Supreme Chef

Chapter 179 Please Call Me Auntie

Chapter 179 Please Call Me Auntie

Zhao Yuyang's intention is obvious, that is to make Lin Mu look ugly in public.

Others didn't know what happened between Lin Mu and Zhao Yuyang, but Elder Tong was really dissatisfied with Zhao Yuyang's performance. Anyway, Lin Mu was a guest he personally picked up, so he didn't look at the monk. In front of Buddha, Zhao Yuyang shouldn't treat Da Linmu like this.

Besides who Lin Mu is, he is his own savior, and Lin Mu's ability, Tong Lao has seen with his own eyes, such a master, Tong Lao will never offend him.

Because of the dislike towards Zhao Yuyang, even seeing the things he sent, he was a little disliked.

Lin Mu looked at Zhao Yuyang's provocative gaze, didn't care at all, and smiled slightly: "Mr. Tong, you know I'm not that rich, I just prepared a small gift!"

Tong Lao said with a smile: "Nephew Lin Xian, what dialect are you talking about? I am already very happy that you can come!"

Elder Tong deliberately emphasized the relationship between Lin Mu and himself, and gave a small warning to those who had other plans in mind.

Lin Mu took out a jade pendant that wasn't too fine, and said, "I'll give you a piece of jade, too, Mr. Tong, but it's not Hetian jade, it's just a piece of ordinary jade, but it's still good for calming the mind and nourishing one's spirit."

Everyone looked at the piece of jade that Lin Mu took out, which was not good in quality and in appearance, and they couldn't help but sneer at it. Such a thing, even if it was worth 1000 yuan, it would be too much.

Zhao Yuyang took out such a thing when he saw Lin Mu, and finally showed a triumphant smile on his face. Obviously, he thought that he had won this time.

Tong Lao naturally didn't care about a piece of ordinary jade, but he still took it to take care of Lin Shu's face.

Tong Hanbo just received the jade handed by Lin Mu, his face suddenly changed, and he said in a low voice: "Dad, brother Lin's gift is too precious! We..."

Looking at Tong Hanbo's expression, Elder Tong also accepted the jade pendant from Lin Mu. As soon as he got it, Elder Tong's expression changed drastically. As soon as he was about to speak, he saw Lin Mu shook his head at them, signaling Elder Tong not to speak.

Of course, Lin Mu wouldn't just buy a piece of jade to fool Tong Lao. This piece of jade was made by Lin Mu, a fourth-grade mortal vessel.

The function of this jade is indeed the same as what Lin Mu said, calming the mind and nourishing the spirit, but because it already belongs to the category of magic tools for cultivation, so the effect is self-evident.

As soon as Mr. Tong came into contact with him, he felt a warm current spread all over his body in an instant. Every pore of his body opened, exchanging fresh air with the outside world quickly, and he himself instantly felt that he was at least 20 years younger. age.

Tong Lao is not an uninformed person, he knows what magic tools are, and he also knows how precious magic tools are.

It can be said that tonight, even the sum of all the things that everyone gave him was not worth as much as what Lin Mu gave him!

The others were far away and did not see the change in Tong Lao's expression, but Zhao Yuyang was right in front of him, so he could see clearly.

He could tell that Tong Lao's expression just now was not fake, nor was it intended for him to see. It was really shocking, which made Zhao Yuyang very interested in the gift from Lin Mu.

But in front of so many people, it is absolutely impossible for Zhao Yuyang to bow his head.

Soon everyone gave their own gifts, and after giving the gifts, the next step was the ball.

Zhao Yuyang was interrupted by Lin Mu just now, and Tong Jiahui was not invited. Now that the opportunity came, he naturally would not give up, and stepped forward again: "Sister Jiahui, let me invite you to dance!"

Tong Jiahui said indifferently: "I'm sorry, my first dance is to dance with my father!"

Zhao Yuyang also smiled slightly when he heard Tong Jiahui's words, and said, "Should! Please!"

Tong Jiahui turned around with a smile and took Tong Lao's hand, saying, "Dad, I invite you to dance the first dance!"

Tong Lao smiled and said: "Dancing is the fun of you young people. I, an old man, won't join in the fun with you. Go find Lin Mu!"

Zhao Yuyang frowned slightly when he heard Tong Lao's words.

Although this is only a half-joke, the meaning conveyed in it is already very clear.

Tong Jiahui turned around and took a look. Zhao Yuyang, who was still smiling, turned to look at Lin Mu and said, "Mr. Lin, doesn't he know that we can dance?"

Lin Mu smiled embarrassedly, and said, "I really don't know how to do this!"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yuyang quickly said: "Sister Jiahui, since he can't, let's dance!"

Tong Jiahui ignored Zhao Yuyang at all, but continued to look at Lin Mu and said, "No, it doesn't matter, I can teach you!"

Lin Mu glanced at Zhao Yuyang and said, "Okay!"

The two entered the dance floor hand in hand, leaving Zhao Yuyang alone.This made Zhao Yuyang very upset. Looking at the backs of the two, the anger in his eyes almost gushed out.

