Supreme Chef

Chapter 1857 Mission: Impossible 【Part [-]】

Chapter 1857 Mission: Impossible 【Part [-]】

The so-called heterogeneous Dao species is actually a general term.

It generally refers to all the two types of dao that do not belong to plants and animals, such as a group of natural fire, a star condensed by the dao of heaven, and other things that are born with the dao of heaven.

All can be called heterogeneous Dao species, and theoretically speaking.

Alien Dao species are more powerful than normal Dao species.However, heterogeneous Dao species are even rarer. After all, generally speaking, heterogeneous Dao species are born directly with the Dao of Heaven.

There are very few such things in this world.For example, Tianhuo is one of the different Dao species, and it can still be ranked in the top ten.

But the sky and the earth, the universe and the world.There are only so many sky fires, which shows how rare it is.

Another example is the Chaos Tree, there is only one tree in the sky and on the ground.This is truly rare anymore.

However, these are relative to outsiders. For Lin Mu, these things are not rare.

It's just that these things, trees may not be used to prove the Tao.But Lin Mu's principle has always been that he doesn't need it, and if he wants to be cheap, he also wants to be cheap for his family.

And there is also a Chaos Tree there, no matter what the trees are, they must be visited.

After learning about the general situation of the Taoist species, Lin Mu also went directly to the martial arts arena.

After arriving at the Martial Arts Field, Lin Mu saw more people gathering in the Martial Arts Field than he had seen in the Buddhist scripture pavilion.

Obviously, many of these people have never entered the Buddhist scripture pavilion.

Lin Mu took a rough look, and the number of people was at least three thousand.

3000 people are indeed not many compared to the vast and tens of billions of fairyland.

But you must know that all of these 3000 people are the existence of Xianjun in the middle stage or above.

Lin Shu is not sure if there are so many immortal monarchs in the entire fairy world.If it is counted among the myriad worlds, I am afraid it will take more than a dozen big worlds to add up to have so many immortals.

If it is these three thousand immortals who come to the fairy world or any other world.It is possible to push horizontally and then clean the world.

Hongdao told everyone about the dangers and interests again.

After confirming that no one chose to quit, Hong Dao joined hands with the other two vice presidents to open this space passage to the small world of Dao Seed.

"I'm also planning to go there, looking for a Dao Seed. What do you think?" Yuan Guan said to Gu Gong and Hong Dao suddenly after Lin Mu and the others entered the passage.

Yuan Guan's proposal made Gu Gong and Hong Dao stunned.

In the past, this kind of situation did not happen. This Yuanguan took some wrong medicine today.

Moreover, Gu Gong and Hong Dao had seen that Yuan Guan's Dao Seed was a very powerful alien Dao Seed, so why did he think of changing Dao Seed?

But the two have no way to refuse, after all, this is the freedom of Yuanguan.The two of them can't restrict his freedom, after all, he is also the vice president.You can't use your own doubts as a diversion, and then restrict the actions of a vice president.

This kind of thing is completely unreasonable in terms of emotion and reason.

Yuan Guan really had a problem for Gu Gong and Hong Dao.

The two of them were already suspicious of Yuan Guan, and now Yuan Guan actively asked to enter it.

If anything, the purpose of Yuan Guan entering it is not to find the Dao Seed.But for bloody killings, with Yuan Guan's cultivation base.By the time Hongdao and the others arrived, the loss had already been enormous.

But if the two refuse, what reason should they look for?The two of them refused Yuan Guan's request for no reason at all.

"Do you two have any concerns?" Yuan watched the two of them not talking for a long time, and asked.

In the end, Hongdao and Hongdao looked at each other, and Hongdao said with a smile: "I just think it's just a coincidence. I told Gu Gong before that I was also going to look for a species. Unexpectedly, Dean Yuan also had the same idea." idea. It would be really nice that we could just go together."

In a hurry, this was the best rhetoric and method Hong Dao and Gu Gong could think of.

It is at least much safer to have a good way to follow.At least Yuan Guan didn't dare to mess around too much.

There was hesitation in Yuan Guan's eyes, and he finally said: "It's so good, if we really meet a powerful alien Dao species, Dean Hong and I can work together to suppress it."

Hongdao smiled and said: "When the time comes, I will have to thank Dean Yuan for taking care of me."

Yuan Guan smiled and said, "Mutual help and mutual benefit."

There has never been any communication between the two in the past, and the words they have said together for tens of thousands of years are not as polite as today's.

But the more polite he is, the more he will feel something is wrong.

No matter how you think about such a thing, it is strange to think about it at such an advanced age, and you still have to participate in the war with your disciples.

But there is no other way, now I can only watch by myself.

Hong Dao and Yuan Guan entered the space passage together.

After a long transfer, the two also entered the Dao Seed Land.

The Dao Seed Land is a naturally formed small world.However, there are still many theories about his formation.

In addition to the natural formation, there are also legends that this is a small world arranged by the Supreme together.And the Dao seeds inside are also left to future generations by the Supreme.

All kinds of legends come to an end, but it is certain that the top Dao Seeds can be found here.

As soon as Yuan Guan and Hong Dao arrived, Yuan Guan couldn't help but sigh.

Seeing Yuan Guan sighing, Hongdao also asked, "Brother Yuan, why are you sighing? Could it be that there is no Dao species here that would satisfy Brother Yuan?"

Yuan Guan shook his head and said, "Brother Hong, you are really confused. How could you come down with me?"

Hongdao looked at Yuan Guan warily, and said, "Why can't I?"

Yuan Guan said: "Brother Hong, I know you have always doubted me. But it is not me but Gu Gong who really hurt the academy. I have always been wary of him, and I brought it up this time because I feel that he Possibly ready to go.

I hope to lure him down and find a place.It's worth fighting him to the death, even if you die with him in the end.But Brother Hong, you fell into Gu Gong's trap.You came down yourself. "

After hearing Yuan Guan's words, Hong Dao couldn't help frowning slightly.

"I know that, Brother Hong, you will definitely not believe what I said. If you really want to tell whether everything I said is true or not, Brother Hong, you can try to open the passage back now, and see See if you can open it. If you can still open it, I will stand here and let you kill me? If not, it will prove that everything I said is true." Hongdao said.

When Hongdao heard Yuan Guan's words, he couldn't help being really moved.There were some ripples and distrust in my heart.

Seeing that Hong Dao was wavering, Yuan Guan was even more straightforward, saying: "Brother Hong, don't worry, Brother Hong can seal me now and seal my cultivation base. After confirming, then undo my seal."

(End of this chapter)

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