Supreme Chef

Chapter 1815 Born Spirit

Chapter 1815 Born Spirit (2)

In the end, almost everyone left, even Tiandao and Lan Mo left, because they were convinced that they would not be able to get the opportunity here.

Of course, there were some who were unwilling to give up, but these people were even more unbearable. After five or six deaths, they all left silently.

After everyone left, only Lin Mu remained.

However, no one paid attention to Lin Mu. After all, the cultivation level shown by Lin Mu was only in the middle stage of Xianjun.

Even people like Tiandao have left, what can a fairy king in the middle stage do.Staying here is just a waste of time.

But in Lin Mu's view, this is not a waste of time.

Moreover, Lin Mu is just waiting for them to leave. It is best to do some things by himself and not let others find out.

After making sure that everyone had left, Lin Shu fell to the ground, ready to start a careful deduction.

It is very difficult to form such a natural spirit with this kind of natural imperial aura.

But he has formed now, there must be something wrong with it.

Lin Shu deduces in the void, but Lin Mu's deduction does not use the five elements and eight trigrams.

Instead, use the principles of time directly, start to deduce backwards, let the time go back directly, and then see what happened here.

It is not difficult for Lin Mu to go back in time.After all, trees are not changing, they are just watching.

This method was taught to Lin Mu by the longevity medicine, and Lin Mu didn't know it before.

The long river of time appeared in front of Lin Shu, but this was not the real torrent of time, it was just a tributary that belonged here.

As time went by, Lin Mu saw the changes of the times here.

In that distant past, this battlefield has been completely blown up.This star was formed tens of thousands of years after the war.

But these are not what Lin Mu cares about. What Lin Mu really cares about is the black and bulging piece of iron that was wrapped up by the stars when they were just formed.

The reason why this piece of iron was noticed by Lin Mu was because the location of this piece of iron was exactly where the ancient well was.

This is definitely not a coincidence, because this kind of coincidence is really a bit nonsense for Lin Mu.

"It seems that this is the root cause. As long as I find it, I should be able to control it." Lin Mu broke up the long river of time and murmured.

This kind of thing is also very energy-consuming and energy-consuming for Lin Mu.

After determining the location of that thing, the next step is how to get it.

According to the reminder in the long river of time, that piece of iron is at the place where the ancient well connects to the star core.

But what Lin Mu has to do now is to go deep into the core of the earth, and what he also needs to do is not to be discovered by the dragon.

This flood dragon is not only superior in strength, but also very vigilant. If he enters rashly, he will definitely be discovered by this flood dragon.At that time, I really can't eat and walk around. There are so many people who are no match for it alone, and it is even more impossible for me to be his match alone.

Lin Mu pondered on the spot for a long time, and finally prepared to take a risky experiment. After all, with such an opportunity, Lin Mu couldn't just watch it like this.Lin Mu always felt a little reconciled without trying once.

After arranging the trees on the ground and doing some tricks, they began to go deep underground.

But Lin Mu didn't dare to approach there all at once, because it was too dangerous.

The trees first quickly penetrated to the core of the earth in their own place, and then moved laterally there.

It's a waste of time, but at least it's safer.

Although the geology here is hard, it is not too difficult for the trees.

Pushing forward all the way, the trees quickly reached the position of the earth's core.

But after arriving here, Lin Mu found that he had made a very fatal mistake.

The formation of this star is due to the condensation of fighting spirit.The core of the earth is the place where the concentration of fighting energy is the highest. The concentration of fighting energy here makes it difficult for trees to move forward.

The fighting spirit here is absolutely deadly.

However, this is also beneficial, that is, the situation here, no matter how sensitive the dragon's divine sense is, it is impossible to discover the situation here.Because once the consciousness goes deep here, it will be shattered immediately, and it cannot be condensed at all.

Of course, it is impossible for anyone to travel too far from this place to reach the location of the iron block.

This in itself is a natural barrier.

It's all here, if Lin Mu doesn't give it a try, how could he just go back like this.


Lin Mu used all the defensive means he could come up with, and even sacrificed the Medicine King Cauldron.

The Medicine King Ding is the top alchemy tripod, and its origin is very mysterious.Until now, Lin Shu has not figured out what its material is.

But Lin Mu understood that its defense was also very strong.

Lin Mu hid in the Medicine King Cauldron and directly crossed the berserk fighting spirit.

The spirit of battle is pervasive, crazily attacking the medicine king tripod.Yao Wang Ding was in the midst of the fighting spirit, and the wind and rain were precarious, as if it was about to fall at any moment.

Even Lin Mu felt dizzy in the medicine king cauldron.Lin Mu is already in the middle stage of Xianjun, and he feels dizzy.It can be seen how huge the pressure and vibration this Medicine King Ding has endured must have been.


After flying more than half of the distance, Yao Wangding didn't greet him with trees at all, and hid directly in the chaotic world.

The Medicine King Cauldron hadn't fully recovered, and couldn't bear such an impact at all.Hiding inside by oneself is also a very normal thing.

"Too disrespectful!" Seeing Yao Wangding hiding, Lin Mu muttered softly.

Yaowang Ding hid, Lin Mu could only face it by himself, and then continued to cross.

After all, more than half of the journey has already passed, Lin Mu is really unwilling to let Lin Mu go back like this.And even if you want to go back, you can only go back the same way, and the result is the same.

Lin Mu protects his body with the battle clothes of Dao, and at the same time protects his body with Wan Dao to ensure that his body will not fall.At the same time, he used the soul-suppressing talisman as a protection to completely protect his sea of ​​consciousness and keep his sea of ​​consciousness from falling.

The fighting spirit here is too violent, even if Lin Mu has the right to fight, his whole body is numb from the shock, and he feels that his body is about to fall apart.

"It's enough to come to this kind of ghost place once in a lifetime." Lin Mu cursed as he struggled forward.

If Lin Mu is allowed to choose this kind of ghost place again, Lin Mu will never come again.

The trees are inside, step by step forward with difficulty.After walking a hundred feet away, Lin Mu had vaguely seen the piece of iron.But I can't see clearly here, and the trees can only be a hazy scene.

But even with such a hazy scene, Lin Mu felt that this thing was very extraordinary.Especially the chaotic air permeating above it is so thick that it can hardly be melted away.

(End of this chapter)

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