Supreme Chef

Chapter 1828 That Monkey

Chapter 1828 That Monkey (1)

The middle-aged man looked at Lin Mu and said, "You are a student, and I am also a student. So there is no such thing as me bullying you."

Lin Mu curled his lips when he heard the middle-aged man's words, and said, "Student? I've never seen a student as old as you. After so long, you are still a student, and you are the only one."

The middle-aged man said: "You still have a chance to leave now, I can let you go."

Lin Mu looked at the middle-aged man and said, "Is it true that everyone in the Supreme Academy has this virtue? Now that I have seen it, everyone has a share."

The middle-aged man said: "This is not the case with me. I will give you ten breaths of time to think about it."

"One breath, you don't even have to give it to me, I won't think about it. I'm going to decide on the opportunity here." Lin Mu said decisively.


The middle-aged man shot directly, and in an instant, a hurricane blew up in the valley.There is the coercion of divine beasts here, capable of suppressing everything.However, such a hurricane can still be formed.

It can be seen how difficult this middle-aged man is.If you change the place, I am afraid that this canyon will be moved to flat ground.

When Lin Mu saw that the other party said to do it, he immediately became angry.

Lin Mu was also not polite, and directly attacked, using Wu's method to fight.

Here Taoism is suppressed to a great extent, but the body is not suppressed.Perhaps because the strongest attack of the divine beast is also in its body.


The two punched each other without any fancy punches, and a thunderbolt directly hit Jiuxiao above.

A star that flew past here was directly penetrated.

Lin Shu took half a step back, his arms numb for a while.

The middle-aged man, on the other hand, took a step back and completely lost his sense of one arm.

"Peerless Eucharist!"

This is the second person Lin Mu has seen in this world besides himself who possesses the Peerless Eucharist.

"You have developed so much." The middle-aged man was even more shocked than Lin Mu.

He is a member of the academy and knows some things about Lin Mu.It's just that he didn't know that Lin Mu had walked a farther path than himself on the road of Wushuang Eucharist.

Lin Mu looked at the person who claimed to be a student of the academy on the opposite side, and suddenly thought of something, and said, "Which monkey are you!"

In history, only one demon ape has ever walked such a path.However, it is said that when he achieved the Peerless Eucharist, he failed in the end and suffered the scourge of heaven.

Of course, there is another way of saying that it was rescued by someone.It's just that not many people believe it, but now it seems that this unbelievable statement is the real situation.

The middle-aged man looked at Lin Mu and said, "Someone still remembers me."

The middle-aged man was indeed transformed from that monkey, which was extremely tyrannical back then.In the ancient times, relying on the flesh to cause chaos in the ancient times.

But in the end it died under the thunder of the Holy Body, but it was not completely dead.

The Supreme Academy saved it and hid it in the Supreme Academy.Later, its consciousness recovered, and it actually achieved the Peerless Eucharist in this world because it was broken and then erected.

This time it came out for the blood of the Dragon Emperor.Fill the body with the blood of the Dragon Emperor, and then develop the treasure house in the Peerless Holy Body.

Looking at the middle-aged man, Lin Mu couldn't help but gasped.

Lin Mu experienced the thunder calamity of the Eucharist, and Lin Mu knew what kind of terrifying thunder calamity it was.

But even so, the natural stone monkeys were not completely dead.

The same Supreme Academy is too scary.He was able to rescue the monkey under such circumstances.The background of the Supreme Academy is probably more terrifying than what I thought.

Perhaps there are many peerless figures in it that I don't know, and they are still hidden in the snow.

"I have never fought against the Eucharist before. This is a rare opportunity. If you win, this is yours. If you lose, you will keep your life." The middle-aged man said.

Lin Mu said: "Do you think it's so fair?"

The middle-aged man said: "There is no fairness in this world. If you don't want to gamble, you can leave now."

Lin Mu looked at the middle-aged man and said, "After you died once, you became a human being. I didn't expect your thinking to improve, and your mouth is full of philosophies. After two days like this, you can become a saint."

The middle-aged man didn't pay attention to Lin Mu's ridicule. Indeed, after he died once, he had already looked down on many things.

It has only one thought now, that is to accomplish the Eucharist as much as possible, and it wants to see what is the end of the Eucharist, whether the body is immortal and immortal.

"It's over." The middle-aged man said calmly.

"It's over." Lin Mu replied.


Without warning, the middle-aged man shot again.

Lin Mu didn't neglect either, although the other party was not as far away as himself in developing the Eucharist.But he has more experience than himself, and its experience is incomparable to Lin Shu.

After all, he stayed longer on the path of the Holy Eucharist.With many ingenious uses, Lin Mu has not yet seen the door, but others have already entered the room.

The reason why the Eucharist is powerful is because any ability developed by the Eucharist can be studied all the way to the end.It will become the most terrifying ability at this time.

Lin Mu is advancing all the way, but he does not have the ability to go alone.

Because the middle-aged man stayed for too long, he could only find a way to find another way.And studying one ability alone is Lu Lu, who has found a new way.

Therefore, although Lin Shu went farther, in fact, in the real fight, Lin Shu did not have much advantage.

For example, Lin Mu's confident punch is enough to destroy the sky and the earth, and can shatter the stars.

But middle-aged people can use cleverness.Let the power rub against his body without leaving any damage in his body.

In terms of the use of power, middle-aged people do have much more experience than Lin Mu.

For example, he mastered a kind of spiral strength, this kind of strength.The same power can be used again to exert twice the power.

This is what Lin Mu is far inferior to, so although Lin Mu is much stronger than him, in fact, the two are really evenly divided on the scene.


The two of them had the most intense collision in the canyon, their bodies colliding like electricity.

Although suppressed by the coercion here, the battle strength of the two is still amazing.

It would be a surprise if someone was actually here.I struggle to even walk, but you look at the two of them, their bodies are like lightning.Moreover, they can shoot with all their strength. If someone confronts the two of them here, it will be a pure dead end, and there is no second possibility.


The two collided head-on again, and the clothes on Lin Mu's upper body were completely shattered.Middle-aged people are not much better, after all, Lin Mu still has the upper hand.Every time they collided, it felt as if a huge hammer that lifted the sky hit him heavily.It made him feel like all the bones in his body were about to be broken.

(End of this chapter)

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