Supreme Chef

Chapter 1817 Unable to Absorb

Chapter 1817 Unable to Absorb (1)

However, the trees have shaken the foundation of this place, and the dragon entrenched on the ancient well has also sensed it.


Jiaolong roared, and immediately drilled back, ready to kill this, daring to touch his fundamental things.

Lin Mu also felt the huge oppressive force, and quickly typed out a group of runes to speed up the collection of the fragments of the dragon pattern tripod.

Seeing that the flood dragon was approaching, Lin Mu's body also felt a tearing pain.But in the end, Lin Mu's skills were superior, and at the moment when the flood dragon approached, Lin Mu took the fragments of the dragon pattern tripod into his hands.

Seeing that Lin Mu took the Dragon Pattern Cauldron in his hand, Jiaolong also abruptly stopped his downward steps.It stopped at a distance of ten feet from the forest. The huge snake head kept spitting out its core, and the threat and warning in its eyes were beyond words.

It's hard enough for a flood snake to have such a rich expression.

But now Lin Shu holds its life-blood in his hands.So it can only stare at it, as for the others, it dare not make any movements at all.

This human, being able to collect its dragon pattern tripod, obviously shows that it has a way to control it.

"What do you look at, stupid, bite me if you have the ability. If you bite me, I will crush it." Lin Mu threatened Jiao Snake.

"do not want!"

Seeing Lin Mu's strength, Jiao Snake actually spoke.

When Lin Mu heard Jiao Snake speak, he also felt quite novel, and said: "You can talk, I really didn't expect it, but it will save us a lot of effort to communicate."

Jiao Snake said: "I can give you whatever you want, but you must return the fragments of the Dragon Pattern Cauldron to me first."

Lin Mu said: "Are you my child? Can I believe what you say? And you are the most cunning things like snakes and snakes."

The serpent stared at the triangular eyes, almost spouting fire, and said: "I am a serpent, and I am only one step away from transforming into a dragon. I am a real dragon, not a snake."

Lin Mu looked at the Jiao Snake and said, "Don't get excited, I'm just joking. But aren't you a dragon? So what I said is not bad, but you'd better not threaten me. Once you threaten me, I'll be really easy." Excited, if you accidentally crush this Dragon Pattern Cauldron, your loss will be even greater."

Jiao Snake looked at the trees and said, "You despicable human, what do you want?"

Lin Mu smiled slightly, and said: "What I want is actually very simple. You see that you have a lot of royal aura here, so I'll absorb some casually. You don't think you have any objections?"

When Jiao Snake heard Lin Mu's words, his eyes really spit fire again, and said: "Human beings, you are courting death again."

This royal aura is the key to transforming a snake into a dragon, it is its energy, it is its life.Lin Shu wants to deprive it of its life, so it's no wonder it doesn't get angry.

Lin Mu played with the fragments of the Dragon Pattern Cauldron in his hand, and said, "Little Snake, you are so excited, I am really scared."

Jiao Snake waited fiercely for Lin Mu, and said, "Human beings, challenge my endurance again."

Lin Mu made a hand formula, ready to punch directly into the fragments of the Dragon Pattern Cauldron.

Jiao Snake's expression changed immediately when he saw Lin Mu's knuckles.

It was born from Longwen Ding, and it understands what such a hand formula means to itself.

"If you want imperial energy, I can give it to you." Flood Snake said hastily.

Lin Mu smiled slightly, and said: "It would be great if you cooperated like this earlier. You said how much imperial energy I can absorb by myself. There are so many here, so you can generously let me absorb some."

When Jiao Snake heard Lin Mu's words, she really gritted her teeth.But the snake's head gritted its teeth, and that expression was indeed a little weird.

"Okay, little snake. Don't scare me here, go up and help me protect the law. If someone comes to make trouble, or someone comes to find fault, do you know what to do?" When Lin Mu spoke, the dragon pattern The fragments of the tripod jumped just above the fingers of the tree.

Flood Snake looked at the trees, really wanted to chew up the trees alive, and then swallowed them alive.

But now his own life is in Lin Mu's hands, no matter what he thinks, he can only bear it.

Jiao Snake turned around and flew directly back to the mouth of the ancient well, unwillingly guarding the mouth of the well for Lin Mu.

Seeing Jiao Snake turned and left, Lin Mu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although this flood snake is just a snake, if it really transforms into a dragon, Lin Mu might not be able to withstand that pressure at all.

Fortunately, the fragments of the Dragon Pattern Cauldron are in his own hands, which makes Lin Mu feel a little more at ease.

After the Jiao Snake left, Lin Mu saw that the surroundings had turned into real water-like royal aura, and a greedy light appeared in his eyes.

Lin Shu plunged headlong into the imperial aura and swam in the ocean of imperial aura.

This natural royal aura can be absorbed directly and then transformed into one's own use.

Lin Mu circulated his "Tai Shang Yin Yang Jue" in this imperial energy, directly using the imperial energy here as spiritual energy.

The imperial energy enters Lin Shu's body along Lin Shu's meridians.The imperial energy circulated in Lin Shu's body, and Lin Shu's bones, tendons, and blood all became transparent against the imperial air.

It can be seen that the imperial energy penetrates bit by bit, into the cracks and cracks in the bones of the trees.And the bones that stored the imperial energy also became very sacred.

Royal Qi is a very special existence, in fact, it does not have any special attack power.

But the effect it can play is far more powerful than increasing attack power.

Because imperial energy can communicate with the heaven and the earth, can communicate with the rules of the way, and can be used as a bridge to connect oneself with the heaven and the earth.

This is much stronger than directly increasing the attack power.

Because the better you can communicate, the more you can get in the future.This is the most critical stage before proving the Immortal Emperor.

Whoever gets more recognition from heaven and earth has more hope of becoming an immortal emperor.So royal air is extremely important to anyone.

Lin Shu wantonly absorbed, without any scruples at all.

As for the snake entrenched above the mouth of the ancient well, it felt that the accumulation of Dao imperial energy was decreasing.Flood Snake's heart is bleeding, this forest is too hateful.Absorbing one's natural royal aura in this way, isn't it killing one's own life?

The Jiao Snake really wanted to rush down and tear up the trees.But it doesn't know where Lin Mu got the formula.He could actually control his own dragon pattern tripod, and even destroy the dragon pattern on it.

If it wasn't for this, Jiao Snake would have made a move long ago and tore Lin Mu, the hateful human being, to shreds.

Lin Mu didn't know about Jiao Snake's gnashing of teeth, because Lin Mu was completely immersed in the feeling and process of absorbing imperial energy.

This kind of feeling makes Lin Shu seem to be able to directly talk to heaven, earth and Taoism.This feeling is very mysterious, but also very magical.

Lin Shu can even clearly grasp the rhythm of the world.

But then something happened that Lin Mu couldn't understand, because Lin Mu couldn't absorb the imperial energy here at all.All the imperial energy just circulated in Lin Mu's body, and then went out.Including the royal aura in one's own bones, the same is true.

(End of this chapter)

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