Supreme Chef

Chapter 1820 Free Thugs

Chapter 1820 Free Thugs (2)

Lin Mu worked very hard to find his enemies, but his enemies were all playing hide and seek like him.Lin Mu couldn't find an enemy that would pop out if he didn't look for it before.

This method of cheating can only be used once.Therefore, Lin Mu had to look for it very carefully. If it was a small character, such a rare opportunity would be too wasted.

Even if Lin Shu wanted to be murdered, he had to be at least at the level of Tian Dao.Otherwise, it would be a waste of money to waste the opportunity like this.

Lin Mu wandered around in the star field, but after wandering around for a month, Lin Mu couldn't find a worthy opponent.Although among them, Lin Mu also saw a few opponents of his own.

For example, the emperor of the fairy world, but the emperor of the fairy world, Lin Mu can solve it by himself.Even if it is to be killed, it must be the heir of the emperor.

Just when Lin Shu was about to give up and look for other opportunities.Fortunately, I finally hit it by myself.

Lin Mu unexpectedly met Tiandao and Lan Mo, the two didn't know if it was a coincidence, or they had discussed it.They attacked back and forth, blocking the trees.

But this time Lin Mu didn't panic, instead he was a little happy.

This means that it doesn't take much effort to find nowhere to go through the iron shoes, and the forest is waiting for the two of them to come to the door.Unexpectedly, he was actually hit by Lin Shu.

"It's really easy for Lin Mu to find nowhere. We meet again." Lan Mo looked at Lin Mu and said with a smile.

In this case, Lin Mu also wanted to tell Lan Mo and Tiandao.But Lin Mu was worried that after he said it, the two would run away again.Isn't this a waste of effort?

"What do you two want to do?" Lin Mu asked vigilantly.

Lan Mo and Tiandao looked at Lin Shu calmly, and said, "What do you think the two of us want to do?"

Lin Mudao: "You two want to keep me, do you think you two have the ability?"

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Lan Mo smiled and said, "You're a person who only knows how to run around like a mouse, what other skills do you have besides your words?"

Lin Mu looked at Lan Mo and said, "At least I'm still as strong, but besides being shameless, what else is there to be strong about?"

Tiandao looked at Lan Mo and said, "Let's attack together, whoever catches him first will own it."

Lan Mo looked at Tiandao and said, "Okay."

"You two are shameless, you can't even say this kind of words. It seems that you two are determined not to be shameless. It seems that I will take a good note of the faces of you two, and then take them back, Show it to everyone. See what a shameless person is like. Also let the newcomers learn a lot, these two shameless magic skills." Lin Mu said with no mercy.


The faces of the two changed slightly, and then they shot at the same time, preparing to capture the forest tree.Lin Mu's mouth is indeed very damaged, and I don't know if it's because he has been with Wu De and the others for a long time.

Tiandao and Lan Mo are both role models for the disciples in the academy.It is unimaginable for the two of them to make a move.

Although Lin Mu has benefited, he is not an opponent of the two.But there is a more labor-saving method, Lin Mu will not be so stupid as to confront them head-on.

Lin Mu directly used the speed rule to leave, and then took the two of them around the battlefield in circles.

"It seems that you will only run around with your head in your arms, and you will never become a big weapon." Lan Mo said sarcastically from behind.

Lin Mu sneered in his heart and didn't speak.

It was definitely impossible for Lin Mu to bring the two of them to Jiao Snake from the very beginning.Lin Mu needs to take the two of them around, and when he is sure that the two of them will not doubt it, he will take them to the star where the snake is.

Lin Mu led the two of them around the battlefield for a few days.Then he deliberately sold two flaws to them.

Created the illusion that he was injured by them, so that the acting was more realistic and it was easier for the two of them to be fooled.

Lin Mu vomited blood in front of him, turned his head, and said viciously, "You two despicable and shameless people, two of you beat the other, and even made a sneak attack."

"You can say whatever you want, anyway, you are going to die in the end." Lan Mo said relaxedly.

When Lin Mu heard this, he couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

While flying, Lin Shu kept avoiding the attacks of the two.

After the two chased for a while, they also felt that something was not quite right.But the trees are right in front of them, and the two will not give up.

There are secrets on Lin Mu's body, and there is also the juice of the elixir of life.These are what they urgently need, and getting trees is like opening a treasure house.

Lin Mu saw that the time was almost up, and worried that the two of them would become suspicious if they continued to circle around.On the back of a star, Lin Mu once again bought a loophole, allowing the two of them to take advantage of it.

Lin Shu directly tore through the space and escaped into the space passage.

Tiandao and Lan Mo watched from behind.He also followed without hesitation, and chased after him along the space passage left by the trees.

When the two reappeared, they found that Lin Shu had already plunged into a place not far from the ancient well.

The Jiao Snake hid in the ancient well because it listened to Lin Mu.When Tiandao and Lan Mo were there, Jiaoshe was not by the ancient well.

However, Tian Dao and Lan Mo still didn't dare to step forward easily.

The threat that the flood snake brought to them was too great, and they dared not rush over.

"Did he do it on purpose, or unintentionally?" Lan Mo asked.

"Whether it's intentional or unintentional, you can't let him go. If you miss this opportunity, it will be very difficult to find him again." Tiandao made up his mind, so he directly attacked Lin Mu.

Seeing this, Lan Mo didn't dare to delay, and directly attacked Lin Mu.

The attack of the two of them can be said to have bombarded and killed Lin Shu without hindrance.

And Lin Mu's body also exploded completely in an instant.

However, neither of them had the slightest bit of joy on their faces, instead they were both terrified and terrified.

"Oops! Hit the game!"

Both of them understood in an instant, but it was obviously a bit late at this time.

Because Jiaolong roared and rushed out of the ancient well.

It is true that Jiaolong cannot be too far away from the ancient well, but such a distance.It wanted to kill Tiandao and Lan Mo, it was as easy as pie.

"Little snake, go! Kill them!"

Standing on the other side of the ancient well, Lin Mu looked at Tiandao and Lan Mo and said with a smile.

Seeing such a scene, the two of them completely understood.At the same time, they also knew what was wrong with them.

It turned out that Lin Mu played with them from the beginning to the end.All the injuries were faked.

A feeling of anger and humiliation permeated from the bottom of their hearts.This kind of shame really made the two of them angry and wanted to roar.

But what the two really want to do at this time is not anger.But how to avoid the attack of the flood snake.

After learning the lesson from last time, Jiao Snake also learned to be smart.Bite directly at the two of them instead of attacking from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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