Supreme Chef

Chapter 1838 Confidence

Chapter 1838 Confidence
The eldest brother suddenly showed his power, and the aura on his body suddenly changed.It not only shocked the onlookers, but also shocked Tiandao himself.

He also didn't expect that the elder brother still had such spare energy.


The senior brother made a decisive move and punched Tiandao's chest. If the Chaos Cauldron hadn't blocked him, the senior senior brother might have been blasted to pieces.

However, if this is the case, Tiandao was also coughed up blood, and his body staggered back and forth.

The way of heaven can't stop the elder brother's footsteps at all!

The way of heaven was blasted away, and the elder brother came to Lin Mu with one step.

"Do you understand the principles of time?" Eldest Brother asked with a flash of light in his eyes, looking at Lin Mu.

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "Come here and try it yourself, don't you know?"

"You are very confident, but do you think you can be invincible if you master the laws of time? Today you can either surrender or be destroyed. But I suggest you surrender and be my slave, at least better than being purged." The tone of the senior brother Contempt, obviously even if Lin Mu mastered the principles of time, he didn't see it in his eyes.

Lin Mu said: "You guys are really rampant to the limit. It seems that if I take all three of you today and become my slaves, you will never know what it means to be humble."

"Then it depends on your ability." The elder brother's eyes turned cold, and then he shot directly.

Eldest brother never underestimates his opponents, he will take every opponent seriously.Especially Lin Shu, who can kill people on their side, is even more valued by him.

The problem can already be seen from the fact that he chooses to make the first move.

Facing the attack of the big brother's oppression, Lin Mu was not afraid.Lin Mu also wanted to truly weigh how strong the juvenile supreme in that world was.

Lin Mu rushed up one step at a time, launched an offensive, and prepared to fight head-on.


The two punched each other, and a devastating disintegration occurred.The space collapsed, and everything was blurred in an instant.

With the two of them as the center, everything fell into a chain of collapse and destruction.All the people watching the battle were forced back tens of thousands of miles, and they couldn't get close at all.

This is a competition of pure strength, everyone who watched was dumbfounded, and everyone who watched was shocked.This is too incredible, but also too difficult to understand.

The battle of power can be so strong.Completely beyond the limits of imagination.



Lin Mu and the elder brother each took a step back, and the two of them fell with this step, and at the same time, a large piece of void was shattered.

This kind of power confrontation left everyone speechless in shock.

"Ling Mu is really so strong that he can completely compete with the people in that world!"

"Lin Shu is really strong. It's already too strong. I really don't know who else in the academy can check and balance Lin Mu."

"What are the two of them? Is this a tie?"

Although the scene looked like a tie, only the two who actually fought knew it.In fact, in this first attack, Lin Mu still had a bit of an advantage.

Lin Mu is the latecomer, and the force that Lin Mu has to bear is greater.Although this subtle difference, usually do not see anything.However, if a master fights, any slight difference in strength is enough to determine the final result.And it's not just that, even now, his arms are a little numb.

The elder brother really did not expect that in the world of Lin Mu, there are still people who can suppress themselves in terms of strength.

"Yes, the strength is good. As a slave, I can do some rough work." Lin Mu said teasingly: "I just don't know if beatings are banned, and if I can fight them smoothly."

"You are very skillful with your mouth. It seems that I have to turn you into a dumb slave." The elder brother said coldly, and then shot again.

The elder brother's handprints changed continuously, forming the most complicated changes.

This change is like the stars in the sky, and the change in hand speed has surpassed the limit of human beings.

No one knows exactly what kind of attack requires such a complicated change of hand formula.

"These hand formulas don't seem to be communicating with the way of heaven, but driving the way of heaven. Could it be that the rumors are true, the way of heaven in that world is higher than ours."

Someone looked at the complicated hand formula and said with a shocked expression.

"It should be true. This kind of natural suppression is really unfair to us." Someone was sighing, as if they had lost their fighting spirit.

"You lose your fighting spirit like this. It seems that you are really born slaves. With people like you in the academy, the academy really has no future." Bai Yixian said contemptuously.

"What did you say!" Someone immediately retorted angrily after hearing what Bai Yixian said.

"What he said is really true. With people like you in the academy, there is really no hope." Jiu Yaoxing Jun also directly echoed.

"You can't offend them. They all came with Lin Mu. Although they are casual cultivators, their strength is terrifying. Even the invitation of the core elders in the college was rejected."

His companion grabbed the man who was about to get angry, and said in a low voice.

Hearing this, he also immediately faltered and chose to remain silent.

"There is really no hope." Bai Yixian shook his head in disappointment when he saw that they didn't even have the courage to attack him.

A real strong man will never lose his fighting spirit at any time.Even if the cultivation level is not as good as others, the strength is not as good as others, but at least you can't lose your fighting spirit.

What about the advantages in the way of heaven? Couldn't it be possible to find another way, couldn't it be hard to catch up.

Isn't forest a living example?


Finally after a series of handprints, the attack was launched.

The void at the foot of the forest turned into chaos, and a huge black hole appeared.There is a terrifying aura coming from this black hole, as if it is connected to hell, it looks extremely terrifying.

"This is the place where the slaves are held. Since you don't want to, I'll send you in." The elder brother said.

Looking at the world behind the black hole, Lin Mu also felt a palpitation.

Obviously there is more than just a cage, there must be something more terrifying.

"He didn't launch any terrifying moves, but opened a cage. What does this mean?"

"What does this mean, don't you understand? He didn't pay attention to Lin Shu at all. He thought that he didn't need any tricks, and he could subdue Lin Mu just by relying on his own ability. He didn't pay attention to Lin Mu at all. Keep it in your eyes." Someone said.

Such an inference made everyone gasp again.

Lin Mu obviously also understood his plan, but Lin Mu didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

A natural advantage is an advantage, but Lin Mu likes such face slaps.Only by hitting those pretentious people in the face, it will be louder, and it will be more enjoyable.

Only by slapping them hard on the face will they be impressed.

(End of this chapter)

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