Supreme Chef

Chapter 1826 Beast Grave

Chapter 1826 Beast Grave (1)

However, Jiao Snake is very annoying to Lin Shu.

Because Lin Mu asked for the location, and it was fine, and he also stole his royal aura.Under Jiao Snake's warning of death, Lin Mu restrained himself a little.However, taking advantage of Jiao Snake's inattention, Lin Mu will still wantonly steal the imperial energy.

"Here, there should be the opportunity you need, go find it." Flood Snake pointed to a place on the map and said.

Lin Mu looked at Jiao Snake and said, "Little Snake, you can't use a little bit of royal air because of me. You can just find a place to fool me? After all, we are also partners. Can we play happily in the future?"

Jiao Snake really hated Lin Mu so much that she gritted her teeth. Jiao Snake looked at Lin Mu and said, "This was once the place where the ancient beasts fought, and it was called the Beast Grave. You are the Wushuang Holy Body, and you should be able to find the bones of the sacred beasts there." Or the blood of divine beasts, used to temper the body."

Lin Mudao: "I have already completed body tempering with real dragon blood."

Jiao Snake looked at the trees, said disdainfully, and said, "The divine beasts that can enter this battlefield are all divine beasts at their peak. The Dragon Emperor, Phoenix Lord, Qilin King, Kunpeng King... all have records of appearing here. If you are sure that the real dragon blood you got is higher than those of these beasts, then you don't have to work hard."

Lin Mu's eyes sparkled, and he said, "Mark me a specific route."

Lin Mu had indeed tempered his body with real dragon blood, but according to the judgment of the blood spirit dragon.This should be just an adult dragon, not far from the Dragon King.

Forest trees are already unparalleled holy bodies. If they want to be fully developed, the resources needed are too huge, and at the same time they are too terrifying.There are very few effective things in the world, but the blood and bones of the Dragon Emperor are the rare things that are useful to the Wushuang Holy Body.

Jiao Snake marked the route on the map, and then pushed the tree, preparing to send the tree away.

Knowing the opportunity, of course Lin Shu will not stay.But before leaving, Lin Mu still led the sheep casually, diverted a lot of royal energy from Jiaoshe's ancient well, and then left.

"Ah! Human, I must kill you." Flood Snake roared angrily, the sound shook the whole field, and the entire star could be heard.

"Little snake, this is punishment for your disrespect to me just now." Lin Mu said.


Flood Snake roared even more angrily when he heard such words.


Seeing where the Jiao Snake was, Lin Mu was angry, gave a smirk, and followed the route to the beast grave.

However, this road is really not easy to walk.Because this is the battlefield, the most chaotic section of Star Road.On this star road, there are countless traps left by those years.Many of them have worked as well to this day.

"This little snake is really not a joke. You chose a broken path for me. When you go back, you must educate and educate it." Lin Mu cursed the snake as he walked.

But this, Lin Mu really blamed Jiao Snake wrongly.This is the road leading to the beast grave, where the ancient beasts used to fight here.

With the appearance of ancient divine beasts, how could this place be peaceful? This is not bad.

If the trees were tens of thousands of years earlier, I am afraid they would not be able to enter here at all.This is not known how many times stronger than tens of thousands of years ago.

Lin Mu has gone all the way, and it can be regarded as a real challenge.I don't know how many traps and residual sword energy I have escaped, even with the cultivation base of Lin Mu Wushuang Holy Physique, I have almost been in danger several times.

After three months, Lin Mu finally arrived at this beast grave where the ancient gods and beasts used to fight.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Mu was really deeply shocked.

The so-called animal grave is actually a continent that is not so huge in size.But what really shocked Lin Shu was not the mainland.

Instead, it was the stars around the continent. Lin Mu saw a star that was tens of thousands of times bigger than the sun.Of course, the point is not the stars, but the paw prints on the stars.

This star was pierced by some kind of divine beast.The huge paw prints are too shocking.

There are countless stars like this on this continent.Not only were there those who were scratched to pieces, but many were bitten to pieces abruptly.

I don't know how big the beast should be, with one mouth, it can bite the stars like this.

Lin Mu once heard the blood spirit dragon say that if he became an adult, he could swallow the stars of the universe.

At that time, Lin Mu thought that the blood spirit dragon was bragging, but now it seems.The blood spirit dragon should not be bragging, and even said that it is very likely that the blood spirit dragon, and it is possible to say a lot less.

Standing on the mainland, Lin Shu was completely numb.

Although Lin Mu didn't see a divine beast, Lin Mu could still imagine how brutal the battle was.

"Why on earth did such a miraculous war happen. Could it be to fight against the power of that world?" Lin Mu stood where he was, thinking again.

Jiaolong didn't know the reason either, after all, Jiaolong was born much later than here.What Jiaolong knew was nothing more than some things recorded on the broken dragon pattern tripod.

Standing there, silent for a while.Lin Mu finally turned around and entered the animal grave.

As soon as Shanglong entered the animal grave, Lin Mu was directly crushed to the ground by an unimaginable pressure, making Lin Shu unable to fly.

This is the real majesty of the beast. Before Lin Shu was outside the animal grave, he didn't feel it at all.I thought they died too far away, and their majesty had disappeared.

But Lin Mu didn't expect that all the majesty of the beasts were confined to this continent.

In a small continent, I don't know how many sacred beasts have been buried.This accumulated coercion of divine beasts is already very terrifying in itself, and it is a very huge ultimate move.

Even with Lin Mu's cultivation of the Peerless Holy Body at this time, it is very difficult to stand on this continent.And Lin Shu also has a feeling that his bones are about to be crushed.

The same is true for the trees, so one can imagine what the result would be if other people came over.I'm afraid it will be directly crushed into meatloaf, and there may even be nothing left.

"This... place itself is a good place for body training..." Lin Mu grinned and tried to move forward, while talking to himself intermittently.

This place is indeed a very good place for body training, and its function is somewhat similar to that of Lin Shu's Sunset Valley.

Of course, there is no way for the two to be the same.If it was a tree from back then, if it was thrown into such a place, it might not even be able to speak, and it would have turned into the dust of this universe.

"I can't do this. If this is the case, I will be able to find the bones and blood of the Dragon Emperor in the years of the monkey." Lin Mu spent a day and walked a distance of ten feet, and finally realized that he must not go on like this.

Although the area of ​​this continent is not large, it can be measured in tens of feet, let alone ten years.Even for tens of thousands of years, the trees would not be able to reach their end.

And Lin Shu now has less than ten years left.If he can't catch up with the Supreme Ding and return to the Supreme Academy, Lin Mu can only be trapped here.It's no fun being stuck in a place like this.So Lin Mu still has to find a way, and on the premise of getting the opportunity, he has to go back on the Supreme Tripod.

(End of this chapter)

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