Supreme Chef

Chapter 1790 Exchange Conditions

Chapter 1790 Exchange Conditions
Everyone looked at Lin Mu, especially some older figures in the college, they all knew the theory that existed in the deduction back then.It's just that no one has ever realized that theory, so it was shelved.

But now that someone has walked out of such a path, they also want to see how strong such Lu is.

All those who besieged the forest were equally shocked.They have never heard of such a road, and they have never seen it before.

However, their attacks did not stop, all the attacks crazily rumbled through the trees.

Under the addition of the formation, all the powers are tripled.

Although Lin Shu tried his best to avoid it, he couldn't really avoid it completely.



The attack fell and hit the Dao Ze armor of the forest.

On Dao Ze's armor, there is a stream of light flowing, and the light flows rapidly, forming a layer of light shield.

This mask is the real Taoism armor, which is the supreme existence.

The attack bombarded him, but it only shocked him a little, and it didn't really break through.

"This kind of road is really amazing. Only a few runes have been formed. If three thousand runes are really formed, not to mention the attack power, the defense power is absolutely invincible. Even people in that world , I am afraid it is impossible to break through." Gu Gong was also deeply shocked by such a defensive power.

Hongdao also said: "This kid really gave us a big surprise."

Gu Gong said: "I really underestimated him. He actually walked out of a road that no one has ever walked before. And he has gone so far."

In the martial arts arena, although Lin Mu was under a lot of pressure, it was also beneficial.

People outside can't enter the formation, if they enter the formation, then there is no such power bonus.

If you don't fight with them, the trees will be able to sway more freely.

Seeing that Lin Mu had already seen through the mystery of her formation, the Emperor Nan Di was also a little panicked.

If Lin Mu forcibly seized this base, then her loss would be really too great.

Her handprints changed continuously, everything was like lightning, and the scene in the formation also changed rapidly, as if to confuse the trees.

"Open it for me!"

But in the end, Lin Mu locked the position, but there is still a formation guarding here, and Lin Mu directly punched out, directly hitting the formation.

Under Lin Mu's divine fist, the formation directly collapsed, and then collapsed badly, and half of the foundation of the formation was completely exposed.

The formation foundation really doesn't look like a product of this era, because the patterns recorded on it, and the principles it represents, are completely different from this era.

"Could it be something from that world?" Lin Mu stared at Zhenji and whispered to himself.

For that world, Lin Mu knew too little.Apart from knowing that the world is very strong, Lin Mu doesn't know anything.

"Ling Mu, how dare you!" The Southern Emperor, seeing Lin Mu making a move and preparing to pick off the half of the formation foundation, also went crazy.

This foundation is the foundation of her future success, if it is taken away by Lin Shu, she will not be able to bear such a loss.

The figure of the Southern Emperor flashed and appeared in the formation.

Lin Mu had been waiting for her a long time ago. Outside, Lin Mu had nothing to do with her, unable to break out of the formation.

But in the formation, some of Lin Mu seemed to deal with her.


Lin Mu directly swept away thousands of troops, taking advantage of Nan Di Nu's unsteady foothold, he directly hit her weak spot.

With the strength of Lin Shu's leg, it can easily shatter a divine peak.Being swept head-on like this, one can imagine the strength that the Southern Empress would bear.

When dealing with enemies, Lin Mu has never had the consciousness to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade.


The Southern Emperor coughed up blood, and flew backwards.

Lin Mu let go of the formation for the time being, stepped out with one step, and came directly to the front. He punched out directly, and once again sent the Southern Emperor's daughter flying.

After two heavy blows, the Southern Emperor's daughter had already lost her combat effectiveness.


With a suction of Lin Mu's big hand, the Southern Emperor was attracted by Lin Mu.

Taking out her name tag, Lin Mu said, "Do you want me to kill you, or let me out."

Lin Mu had carefully observed the base of the formation just now, even if he took the base away, the formation could not be broken by himself.

Moreover, the Southern Emperor has already recognized the master with Zhenji's blood, and it will take time for Lin Mu to refine it.

But what Lin Mu needs most now is time, and Lin Mu doesn't have time to deliberately refine this foundation.

Empress Nandi pinched her neck and said, "If you have the ability, kill me, kill me, and you will still not be able to leave here."

Lin Mu smiled evilly and said, "Do you think a generation of emperors who died naked in front of everyone will become the headline news of the academy?"

When the Southern Emperor heard Lin Mu's words, her pretty face suddenly changed color.

"Lin Mu, how dare you!"

Lin Mu said: "There is nothing I dare not do. If you can do such despicable things, I can do despicable things than you. Of course, I am not as despicable as your father, but on his daughter, I am afraid I can still do something about returning a little interest."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, Chaos Fire appeared on the palm of his hand.

"Don't think that your Lingluo battle clothes can protect you. In front of the Chaos Fire, it is nothing, and it can't stop anything." Lin Mu said softly.

The Southern Emperor looked at the chaotic fire flowing in Lin Mu's palm, her expression fluctuated.She was very sure that if she dared to say 'no', Lin Mu would definitely do such a thing.

If Lin Mu really allowed himself to die naked here, not only his own face, but also the face of the entire Southern Emperor Sect would be gone.

"Okay, I'll let you go, let me go first!" Nandi said through gritted teeth.

Lin Mu said: "When you take me out of here, I will naturally let you go."

The Southern Emperor said: "If you don't let me go, I won't be able to use my means to take you out of here."

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "Do you think I'm a three-year-old child? Now I give you two choices, either take me out of here, or you will die here naked. Or I can restrain you first, and then let you give everything to me." Let me show you the demeanor of the emperor, and then I will kill you. Anyway, I also have a life-saving jade slip, and I will die at worst."

When the Southern Emperor heard Lin Mu's words, she gritted her silver teeth "creaking" and "creaking". This tree is really abominable, it is so shameless, does it have the demeanor of a master.

"You still have three breaths to think about it. After three breaths, I will start." Lin Mu said.

"Okay! I agree, I'll take you away now." After finishing speaking, Emperor Nandi directly used her means to leave the place with Lin Shu.

(End of this chapter)

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