Supreme Chef

Chapter 1849 More Cruel Competition

Chapter 1849 More Cruel Competition

Incarnation outside the body?

Aren't they descended from the ontology?How could this be the case?
In fact, Lin Mu didn't understand this until he killed the Lightning Beast, but Lin Mu didn't say anything.But the guardian obviously didn't want these disciples to be proud and complacent, thinking that they were invincible.

"The boundary wall is not so easy to pass through. It is too dangerous to force it through. The avatars and projections outside the body are relatively safer. But their avatars can come over. Thinking about it, the boundary wall is already very weak. If you want to survive If not, you can only rely on your own efforts." The Great Elder explained to everyone in a quiet tone.


When everyone heard the elder's words, they couldn't help but gasped.

The avatar outside the body is already so powerful, it is impossible to guess how strong the main body is.

They thought they had overcome their fear and won.But now it seems that this is not the case at all.

"You don't need to be too disappointed. It's good that you can do this. If the heaven and the earth are connected, it will also be an opportunity for you. As long as you can survive then, your cultivation base and strength will be great. Growth in geometric multiples." The Great Elder said as he looked at the disappointed expressions of the crowd.

In the end, everyone took the supreme device and returned to the academy under the protection of the two guardians.

Although the loss of the academy was a bit severe this time, those who survived were the elite among the real elites.They may play a crucial role in future variables.

After seeing the vice-principal, everyone went back to their own caves to digest what they had gained this time.

Lin Mu was left behind by Hong Dao, and two other guardians also stayed behind.They are also very interested in trees.

"Tell me, what did you encounter inside?" Hongdao asked.

Lin Mu knows that there are some things that cannot be hidden.

After all, my own strength has improved so much, and I made up all my accumulation in an instant, which needs a reasonable explanation.

Immediately, Lin Mu didn't hide anything, and told Hongdao and others about the altar he saw.But about the fairy, Lin Mu hid it.Because the fairy told Lin Mu not to mention her to anyone.

"What! The altar of gods and demons really exists! Could it be that the people who made the layout are still alive?" The two guardians couldn't help but change their colors when they heard Lin Mu's words, and their expressions that hadn't changed for thousands of years finally changed.

"Altar of gods and demons? Two seniors, do you know the function and origin of that altar?" Lin Mu had always been suspicious of that altar, and the female fairy did not explain it to Lin Mu.It's just that when Lin Mu should know, he will naturally know.

The two guardians shook their heads and said, "We don't know the function of the altar either. We just know that there is such a magical altar in this world. As for the others, we don't know either."

Even these two existences don't know the function of the altar, so Lin Mu can only wait and let nature take its course.

"Besides the altar, have you ever seen anyone else?" This time it was the guardian who asked.

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "I only saw a thatched cottage, but I didn't see any people."

What Lin Mu said was half true and half false, it was easy to get away with it.

Hearing Lin Mu's answer, the two of them couldn't help feeling a little lonely, and one of them was even more emotional, saying, "It seems that they are still dead after all, and there will be infinite variables in this life."

After a pause, the two guardians looked at Lin Mu and said, "You are very good, you have blazed a path that no one has ever blazed before. This life may depend on you, but the distance between the real supreme powerhouse, You still have a long way to go. You still need a lot of tempering. We have three days. After three days, we will be closed to death. If you can’t break through, you can only turn into loess. During these three days, what do you not understand? Yes, you can ask us."

When Lin Mu heard this, he didn't know that his opportunity had arrived.Lin Mu hurriedly cupped his hands excitedly, and said, "Thank you two seniors for your kindness."

"You don't need to thank us, we just want a future with less variables." One of them waved his hand and said.

Three days is really not too long for a monk.But for Lin Mu, it was a very beneficial three days.

For a long time, Lin Shu has been groping by himself.Although there is no mistake in the general direction, it is too rough in many details.

Lin Mu used three days to ask the two guardians about all the rough places, and then polished the rough places, and finally straightened everything out.

Although this kind of process will not directly improve Lin Shu's cultivation.But it will enhance the strength of Lin Shu, and at the same time, it will have unimaginable benefits for future cultivation.

In the end, the two guardians went to close the death gate.This is the price for their awakening. Once they are awakened, if they fail to break through within the stipulated time, they will turn into dust.After all, their existence is not a reasonable thing in itself.

For the existence of the two guardians, Lin Mu couldn't help much, but could only silently bless them.

"The date for you to guard the gate of the city has passed, and now you can choose a sacred mountain as your training ground." Hongdao found Lin Mu and said.

Lin Mudao: "Can I take some of my friends from the fairy world to my holy mountain?"

Lin Mu has gained endless benefits here, so Lin Mu thinks again, whether to borrow Gu Xuan and the others.

Hongdao couldn't help laughing when he heard Lin Mu's request, "Do you think the Supreme Academy is a place where anyone can enter?"

Lin Mudao: "It's because the Supreme Academy is the strongest, so I want to bring my friends here. Let them also become the strongest, and maybe they can contribute to the academy in the future."

Lin Mu's flattery was said in a tepid way, but it sounded very comfortable.

Hong Dao smiled and said: "You have both small cleverness and great wisdom. No wonder Taoist Guang said you are difficult. But you can rest assured that I contacted Taoist Guang two days ago. Some of your friends, It's been picked up by some people. They've had their chances."

Lin Mu couldn't help frowning when he heard Hongdao's words, and said, "I was picked up by someone else, who is it?"

Hongdao said: "Don't worry, they are not weaker than, or even stronger than the existence of the Supreme Academy."

Lin Mu was slightly shocked when he heard Hongdao's words, and said, "In this world, is there any existence beyond the Supreme Academy?"

Hongdao said: "Naturally. The history of this world is longer than you and I imagined. Naturally, there are many unimaginable ancient existences, but everyone's purpose is the same, to avoid the fate of being cleansed. But you also Be prepared, because everyone needs to cultivate a true supreme. Therefore, competition and competition will be unprecedentedly cruel and bloody."

After a pause, Hongdao continued: "Not everyone is qualified to embark on the supreme road of supremacy!"

(End of this chapter)

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