Supreme Chef

Chapter 1835 Interception

Chapter 1835 Interception (1)

Lin Mu's voice sounded from behind, and the talking emperor trembled in shock, and took a step back involuntarily.

"Brother Lin, don't come here without any harm." Bai Yixian smiled slightly and said to Lin Mu.

The emperor's complexion was very bad, because he knew Lin Mu's methods.He didn't know how Lin Mu would deal with him.

He really thought that Lin Mu was dead. If he knew that Lin Mu was not dead, he would never say such big words.

But in fact, Lin Mu didn't intend to do anything to him at all.

Because to Lin Mu now, he is just a small person.The real crisis has only just begun.The threat of that world is the real threat.

But the more Lin Mu ignored him, the more terrified and uneasy he felt.

Human nature is like this, if you really do something to him.On the contrary, he will feel more at ease. Now that you ignore him, it makes him very nervous.

Finally he saw Lin Mu exchanging greetings with Bai Yixian, he couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted sternly: "Lin Mu, what exactly do you want?"

Lin Mu raised his head and glanced at the emperor, and said, "I just want you to go away. People like you are not worthy of me."

This is really a great insult. He is the emperor in this world, and he has never been insulted like this before.

"If you ask me, you are really making fun of yourself. Brother Lin, you have never thought about what will happen to you. Instead, you want to scold yourself." Bai Yixian said with a smile.

When the emperor heard Bai Yixian's words, he suddenly realized that it seemed to be true.

But let him leave like this now, how will he gain a foothold in the future.

"Lin Mu, die!"

In the end, he chose to make a move, decisively shot at Lin Shu, and prepared to kill Lin Shu.

But his idea is good, but the reality is very skinny.


Lin Mu just flicked his sleeve robe, and the emperor flew upside down.

Not even Lin Mu's move could block it.

"Congratulations brother Lin, your strength has improved again." Bai Yixian said with a smile as he cupped his hands.

On the side of the emperor's son, seeing that Lin Mu had swept away an emperor so easily, his expression was very ugly.

The stronger Lin Mu's performance, the more difficult their situation will be.

Emperor Zong and Lin Mu have long been in conflict, especially the Four Great Emperors, who themselves were the ones who initiated Lin Mu's relegation back then.It was a miracle that Lin Mu could let them go.

Now that Lin Shu is so strong, I'm afraid they are no longer opponents.

"You have also improved a lot, are you going to continue to challenge me?" Lin Mu asked.

Bai Yixian waved his hands again and again, and said: "Brother Lin misunderstood. I didn't mean that, just congratulations. But brother Lin, what's the matter with the blood on your body? People who can splash blood on you probably won't It's a simple person. It can't be Lanmo or Tiandao, right?"

Bai Yixian deliberately said this very loudly, so that everyone could hear it.

It is nothing new for Lan Mo and Tiandao to be hunted down by Lin Mu.

It's just that when Bai Yixian brought it up at this time, it was obviously a slap in the face.

Lan Mo, who was revived once, has evolved stronger and stronger. Lan Mo looked at Lin Mu and Bai Yixian, and said, "Are you two planning to die together?"

Lin Mu looked at Lan Mo, snorted coldly, and said, "You are just a defeated general, you are not worthy of death."


Just when Lan Mo was about to make a move, the sky suddenly tore apart, and the Supreme Divine Cauldron came here across the boundary wall.

Seeing the arrival of the supreme device, everyone was relieved. After all, that world is still very stressful for everyone.

However, accompanying the Divine Cauldron, there are also three heavenly auras, directly oppressing in this direction.

"They still drove them here." Lin Mu looked in that direction and murmured softly.

"Brother Lin, who are they?" Bai Yixian asked solemnly.

Lin Mu said: "You should be able to guess that the blood on my body is from one of them."

Bai Yixian's expression was startled, and he said, "Brother Lin, you mean someone has already arrived over there."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Someone of them has already come, and there are more than one of them."

Bai Yixian said, "Brother Lin, have you fought against them? How strong are they?"

Lin Mu said: "Very strong. The things they master are higher than our world, and they are naturally suppressing us. It took me a lot of effort to kill one of them. Now that the three come together, I'm afraid There are not many people left here."

Lin Mu would tell the truth, although Lin Mu won.But Lin Mu also used all his strength, otherwise, Lin Mu might not really be able to kill him.

And now three of them came all at once, although the people here are all leaders.But like Lin Shu, there is almost no one who brews the way of heaven by himself.With such a posture, if you want to fight against the three of them, you may have to pay a huge price.

At the same time, some of these remaining people already know what happened.

"Isn't it just three people from that world? There are a lot of people on our side, and the three of them can be wiped out by spitting on each of us." Can suppress those three people.

But before he finished speaking, his pupils opened wide.Then cracks began to appear on the entire body.Then with a 'bang', his body completely shattered.

It was so sudden, without any warning.Everyone around him was affected.

"They made the move!"

After a short period of shock, there was an even greater shock.

I am afraid that their people are still thousands of miles away.But that's it, he can easily kill a genius on his side.What kind of means against the sky should this be, and how strong should they be.

Everyone was shocked, and the previous sense of superiority had begun to be wiped away.

They really have never heard of such a heaven-defying method, and they have never seen it before.

"Enter the Supreme Device, leave here immediately!"

Now someone thinks of leaving, and immediately starts to act.

But when they were about to enter, they found that the space on the Supreme Device had been blocked.They simply cannot easily break through the barriers, and cannot enter the supreme weapon.

"I really didn't expect such a thing to exist in this world. It seems that the cleansing back then was a little weaker. Such a thing was left behind, but it's good, and it's just cheaper for me." A relaxed The voice came, and then three people riding monsters appeared in front of Lin Mu and the others.

Seeing the monsters they had never seen before, everyone was terrified in their hearts.Because they found a very sad fact, that is, they seem to be invincible even this monster.

(End of this chapter)

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