Supreme Chef

Chapter 1784 I want to go against the sky

Chapter 1784 I want to go against the sky (2)

Gu Gong is not optimistic about Lin Mu, of course, mainly because Lin Mu said that his disciples can only be cannon fodder.

Everyone loves to hear good things, but no one wants to hear bad things.Gu Gong had such a reaction, which was really not surprising at all.

More than 20 people came, and Lin Mu had already gathered more than 30 people.

But Lin Mu still took a look, and then closed his eyes.

If ten people were ignored by Lin Mu, it was understandable. Thirty people were also ignored by Lin Mu, which was really unbearable.

"It's so arrogant that you want to die, and you ignore me and wait, you must die!" Someone stood up and roared angrily, and then shot directly.

The person who shot was not from the Supreme Academy, nor from the fairy world, but a top genius from the devil world.

The demon world is vast and boundless, its area is no smaller than that of the fairy world, and its top strength is not weaker than that of the fairy world.

"Isn't this the supreme genius of the Demon Realm? It is said that he has been in a deep sleep, and he just woke up when the Supreme Academy appeared. And it is said that he forcibly beat into the academy from the outside. He defeated all powerful enemies from all directions. , has been accepted as a core disciple by a core elder, and among the freshmen, definitely belongs to the front row."

Lin Mu didn't know his origin, but someone did.

But in this case, Lin Mu's confidence could not be shaken in the slightest.

The top genius in the devil world, the first shot was really powerful, and the gushing devil energy completely affected this piece of the universe.

The demonized planet directly burned with black magic fire.

"It's already reached such a point. If we go any further, I'm afraid it will be comparable to the big demon in the academy. It seems that the freshmen this time are indeed the top choice in terms of quantity and quality." The people outside said such a discussion.

The planet surrounded by magic fire smashed into the forest and pressed towards the forest, as if it was going to swallow the forest.

But for all of this, Lin Mu stood still, without any expression, not even raising his eyelids.

"court death!"

The genius of the demon world was really irritated.This tree is really too much, it is a kind of humiliation to ignore him like this.


The Demon Lord's fist hit the forest, and the space where his fist passed was completely flocculent.


When the Demon King was about to approach, Lin Mu suddenly made a move.

Lin Mu stretched out a hand, and then slapped it at a seemingly very slow speed.

But with such a slow slap, the Demon Lord didn't respond at all, and couldn't dodge at all.

With a crisp sound, Mojun was slapped to pieces half of his body, and his body also flew upside down.



Such an accident made everyone gasp.Because this is really unimaginable, that is the top genius in the devil world, even among the freshmen of the college, he can be ranked among the best.

But it was such a person, in front of Lin Mu, who didn't even have the strength to fight back, so he was sent flying by Lin Mu.

And they saw clearly just now, even the route of Lin Mu's shot, they could see clearly.

But this is even more terrifying. If they can't see clearly, they can understand it.Lin Mu's strength is superb, but if he can see it clearly, and he can see it quite clearly, then it can only explain one point.Lin Mu's strength is no longer something they can guess.

At this moment, they no longer wondered why Lin Mu ignored them, because Lin Mu had such strength.

"This kid's domain is so strong, he can almost be equal to us immortal emperors." Although Gu Gong didn't want to admit it, there are some facts that cannot be denied.

Hongdao also did not expect that Lin Muyu's cultivation was so powerful.

"I don't know how many secrets there are in this kid." Hongdao also secretly guessed in his heart.

Soon everyone came, and all the remaining disciples came.

The elite among the more than 100 elites, the genius among the geniuses, each of them will become the overlord of a domain or a world as long as they are given time.Such a picture, just thinking about it, feels shocking and exciting.

Lin Mu faced it alone, and the expressions of the more than 100 future overlords were still so calm and calm.

"Lin Mu, don't you want to wait for me? Now we are here, you obediently hand over all your name tags and everything on your body, and we can let you go." Someone stood up and said.

The person who stood up to speak at this time did not really mean that he was the leader of the crowd, the boss of the crowd.

On the contrary, those who speak at this time are usually young people.

"Let you talk to me according to what you say, you little guy, I feel sick just looking at it." Lin Mu said mercilessly.


Xiao Luo is really going to be mad with anger, but what Lin Mu said is really good, he really doesn't have the final say.And he didn't dare to admit that he was the one who had the final say.

Although he is a genius, among the geniuses, his strength is not enough.Otherwise, he wouldn't be a young man.


Xiao Luo shut up, and suddenly five or six people spoke at the same time, and they all called out Lin Mu's name.

Lin Mu looked at the people who spoke, and said frivolously: "I only have one mouth, you want me to answer your words, or you should fight yourself first, and then see who wins and who wins. I only talk to the victors. Talk, losers don't deserve to talk to me."

"Lin Mu, don't sow discord here, hand over the name tag in your hand, and then hand over everything on your body, and then you cut yourself, and we can guarantee that your life-saving jade slip will not be moved." It is a person with an eighth-level fairy weapon, and said to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu looked at the speaker and said, "Can your words represent them?"

Lin Mu's question is really not evil. If she says yes, then the rest of the people will not be happy.Everyone is a genius, why should you replace me.

But if he says no, he's totally farting.

"Yes! I can represent everyone!" The speaker replied after hearing Lin Mu's words.

Lin Mu was very surprised by such an answer. He really didn't know where this man got the courage to dare to say that he could represent everyone.

Sure enough, the voice of this person did not fall, and the crowd was completely blown up.

Suddenly two people jumped out, pointed at the speaker and cursed: "What do you think you are, you can represent everyone."

"What am I? That's my own business. When are you waiting, go ask your ancestors carefully. Your ancestors will tell you who I am."

After the person who stood up finished speaking, he raised his hand, and a ray of light burst out.Then the light split into two streams at the low end in the middle, and shot directly at the two people who were speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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