Supreme Chef

Chapter 1842 The Guardian

Chapter 1842 The Guardian

The Great Elder was not angry, but instead rewarded Lin Mu.This surprised everyone.But after thinking about it, everyone understood that the strong are respected in the academy.

The strength shown by Lin Mu is the real strong and strong.The future of Linshu is even more promising.For such a young man with unlimited potential, anyone will be full of expectations.So it is not so strange that the Great Elder is like this.

However, Lin Mu didn't use the jade slip given by the Great Elder. For this female cultivator, it was easy for Lin Mu to suppress her.

"Everyone go in, and I'll send you back." Suddenly the elder's expression changed, and he said quickly.

Seeing that the Great Elder's expression was not right, everyone seemed to understand something.Then get ready and enter the supreme device.

But just when everyone was about to act, a ray of light seemed to penetrate from the distant past.

It was directly bombarded on the Supreme Divine Cauldron, and the Supreme Divine Cauldron shook violently, and a fingernail-sized depression appeared on the cauldron.

This is a real supreme weapon, it is really unimaginable that it will be dented by the beating.This blow was too powerful, so powerful that it made people feel incredible.

The Great Elder wanted to stop it, but he couldn't stop it at all.

The Supreme Ding has not been penetrated, but the space where the Supreme Ding is located has completely collapsed.This place has turned into chaos, and everything has fallen into endless darkness.

Obviously after this blow, everyone had no choice but to step on the tripod immediately.

The Great Elder did not expect such an accident, and his expression was serious.

"Everyone defends on their own. The academy knows the situation here and will immediately organize people to come over." The elder said in a deep voice, blocking in front of everyone.

They are the future of the academy and the fairy world, and there is no room for any mistakes.

Hearing the elder's words, everyone became nervous.Each resorted to their own strongest defensive methods, protecting themselves in front of themselves.

Lin Mu was very straightforward, he directly blocked the female cultivator in front of him.

Lin Mu's actions caused the nun to gnash her teeth for a while.But she was a prisoner, so she could only bear with gnashing her teeth.

At the same time in the academy, Hongdao and Gu Gong all looked solemn.

They already knew the situation over there, but they didn't expect that the other party came so quickly.

If this time, the entire army of the academy is wiped out.Not to mention the Academy, even the entire Immortal World, it would be an unimaginable loss to the future battle situation.

They have to stop that from happening, they have to come up with a solution.

"I have no choice but to wake up those sleeping guardians." Gu Gong said with a solemn expression.

After hearing Gu Gong's proposal, Hongdao also had a very solemn expression.

There are many ancient guardians in the academy.The years of existence of these people are unimaginable, and the abilities of these people are even more unimaginable.

But if you want to wake them up, you will pay an unimaginable price.And now that the time is running out, I don't know what kind of chain reaction it will cause if they are awakened.

"Besides this method, there is no other way." Gu Gong urged anxiously.

Hongdao said: "But if it is awakened, the chain reaction will be extremely huge. Can we really bear the consequences?"

Gu Gong said: "Now we can't think about it that much. If they all die there, we can't bear the consequences. Don't forget that Lin Shu is also on the other side. Even the Great Elder thinks he is the key person. If he dies, perhaps we will have to endure more changes, and at the same time, it will be more terrifying."

Hongdao finally nodded and said, "Okay. Go wake up the guardian. Talk to Vice President Yuanguan."

Yuan Guan is the third vice-president of the college. He has the most mysterious background and acts very strangely.Gu Gong and Hong Dao have always been suspicious of him, and they have been acting in front of him.I don't want him to see the true intentions of the two of them.

It was even said that both of them tried to avoid any intersection with him.But awakening the guardian, such a major event, cannot be avoided in any case by Yuan Guan.

Gu Gong and Hong Dao found Yuan Guan.Yuan Guan seemed to have expected that the two would come, and said directly: "I agree to wake up the guardian."

Yuan Guan agreed so happily, which made Gu Gong and Hong Dao feel a little abnormal.

But the two of them didn't think too much about it. Since he agreed, it would be good to just wake up some guardians.

Awakening the guardian is a very formal matter, and there cannot be any mistakes or negligence.

The guardian of the academy is in a strange and chaotic space.

You can hardly feel the passage of time there, and this is also the basis for those guardians to survive forever.

After Gugong and Hongdao were ready to continue, they also used the altar to open up that piece of chaotic space after paying a lot of genius treasures.

After Gu Gong and Hong Dao joined forces and typed countless mysterious words, both of them felt tired and exhausted.

This kind of awakening is also very exhausting for the two of them.

But fortunately, soon there was a response from the Chaos Cave.

This response has an immortal taste, to the effect that it tells Gu Gong and Hong Dao that they have received the message and will leave the customs directly and head there.

After receiving such a response, Gu Gong and Hong Dao were all relieved.As long as there are guardians to take action, this matter will be much easier to handle.

Of course, just having them is not enough. The two also organized all the elders in the academy to try their best to repair the shattered passage.

It must be a two-pronged approach, which is the real insurance.

The college is working hard, while Lin Mu is under unimaginable pressure.

The so-called large army really came. Although there were only a few hundred people, the pressure on Lin Mu and the others was too great.

Those who can come across the border are the top talents over there.Especially the two leaders, there are time fragments circulating around them, and it can be seen that the ages of the two are so endless that it is impossible to guess.

The Great Elder looked at those two people with an unprecedented solemn expression.

The Great Elder is someone who has experienced those dark years, and he knows how terrifying they are.

"These people are the slaves of this world, don't they really look good?" Someone on the opposite side glanced at Lin Mu and the others, and then said contemptuously, completely ignoring Lin Mu.

"Hmm. They actually kidnapped one of us, isn't that Junior Sister Qingmiao? Where are the other three?" Seeing Lin Mu kidnapping one of them, someone exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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