teeth itch.

"If you don't want to pay, you don't have to. I can make you withdraw from the competition now, so that you don't even have a chance to enter the top [-]." Lin Mu said calmly.

"Ling Mu is really damn shameless, Uncle, please take action!" Seeing such a scene, the people of the Tian family were all excited, wanting to see if the senior masters of the Tian family could kill Lin Mu.

(End of this chapter)

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