After the two entered the dance floor, Lin Mu said, "I really don't know how to dance!"

Tong Jiahui gave Lin Mu a hard look, and said, "I told you I taught you! Are you going to leave now and leave me here alone!"

Lin Mu looked at the bustling crowd around him, smiled apologetically, and said, "I'm sorry!"

Tong Jiahui snorted and said, "Put your hands on my waist!"

Lin Mu let out an 'oh', and covered Tong Jiahui's slender buttocks with his big hands.

Tong Jiahui felt her buttocks being attacked, her pretty face blushed for no reason, she glared at Lin Mu, and whispered, "It's the waist, not the butt!"

"Oh! Oh!" Lin Mu hurriedly agreed, and quickly moved his hand up and placed it on Tong Jiahui's slender waist.

But although he agreed with his mouth, what he thought in his heart was that Tong Jiahui's buttocks were full of elasticity, no worse than Feng Man's!

Feeling the temperature from Lin Mu's palm, Tong Jiahui felt her heartbeat seem to speed up a lot.

Lin Mu looked at Tong Jiahui and said, "Sister Jiahui, are you sick? Your heart is beating so fast!"

Tong Jiahui had forgotten that Lin Mu was still a very good doctor, so she rolled her eyes at Lin Mu and said, "Don't worry about it!"

As the music sounded, Tong Jiahui and Lin Mu began to embrace each other and dance.It is true that Lin Mu can't dance, but Lin Mu's learning ability is definitely the fastest. In just a few minutes, Lin Mu has already mastered all the skills of dancing.

Tong Jiahui looked at Lin Mu. If Lin Mu hadn't been very clumsy just now, she really couldn't believe that Lin Mu was just learning to dance.

As the music progressed, Lin Mu danced better and better, and Tong Jiahui also cooperated exceptionally.

Before I knew it, Lin Mu and Tong Jiahui were left dancing in the middle of the dance floor.

Although Lin Mu is not as handsome as Zhao Yuyang, he is definitely handsome.Moreover, the ethereal temperament on his body makes people look very close to the original intention and very comfortable.

Elder Tong squinted his eyes and looked at the two dancing on the dance floor, with a satisfied smile on his lips.

At the end of the song, Lin Mu grabbed Tong Jiahui's waist with one hand, a very classic closing action.

Tong Jiahui didn't know if it was because she was tired or because of other reasons, her pretty face was flushed.At this moment, she could feel the strong manly aura coming from Lin Mu at such a close distance, which made her breathe even faster.

Lin Mu looked at Tong Jiahui, and Tong Jiahui also looked at Lin Mu, their eyes met, and a strange feeling lingered between them.


When the people around saw such a beautiful couple, they all applauded, but there was only one person who was very upset, and that was Zhao Yuyang.

Lin Mu pulled Tong Jiahui up, smiled slightly and said, "Sister Jiahui, take a rest!"

Tong Jiahui nodded silently, like an obedient little girlfriend, let Lin Mu pull her, and came to the side to rest.

Seeing Lin Mu and Tong Jiahui being so close, Zhao Yuyang was even more jealous. Suddenly, Zhao Yuyang came to Tong Jiahui and Lin Mu with two glasses of wine, smiling, and said with a smile: "Miss Jiahui is tired!"

Tong Jiahui did not refuse Zhao Yuyang's kindness, and took the wine glass in his hand.

Zhao Yuyang looked at Lin Mu and said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Lin is a good-looking talent, he should have a girlfriend, right?"

Zhao Yuyang looked at Lin Mu and thought, "I'll see how you end up this time. If you don't let me have a good time, you can't have a good time either."

Zhao Yuyang's careful thinking, as long as he is an individual, he can see it.

Tong Jiahui looked at Lin Mu, and her heart beat faster again. She was a little worried about hearing the answer she was thinking.

Lin Mu looked at Zhao Yuyang, and said, "Yes! I have girlfriends, and there are more than one, and one of them is an alumnus with you, the one you wanted to harass but failed!"

Hearing Lin Mu's answer, Zhao Yuyang gritted his teeth fiercely, wishing he could go up and eat Lin Mu alive right now.

Lin Mu really didn't know which pot to open and which pot to lift, but he had no way to refute it.Moreover, Lin Mu's answer just now was even more ingenious.Even though he satirized himself, he did not deny the fact that he had a girlfriend, but to outsiders, Lin Mu's answer was somewhat ambiguous, making it impossible to judge.

Zhao Yuyang gritted his teeth, looked at Tong Jiahui, and said, "Sister Jiahui..."

Before Zhao Yuyang finished speaking, Tong Jiahui said coldly: "Please call me Auntie from now on!"

Zhao Yuyang's performance today has completely destroyed his image in Tong Jiahui's heart, otherwise, Tong Jiahui would not have said such a thing!

When Zhao Yuyang heard Tong Jiahui's words, he was about to explode with anger. He gave Lin Mu a hard look, turned around and left the villa directly!
(End of this chapter)

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