Supreme Chef

Chapter 1782 Only 1 Target

Chapter 1782 Only One Target

The game will continue, and such a finger, for everyone, can only be regarded as a kind of experience, a unique experience.

The supreme device has solved the matter here, so it will naturally return.Although this is the Supreme Academy's own place, it is even more important not to be careless.The supreme weapon, absolutely cannot be lost.

The supreme weapon returned, and everyone followed the supreme weapon and returned to the battlefield where they fought before.

Now there are more than 100 people left, but the competition for places is still fierce.

No!It should be more intense, because the rest of the people are all left after the big waves washed the sand.Their cultivation base is more profound, and their strength is also the top of the top.

The Supreme Artifact returned smoothly, and the four elders brought the Supreme Artifact to Gugong and Hongdao to report back.

Gu Gong and Hong Dao, the two joined forces, saw the Supreme Artifact returned to its original location, and then asked: "What did you see inside?"

"One finger." The four replied.

"What a finger!"


"Okay, you guys go down. Don't leak what you saw today, and don't tell anyone." Hongdao said.

"Yes, Mr. Vice President."

After the four of them went down, Gu Gong and Hong Dao looked serious.

Because this thing also exceeded their own expectations, if it was a utensil or something else, it would be easy to say.But it was a living finger, and it was indescribable, which cast a cloud over their hearts.

"When something like this happens at this time, does everything have to be opened in advance?" Gu Gong said worriedly.

Hongdao said: "I hope this is not the case, otherwise, judging from our current preparations, we will definitely lose. They still need time to grow."

Gu Gong said: "I also hope that there is still time. Has the situation they set up been broken? I don't know if the seniors who made the layout thought of this."

Hongdao said: "Now these seniors don't know where they are sleeping."

Looking at the battlefield, Gu Gong only hoped that some of them could really grow up and really lead us.

"Look, there is a guy named Lin Mu. The number of famous cards in his hand is increasing rapidly, and has already broken through the one hundred mark. A quarter of the famous cards have already fallen into his hands!"

After hearing the voice, Gu Gong and Hong Dao also looked at the place where the nameplate was recorded.

It is true that the number of famous brands of Lin Mu is changing rapidly, and now Lin Mu is really the crown of everyone.

And as long as Lin Mu hides now, after three months, Lin Mu can become the well-deserved number one.

"How did this kid do it?" Gu Gong looked at the rapidly increasing number behind Lin Mu's name, and his heart was full of doubts.

Hongdao pondered for a while, then laughed loudly, and said: "This kid has encountered bad luck before, he should know that there is no chance at all. So the only purpose of his going there is to go there to pick up these famous tags."

"Has he encountered bad luck?" Gu Gong didn't know much about Lin Mu, so he didn't know that Lin Mu had encountered bad luck.

"He is the Unparalleled Holy Physique. The most important thing is that his Daoji encountered some problems when he was besieged by those people in the fairy world. Then Daoist Guang suggested that he choose to hear Dao once, and he succeeded in the end, and then It's an ominous encounter." Hong Dao briefly told Gu Gong about Lin Mu's situation.

After hearing this, Gu Gong also widened his eyes, and said: "There is still such a thing. It seems that this kid's experience is legendary enough. I still underestimated him. Once he realized such a thing, he even It can be successful. Especially the Wushuang Holy Body, except for the monkey who almost succeeded, it seems that no one has ever stepped into that realm."

Hongdao said: "That's right. If I didn't know that the monkey was not dead, I would doubt whether he was the reincarnation of that monkey."

Gu Gong said: "He is much smarter than that monkey. If that monkey also goes in, he can definitely turn that monkey around."

After Gu Gong finished speaking, Hong Dao also laughed loudly.

After a pause, Gu Gong said seriously: "There is indeed hope for Lin Mu, but Yuan Guan should not let Yuan Guan know about it. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome."

The Yuan Guan that Gu Gong spoke of is the third vice president of the college.However, the origin of this vice president is very legendary, and both Gu Gong and Hong Dao are very afraid and wary of him.

Moreover, the two of them had found the dean's letter, and in the letter, the dean was a little wary of him.

Gugong and Hongdao are somewhat wary of him up to now.He even said that the reason why the two of them pretended to be incompatible like this was because of his own reasons.

"We really can't let Yuan Guan know that the academy has lost too many talents. The disappearance of some top talents may have something to do with him." Hongdao also nodded seriously, and then said seriously.

"Is he an enemy or a friend? Does he come from another world?" Gu Gong said with a serious expression.

Hongdao said: "I really hope he is the enemy, otherwise, wouldn't our years of vigilance be wasted."

After hearing Hongdao's words, Gu Gong was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

As soon as the two of them were talking, the name tags behind Lin Mu's name had grown to more than 200, nearly three hundred.

Of course, besides Lin Shu, Bai Yixian's name also quickly rose to No.2.There are more than 90 famous tags in his hand, and there are nearly a hundred of them.

A total of more than 300 died, that is to say, all the famous brands were basically picked up by Lin Mu and Bai Yixian.

Of course, occasionally there will be some fish that slip through the net, but for Lin Shu, it is really insignificant and can be ignored.

In the martial arts arena, they can also know the changes in each other's nameplates through the jade slips in their hands.

When everyone saw the change in the number of nameplates behind Lin Mu's name, they were all shocked.

But soon they understood what was going on, and they all hated such behavior.

Because they were there at that time, but they didn't have such scheming, and just played back and forth with that phalanx.I never thought about collecting famous tags or competing for famous tags.

"We must find Lin Mu, otherwise, with such achievements, Lin Mu is well-deserved number one. We have no chance at all!"

"Yes! We must find Lin Mu and ask him to hand over the nameplate in his hand!"


In the martial arts arena, almost everyone had the same thought, that is to find Lin Mu, and then snatch the famous brand from Lin Mu.

They can't just let Lin Mu take the top spot like this, they are really at a loss, and they are too wronged.

And Lin Mu's strength is here. If Lin Mu gets the juice of the longevity medicine, Lin Mu can transform into a dragon in one step and ascend to the sky in one step, then they still have a chance.

(End of this chapter)

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