Supreme Chef

Chapter 1863 Traitor [Part [-]]

Chapter 1863 Traitor [Part [-]]

The sea of ​​death, this is a veritable sea of ​​death.

In order to kill Lin Mu, and then kill Hong Dao, they completely disregarded their image, and directly attacked Lin Mu collectively.

After all, they are not ordinary people, they are all top disciples in the academy, they are dragons and phoenixes who are unique in a million.

Even Lin Shu would be afraid of such a joint attack.

However, Lin Shu was afraid, but he couldn't retreat.

Hong Dao has reached a critical moment, whether it can be recovered, success or failure depends on it.

Whether Lin Mu can get out of this small world alive depends on Hong Dao.Only Hong Dao is the opponent of Yuan Guan.

"Fa Xiangtiandi!"

Lin Mu performed the "Witch God Body Refining Technique", condensed his own dharma form, and then made a decisive move.

The big black hand that made people feel deep stretched out and grabbed the sea of ​​death directly.

Seeing Lin Mu so ignoring the attack of his team, all the people who came came changed their colors.But it's not fear, it's anger.

No matter how strong Lin Mu is, he can't ignore himself and others like this.

"court death!"

Everyone roared angrily, and then urged the sea of ​​death with all their strength to destroy the forest.


Faxiang's big hand collided with the sea of ​​death, and just a confrontation destroyed the space of this extremely stable small world.

Terrible wounds also appeared on Lin Shu's Dharma Aspect's big hand, and witch energy flowed out.This witch energy is like black blood, and it looks extremely terrifying, completely eroding a galaxy.


Seeing that Lin Mu had already been injured just after contact, these people also showed contemptuous expressions on their faces.

However, the frightened one was still behind, Lin Shu condensed all the black witch energy flowing out.

Let all the witchcraft condense in his hands, and at the same time, the surrounding stars, etc., are all drawn by the trees.

Finally, on Lin Shu's other hand, a round of black Shenyang was condensed.

Shenyang has no light, no flames, but it looks even more terrifying.


Lin Shu threw down the black Shenyang, and the black Shenyang threw down, and the sea of ​​death erupted immediately.

The black Shenyang, the sea of ​​death, the two sides caused an unimaginable explosion.

This explosion is completely destructive, and a devastating storm appears, destroying the world.Burned everything in the world.

The eruption was too sudden, and any disciples who had no time to quit were directly smashed to pieces by the storm.

But Lin Shu can't retreat, behind Lin Mu is the Hongdao.Lin Mu could only use his Dharma Body to resist this destructive storm.

Lin Shu crossed his arms and hugged his chest, completely blocking the only entrance.

The destructive storm impacted on the tree's dharma form.

The dharma phase suffered from the scouring of this destructive storm, and suddenly became fragmented.It is conceivable how much pressure Lin Mu is under at this time.


Lin Mu let out a roar.The light above the Dharma image rose sharply, and all the witch energy was circulating crazily.

Every time the storm gets stronger, the tree's dharma form will become more solidified.

At this time, the trees seemed to be the indomitable witch god, which made those who retreated shocked.This is really too terrifying, their people, just a mere contact, completely fell.

And Lin Shu was able to resist this kind of impact, what a strong physique it must be.

The storm didn't last long when the storm passed.Although there are countless wounds on Lin Shu's Dharma appearance.However, Lin Shu still stood upright and did not retreat half a point.


Lin Mu was so tough, even as an opponent and enemy, he couldn't help but gasp.

This forest is too terrifying, it is daunting.

The forest stands there, like a real god of war.It is too scary to make everyone look cold.Under such a storm, not only survived, but also did not take half a step back.

They believed that in this world, Lin Mu was the only person who could achieve such a level.

"Lin Mu, why are you doing this? Lord Yuan already knows, and he will come soon, and you will still die by then." Someone said.

"Why do you think I should? Because I really don't want to be with scumbags like you. In fact, your calculations are very good, but have you ever thought about it? If you lose, your family and the power behind you , will never be able to raise his head, and will even be completely destroyed." Lin Shu's dharma image spoke, his voice was like thunder, and everyone was deafened.

"That's why we must kill you."

Someone among them spoke, and then sacrificed a magic weapon.This is a headband made of unknown materials.

The headband shone with light, and the light radiated the heavens and the earth.Let everyone have a feeling of being unable to open their eyes.

"Lin Mu, you still have time to surrender, otherwise, when you put on this headband, you will only be a slave, and you will be trampled under our feet forever." The person who sacrificed the headband said, with a full face of confidence.

"If you break the iron ring, you want me to surrender. Do you think I'm stupid, or you are stupid?" Although Lin Mu saw that the iron ring was extraordinary, this was not the reason for Lin Mu to surrender.

"Since you are so obsessed, Lin Mu, you can only be enslaved forever, and you will be trampled under our feet for generations." After the man finished speaking, everyone shot together, urging the headbands, and came towards Lin Mu .

A headband that requires everyone to move must be very extraordinary.

And the closer he was to himself, the more Lin Mu felt the extraordinaryness of this headband.

In the process of approaching, the headband is also getting bigger and bigger, becoming as huge as Lin Shufaxiang's head.

"Lin Mu will ask you again, to surrender or not to surrender?"

"You talk too much nonsense, I'll kill you first!"

Lin Mu raised his hand, and then a curved killing pattern, directly ignoring the space.In an instant, the speaker was cut in half, and at the same time, his soul was directly crushed.

With just one move, he killed a genius among geniuses, a giant in the future.

This kind of method makes everyone jealous.No one asked Lin Mu for his opinion anymore, it was absolutely impossible for Lin Mu to surrender.

And delaying time like this is of no benefit to them.

Everyone mobilized all the immortal energy in their bodies, urged the headband, and hooped it towards the head of Master Lin Mu.

This headband has an inexplicable law and suction, which makes Lin Mu irresistible at all, and can freeze Lin Mu's dharma.

Lin Mu stretched out his domain to fight against the headband. At the same time, Lin Mu sacrificed the Shadowless Knife, ready to test the power of the headband.



The Shadowless Knife slashed on the headband continuously, but apart from a burst of sparks, it didn't leave any marks on the headband at all.

Such a discovery made Lin Shu frightened.The Shadowless Knife is no longer what it used to be, and there are very few immortal treasures that cannot leave traces of the Shadowless Knife in this world.

And this headband can be like this, it is too unbelievable.


The person on the opposite side pushed with all his strength, and finally launched the final blow.Put the headband on Lin Shu's head.

(End of this chapter)

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