Supreme Chef

Chapter 1861 Restoring Strength

Chapter 1861 Restoring Strength
Seeing that it was Hong Dao's sound transmission, Gu Gong also became energetic.Gugong has never been so looking forward to hearing Hongdao's voice at that moment.

Gu Gong spread his spiritual consciousness into the jade slips and listened carefully to Hong Dao's sound transmission.

Hongdao's sound transmission was very weak, obviously Hongdao paid a huge price for the sound transmission.

"What did Vice President Hong say?" After Gu Gong finished speaking, everyone looked at Gu Gong, wanting to know what Hong Dao said.

Gu Gong raised his hand and said: "You all go down, Vice President Hong said he has a way, we don't need to rescue outside."

"Vice President Hong has a solution, that's really great." Some people were excited, but also some people were worried.

But Gu Gong didn't want to say anything more, nor did he want to explain anything.

Gu Gong's figure was blurred for a while, and he had already left here and returned to the cave where he practiced.

After returning to the cave, Gu Gong immediately placed heavy prohibitions, and listened carefully to the remaining half of Hong Dao's sound transmission.

Hong Dao was indeed seriously injured, but he was not dead yet.And Hongdao did pay a huge price for the sound transmission, it can be said that the injury was added to the injury.

But Hong Dao had to do this, because Hong Dao knew what Gu Gong would do after he lost the news.

Hongdao had to stop Gu Gong, because Hongdao didn't know whether there were people from Yuanguan in the academy.

If Gu Gong really tried his best to rescue himself and others, and the people who were placed in the college by Yuan Guan would revolt, the loss the college would suffer would be even greater.

It is even said that this is likely to lead to the accelerated demise of the academy.Such a thing is absolutely not allowed to happen by Hongdao.

So no matter how much the price is, he must send a voice transmission to Gu Gong, so that Gu Gong can deal with it carefully.As for the matters in the small world, he will try his best to deal with them.

Hongdao has always been known for his calmness and wisdom, so even though the two are fighting openly and secretly.But at the critical moment, what Gugong can trust most is Hongdao.

Moreover, Hong Dao's words are also a blow to Gu Gong.

Gu Gong really didn't think so much, Gu Gong only thought about how to save people.And neglected, Yuan Guan is also the vice president of the college, and this matter is deeply rooted.

It is difficult for Gu Gong to guarantee that Yuan Guan is in the academy, and there is no internal response.

If Yuan Guan still has an internal response, if he really tried his best to save people.It is very easy for these internal responses to cause huge waves.

At that time, what I have to face is the front and back attacks. At that time, Gu Gong is not sure whether he can cope with it.

Thinking of this, Gu Gong was also a little afraid, but at the same time he was fortunate that Hongdao's voice transmission was really timely.

After checking all the sound transmissions, Gu Gong also found his confidant, and asked his confidant to monitor the movements of Yuan Guan, the elder who had a close relationship with Yuan Guan in the monitoring station.And tell them that they can be directly controlled or killed when necessary.

And in the small world, after finally absorbing a forest tree of Dao species, by chance, they even encountered Hong Dao.

"Senior, you said that you were too careless. At such a great age, you can still be deceived. I was not deceived by that old grandson, but you were deceived by him, and you even made it like this." Lin Mu teased Hongdao and said.

Hong Dao squinted at the trees, and said, "Even if I am seriously injured now, it is easy to catch you. Do you want to try?"

Lin Mu hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Don't. I don't want to try this thing, and I still hope to save me. That old grandson, I definitely can't beat him. Now except for you, who can fight against him, the rest of the people are afraid Not an opponent."

Hongdao smiled wryly, and said: "But I'm seriously injured now, I'm afraid I can only deal with him for a while."

Lin Mu said, "Senior, I have some dragon's blood here, let's see if it's useful or not."

Hongdao shook his head and said, "I also have some dragon blood and phoenix blood. But the injury is too serious, I'm afraid it won't be of much use."

Lin Mudao: "Senior, my dragon blood may be different from yours, maybe it will be useful?"

When Hongdao heard Lin Mu's words, he took the jade bottle from Lin Mu's hand with suspicion.

Before opening it, just holding it in his hand, Hongdao felt his palm sink, and then Hongdao's face changed.

"The blood of the Dragon Emperor, you went to the animal grave, and you really found the blood of the Dragon Emperor." Hongdao also felt a little unbelievable.

Hong Dao has also been to the battlefield of gods and demons, and Hong Dao has also been to the beast grave.But Hongdao didn't find out what the blood of the Dragon Emperor was.

Lin Mudao: "Yes. In fact, it's a coincidence. The monkey and I discovered it at the same time. But then the monkey lost, and the Dragon Emperor stopped the bleeding. Probably because the timing was not right."

Hongdao said: "You are indeed a lucky general."

Lin Mu said: "Senior, how effective is the blood of the Dragon Emperor on your wounds. If it's useless, I may still have some nine-colored lotus here, and a drop of the liquid medicine of the elixir of longevity."

Of course, Lin Mu has not always been so generous, but now he lives and dies.Except for the possibility of Hongdao fighting against Yuan Guan, even if all the people in the remaining small world are tied up, they are not as strong as Yuan Guan alone.

And among these people, they have more enemies than friends.For the time being, Lin Mu has no such idea of ​​cooperating with his enemies.Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, it is better for the forest to recover Hongdao quickly.

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Hongdao smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to have a richer collection than me, the vice president. If it were normal, I would definitely rob you."

Lin Mu rolled his eyes and said, "If it wasn't for that old grandson's threat, you think I would let you go. If I don't rob you, I will have the same surname as you."

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Hongdao laughed loudly and said, "Sure enough, I don't suffer at all."

Lin Mu said: "Senior, can we not discuss the robbery for now. Let's discuss first, is the Dragon Emperor's blood useful or not? If the old Suzi comes over, we must be wrapped up by him .”

Hongdao said: "Of course the blood of the Dragon Emperor is useful, at least it can restore [-]% of my strength."

In fact, the question of whether the Dragon Emperor's blood is useful or not, Lin Mu really worried too much.Don't say that Hong is only the Immortal Emperor, even if Hongdao is the Immortal Emperor, the blood of the Dragon Emperor is also useful.

This is something that even the Supreme has to fight for, how could it be useless.

Hearing Hongdao said that he could recover [-]% of his strength, Lin Mu felt relieved.Otherwise, the grandson of Yuan Guan really made Lin Mu afraid.

"But I need time to recover, you can help me protect the law." Hongdao said.

Lin Mu said: "There is no problem with this, but senior, do you have a Dao seed in your body? I need to use the Dao seed to cultivate. I will try my best to improve my cultivation level and help you make up for that [-]% of your strength."

Hong Dao frowned slightly when he heard Lin Mu's words, and said, "You need a Dao seed to cultivate?"

Lin Mu nodded earnestly, and said, "Yes. I need the Taoist cultivation."

(End of this chapter)

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