Supreme Chef

Chapter 1847 Nemesis

Chapter 1847 Nemesis
Seeing Lin Mu's vain attempt to use lightning to deal with the Lightning Beast, many people shook their heads and were not optimistic about Lin Mu.I feel that Lin Mu's choice is really a mistake.The Lightning Beast was born in the midst of lightning, and using Thunder to fight Thunder would not gain half of the benefits at all.

But in Lin Mu's eyes, he was determined and calm.For the lightning beast's attack, Lin Mu had no fear at all.


The lightning beast engulfed the sky and bombarded it. It was really ready to kill Lin Shu.


The thunder chains sprayed out by the Lightning Beast formed a huge seal in the sky.Firmly lock the void, ready to kill Lin Shu in one fell swoop.

But facing the seal, Lin Mu only lightly raised the Thunder Sword in his hand.

Immediately, the seal shattered, and it was impossible to seal Lin Shu at all.

Seeing that Lin Shu just picked it up easily, the seal was completely torn.The expression of the Lightning Beast also changed slightly.

Obviously, the Lightning Beast never thought that Lin Mu could break his own seal like this.This made Lightning Beast feel something unusual in his heart, and made him feel a little uneasy.

But it still took a bite, and bit down towards the tree.


Lightning filled the air, pouring down like a galaxy, as if it was going to completely submerge this place.

This kind of thunder made everyone frightened, and the disciples in the college all had a chilling chill rising from the bottom of their hearts.

They are confident that under such thunder, they have absolutely no chance of surviving.

The thunder submerged the forest, but the forest did not resist, as if resigned to fate.

"It's me who is too suspicious. I'm just a slave. Just eat it." Seeing Lin Mu so easily, he was overwhelmed by his own thunder.In the heart of the Lightning Beast, he also secretly raised his own mind.


But just when the Lightning Beast was about to enjoy the delicacy, a Lightning Knife passed through the heavy lightning and directly pierced into its mouth.

Although the Lightning Beast was born in Thunder, it also knows pain.Especially the mouth is its most vulnerable place.Being pierced by trees like this, the Lightning Beast screamed in pain.

Purple-gold blood spurted out with flashes of thunder.The blood of the Lightning Beast is very magical. As soon as it comes into contact with the air, it turns into lightning bolts and then disappears.


The roar of the Lightning Beast shook the sky, and under this roar, the thunder that had just flooded the forest dissipated.

In the end, Lin Mu appeared in front of everyone. There was no scar on Lin Mu's body.This is too different from everyone's previous expectations. People in another world are completely stunned.

In their world, the Lightning Beast also possessed unparalleled majesty.It is also the existence at the top of the food chain in that world. Under such thunder, even they have no reason or possibility to live.

But Lin Mu was safe and sound, and even made a strange move, seriously injuring the Lightning Beast.


The Lightning Beast broke free from Lin Shu's Thunder Saber, and flew back out. Lightning flashed and thundered along the way, and electricity was generated in the void. I don't know how many stars were patronized by the Thunder.

"You have mastered the "True Explanation of Thunder Dao"!" The Lightning Beast stared at the trees, eyes full of fear and terror.

The Lightning Beast has to be afraid, "The True Explanation of the Thunder Way" is his nemesis.Although "Thunder Dao True Explanation" became famous, it was in Lei Di's hands.But in fact, ancient times and ancient times already existed.And the reason why the Lightning Beast was exterminated was also because of the "True Explanation of Thunder Dao".

Therefore, if there is anything in this world that can make Lightning Beast afraid, it is probably only "The True Explanation of Thunder Dao".

And what puzzled Lightning Beast the most was, according to the records it knew.Although the Lightning Beasts in this world paid the price of their entire clan being wiped out, the "True Explanation of the Thunder Dao" and those who understood the "True Explanation of the Thunder Dao" were all ruined together.

And that's why it dared to come over in the first batch and was ready to infiltrate.

But the reality is often beyond expectations, Lin Mu not only knows, but also seems to have mastered the complete "True Explanation of Thunder Dao".

Of course, if the Lightning Beast knows that there is still an Emperor Sect in this world, called Lei Zong.Perhaps it will feel even more that the person who wrote the classics has cheated himself again.

Lin Mu has mastered the "True Explanation of Thunder Dao", which is one of the biggest nemesis of Lightning Beast.Such a fact made the faces of people in that world not very good-looking.

They also believe that this is a battle of focus.The result of the battle will affect the trend of the final battle.

The wound in the lightning beast's mouth healed quickly under the flow of his lightning.However, the Lightning Beast looked at Lin Shu with even more murderous intent.

No matter what, such a person who has mastered the "True Explanation of Thunder Dao" cannot be allowed to live.Otherwise, their entire family may be destroyed.

"Master the "True Explanation of Thunder Dao" and you will die today!"

The Lightning Beast said viciously, and then two lightning-shaped tentacles appeared above its head.

When the two tentacles touched in the void, a chain of lightning appeared immediately.

This is different from the one just now, this lightning chain has an inexplicable power that can directly affect the soul of a person.In people's sea of ​​consciousness, thunder is directly generated.

This kind of power is really terrifying, and thunder is directly generated in people's sea of ​​consciousness.Who can prevent it.The Sea of ​​Consciousness is the most vulnerable, and it will undoubtedly be a devastating blow if it directly produces thunder.

But Lin Mu is not an ordinary person, although there is thunder in Lin Mu's spirit.But in Lin Mu's sea of ​​consciousness, there is a soul-suppressing talisman guarding him, and these thunderbolts can't do any harm to Lin Mu at all.

With the protection of the soul-suppressing talisman, in the sea of ​​consciousness of the trees, the wind and the sea are calm, and all the thunders are blocked outside.


Lightning strikes near the tree, and the tree shoots out a knife.Then "The True Explanation of the Thunder Way" completely disintegrated Lei Ting.

"You have not been affected!" The Lightning Beast couldn't believe it, but someone would not be affected, not directly attacked by its own thunder.

It was astonishing, and at the same time, a little too extraordinary.

The lightning beast's eyes were wide open, not knowing how Lin Mu did it.

However, there was a sneer at the corner of Lin Mu's mouth, and he said, "It's my turn. The beast will die!"

Lin Mu let out a loud roar, then raised the Thunder Sword in his hand, and attacked the Lightning Beast.

The first slash of the sky, split out instantly.

The thunder formed an incomparably huge thunder battle formation, the battle formation was endless, and the destructive thunder produced was enough to obliterate the sky, the earth, the void and all enemies.

Seeing this, the Lightning Beast couldn't help but change his face.Because it has also heard the name of Sky Splitting Nine Slashes.Know the power of Sky Splitting Nine Slashes.

(End of this chapter)

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