Supreme Chef

Chapter 1855 Dao Seeds

Chapter 1855 Dao Seeds
Lin Mu and the real prince of the Wuxian Dynasty fought against each other in the air, attracting everyone's attention.

The means of the real prince of the ancient dynasty are really against the sky.Many methods are not only obtained from the Supreme, but even some methods come from the inheritance of the ancient times.

Many methods have been lost for a long time.It is even a means that has long been invisible.

But at this time, in the hands of the prince of Wuxian Dynasty, all of them were revealed.

However, Lin Shu is also against the sky, although the methods used by the princes of Wuxian Dynasty are all against the sky.However, the trees can fight against each other one by one, and they will not lose the wind at all.


The two fought again, directly destroying a sacred mountain below, making the place a mess.

"Hmph!" Lin Mu snorted, his body trembling, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

The prince of the Wuxian Dynasty also suffered a severe shock, but the damage should be less than that of Lin Shu.

After all, his cultivation level is two levels higher than Lin Mu's.

The gap between the two small levels of the Xianjun level is even greater than the two large levels below the Xianjun level.

Lin Mu's ability to fight to such an extent is enough to make everyone dumbfounded.

After all, he is the real prince of the ancient dynasty who has mastered countless secret methods, and it is unimaginable for Lin Shu to have such strength in this world.

"That's right, but it's not enough to explain my way. I'll save your life." The prince of the Wuxian Dynasty left such a sentence before turning around and disappearing.

"It's so arrogant, you are planning to use Lin Mu to enlighten you!"

A word from the prince of Wuxian Dynasty can be said to have caused monstrous waves.

Who is Lin Mu, but he is the No.1 current disciple in the academy.Even more setbacks, the number one master among veteran disciples in the academy.

However, the prince of the Wuxian Dynasty is planning to use Lin Mu to clarify the way, which is a bit too shocking and arrogant.

Lin Mu did not respond to such a provocation.Because in the face of real masters, playing tricks on lip service is really a bit of a loss.With such a master, the most direct response is to ruthlessly trample on his extremely pretentious face.

Lin Mu raised his hand, disturbing his view of the Five Elements Mountain, and Lin Mu also disappeared in front of everyone.

"Ling Mu's non-response is because Lin Mu is afraid." There are many different interpretations of Lin Mu's actions.

"But why did I only see one prince from the ancient dynasty, where did the others go?"

"Don't you know? All the forces in this world that are on par with the Supreme Academy and surpass the Supreme Academy have all appeared, and some of them have already entered there. It is said that the princes of the Wuxian Dynasty are only for Lin Shu Coming, or going away.”

"In this world, is there any existence beyond the Supreme Academy?"

The students in the college have always been proud of being able to enter the college.But now they suddenly know that there is an existence beyond the Supreme Academy, which makes them really unacceptable.

"This world is much bigger than we imagined. Naturally, there are too many things and existences that we can't imagine." The person who spoke was an old man in the academy, who knew many secrets in the academy.

In the blink of an eye, a year passed.Lin Mu was completely immersed in his cultivation, and worked hard to improve his cultivation.

The time is getting closer and closer, and chaos will break out. Lin Mu must do everything possible to improve his cultivation.Not only for yourself, but also to protect those around you.

"Dang! Dang!"

A burst of bells woke up Lin Shu from his practice.

The bells in the academy represent different meanings.The bell was calling all the disciples, telling them that the Sutra Pavilion was about to open.

The Zangjin Pavilion of the Supreme Academy is a place that is more terrifying and exaggerated than the Zangjing Pavilion founded by Dao Zun of the Academy.

In the Sutra Pavilion of the Supreme Academy, there are not only the manuscripts left by the Supreme, but also some ancient methods preserved in the ancient times.And it's not just one book or two, but many books.

The Sutra Pavilion is opened every ten years, and the area opened each time is random.For such an opportunity, no disciple of the academy would give up, and even the elders of the academy would not dare to miss such an opportunity.

Lin Mu also got up and went to the scripture storage pavilion of the college, the scripture storage pavilion of the college is the most important place.

Even the disciples of this academy have to go through the strictest investigation and test if they want to enter the Sutra Pavilion.

Fortunately, this is not the first time Lin Mu has entered, so these checks and tests are completely out of the question.

After passing all the tests and interrogations, Lin Mu also entered the Buddhist scripture pavilion.

But this time is very different from the past. This time after Lin Shu entered, he didn't directly enter the Sutra Pavilion.

And it wasn't just Lin Mu, but all the disciples who entered were blocked at the door.

And the three deans have all arrived here.

If there is no major announcement, the three deans will never appear together.

At this time, the three deans appeared at the same time, even a fool would know that there must be another important announcement.

Lin Mu scanned around and found several relatively unfamiliar faces, of course including the prince of Wuxian Dynasty.

However, although these faces are unfamiliar, they have one thing in common, they are the real top powerhouses in this world.

Seeing that almost all the people came, Hongdao opened his mouth and said, "The opening of the Sutra Pavilion this time will be very different from the past. This time will be the last time for everyone to enter it within a hundred years, so I hope everyone can cherish this opportunity.”


Hearing Hongdao's words, discussions immediately came from below.They were all speculating on what Hongdao's words meant.

But Hongdao's next words turned everyone from worry to joy.

"Because after this time, all the disciples whose cultivation base has reached the middle stage of Xianjun will have the opportunity to intervene in the land of Dao Seeds and choose a seed that is suitable for them to prove Dao and communicate with heaven and earth."


After Hongdao said such words, the discussion below became louder, and most of them were elated.

Generally speaking, there is no need for anything too special for the Immortal Emperor to communicate with the world.But this method is very difficult, and even after communication, it cannot be fully communicated.

But there are many strange things in this world, they are born connected with the world.If you can find such things, let them be your seeds to communicate with the world.

In that case, when I was in the Immortal Emperor period, my communication would be smoother.And this seed can also be used as the seed of my future immortal emperor's enlightenment, because it can better help you understand.You can even entrust the principles of Taoism on this seed, and let the seeds directly refine and contact the way of heaven, which is very useful and important at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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