Supreme Chef

Chapter 1812 Spoiler

Chapter 1812 Spoiler (1)

The strong are actively invited to enter, and the weak can only be cleared. This is the cruel reality.

And everyone can see that this time the clearing is dominated by the original forces in the Supreme Academy, that is, people from the five major families.

Emperor Zong was even excluded. It was obvious that the relationship between the five major families and Emperor Zong had become so discordant.

Soon after the emperor's sons heard the news, they also came from afar.

The natural royal aura of this core battlefield can be said to be the biggest opportunity for this trip.Anyone who gets it will get unimaginable benefits.

The emperors came in groups and came to this outskirts, asking to join and enter the stars.

But obviously their request was ruthlessly rejected.The Emperor Sect of the present age was originally in a competitive relationship with the five major families.If the five major families could agree, it would be strange for the emperor to enter.

"Why don't you let us in, are you going to start a war?" Someone from the emperor's side stood up and said arrogantly.

"Go to war? Do you think you are worthy? You are just parasites attached to the academy. If you are rewarded with a bite of food, don't you know what your status is?" The five major families are not easy to provoke.

"What did you say! Say it again if you have the ability!" The emperor is the most noble person in the world, and he has never been insulted like this before.

None of their qualifications and talents are inferior to these people in the academy.It's no wonder they can endure being insulted like this now.

"I said you are trash and parasites. If you want to hear, I can say it dozens of times." The disciple of the five major families said.

"I think you are looking for death!" The emperor could bear it and was ready to do it.

"You want to do it, don't you? Let's weigh your own abilities first. Do you see who is over there?" The people from the five major families said to Tiandao and Lan Mo's resting place.

Seeing Tiandao and Lan Mo, the emperor's children couldn't help but change their expressions.

Tiandao and Lan Mo are the top geniuses in the academy.Their strength completely suppresses all of them.

If these two people were there, they would have no chance of winning at all.

And besides Tiandao and Lan Mo, they also saw that the three of them were not weaker than Tiandao and Lan Mo.

These are people from the five major families. After all, they have always been in the academy, and it is normal for them to be stronger than them.

Although they are the sons of the emperor, they are still slightly inferior to the disciples in the academy.

And they took the initiative to invite Tiandao and Lan Mo to enter for such a purpose.

"I told you that you are parasites, but you still don't believe it. Do you have to be slapped in the face for you to believe that you are parasites?" Seeing Dizi's gang change color, the people here became more and more arrogant.

The emperor's sons were all angry, but with Tian Dao and Lan Mo present, they could only endure it.


But when the two sides were in a stalemate, an unparalleled light suddenly shone on the side of the emperor.

Then the light swept across, instantly beheading the arrogant person just now, turning his corpse into thousands of pieces, turning him into a pile of flesh and blood.

"How dare you take action and kill them all!" Seeing the emperor's side, someone dared to take action, and the people of the five major families quit immediately.

They made a move, which is a direct declaration of war, and there is nothing to say.Just fight directly.

The people from the five major families made a move directly, although the emperor didn't know who made the move.But the opponent has already made a move, so they naturally can't sit still.

The person who made the move was of course not the emperor's son.It's the trees that have been hiding in the dark all the time. The trees here must fight for the opportunity.

In this case, it is obvious that Lin Shu has no chance to enter it.What the trees need now is chaos, the more chaos the trees have, the more opportunities they have.

The two parties directly fought together, and an unimaginable battle took place between the two sides.

Lin Mu, who made a shot once, immediately hid behind, avoiding the battlefield far away.

In fact, the emperor's side was also very depressed.

Because they don't know who made the move on their side.This stick was really muddled, they didn't know why they hit it at all.

"The five big families are too arrogant. Why do they control this place? This kind of natural opportunity, everyone has a share and everyone is equal." Lin Mu shouted loudly at the back.

Lin Shu's voice was ethereal, and no one could tell where Lin Shu made his voice.

However, when the emperors heard Lin Mu's words, they were very grateful to Lin Mu.

"This Taoist brother is right. In the face of opportunities, everyone is equal." Some of the emperor's sons also raised their arms and shouted, and then they suddenly became passionate.

Lin Mu looked at the emperors from behind, shouting for himself, and found it funny.

With the enthusiasm of the crowd, the place was completely blown up, and a full-scale scuffle broke out.

The emperor's sons united with other casual cultivators here, and launched a frenzied attack on the people of the five major families.

Wave after wave of shocks caused great losses to the people of the five major families, and made the people of the five major families suffer unimaginable losses.


Seeing that the situation was out of control, Tian Dao, Lan Mo and others had no choice but to stand up and suppress it with all their strength.

They represent the interests of the five major families. They cannot let the situation go on like this, and it will not be of any benefit to them in the end.

"What do you want to do?" Tiandao snorted and asked coldly.

Tiandao puts a lot of pressure on everyone. Tiandao is alone, and everyone on the side of the oppressive forest cannot raise their heads.

"We want our own chances." The emperor who knew the East Emperor best stood up and said.

After all, being the emperor's son, Tiandao and the others were still a little afraid.If they were damaged, those from the lineage of the Immortal Emperor in the academy would definitely go crazy.

Although in the academy, their power cannot be compared with the five major families.But in the fairy world, and there have been rumors for a long time, these emperors all have guardians, especially the emperor, the guardian behind him is even more terrifying.

Therefore, they are more or less afraid of these emperors.

"If you want your own opportunities, then you can find them yourself. This place does not belong to you." Tiandao said calmly.

"We also saw it the first time, so why should we say that this place doesn't belong to us?" Youdizi said.


Tiandao snorted coldly, then flicked his big sleeve, and directly sent the emperor flying.

"You dare to do it!" Seeing that Tiandao dared to do it directly, the remaining emperors were also angry.

"I have nothing to dare you. There are guardians behind you, but this is the Supreme Academy. It is not a place where they can run wild. I can do whatever I want to you. If you don't want to die, immediately Get out!" Tiandao's words were cold and domineering.

The emperor gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly.

"How about the five big families, we won't leave today, let's see what you can do for us!" Lin Mu came out again to disrupt the situation, and at the same time, Lin Mu made a decisive move and directly blasted towards Tiandao.

Lin Shu used all his strength in this blow.

The rumbling Destruction Thunder, accompanied by the infinite Destruction Light, directly bombarded the Heavenly Dao.

Tiandao didn't expect at all that the opponent actually dared to attack him.And this shot turned out to be a lore.

(End of this chapter)

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