Supreme Chef

Chapter 1868 Still Doesn’t Work【Part [-]】

Chapter 1868 Still Doesn’t Work【Part [-]】

The four emperors who completely unlocked the seal have really undergone earth-shaking changes from before.

All four of them can play their most powerful offensive.This is their true strength, and this kind of strength is the strength that is truly capable of aspiring to the highest position.

But no matter how strong they are, Lin Mu will not be afraid.Because Lin Mu is never afraid of the defeat of his subordinates, no matter whether they break through or not.


The seven-star sword of the son of the Eastern Emperor fell, directly affecting the starlight of hundreds of millions of stars.

The starlight deduced and combined in the void, and finally formed a mysterious character.This character represents the Tao, which is very extraordinary and powerful, and the path to be followed by the forest has the same result.

This is a very mysterious character, Lin Mu doesn't know it, it should be related to the Tao of the Eastern Emperor.

However, what is the way of the Eastern Emperor, until now there is no clear statement.The Eastern Emperor is also the most mysterious among the Four Great Emperors.


There was a streak among the characters, which almost surpassed the light of the eyes.

The light pierced directly towards Lin Shu. This ray of light came so suddenly that Lin Shu had no time to react, let alone dodge.

But fortunately, the light didn't seem to be very accurate, it deviated a little, brushed Lin Shu's arm, and flew out.

The light passed by, leaving a terrifying wound on Lin Shu's arm.

Blood gushed out, and the most frightening thing was that the wound left by the light couldn't heal at all.

No matter how the trees urge it, the wound cannot heal, even witchcraft is useless.

He failed to kill Lin Shu with one blow, and the son of the Eastern Emperor also regretted it.After all, he didn't have enough time to recover, and he couldn't fully grasp it.

"Don't kill him all at once, the enmity between me and him hasn't been settled yet?" The Southern Emperor walked out like a snake and a scorpion, her eyes did not hide any anger at all.

"The enmity of Lin Mu that day, let's liquidate it thoroughly today." Thinking of all kinds of things that day, Empress Nandi wished to chop Lin Mu into 8000 yuan.


The Southern Emperor raised her hand to summon, and suddenly a city of Taoist formations appeared above Lin Shu's head.

It is really amazing and terrifying to see a city of Taoism formation.

It is completely composed of formations, and various formations are combined and circulated.It can be transformed into a supreme killing city in an instant, and it can also be transformed into an invincible defensive city in an instant.

After all, each of the formations that make up this city is a chaos formation.The strength of each of these formations is astonishing, and they are truly supreme formations.


Lin Mu made a move, using the first slash to split the sky, preparing to deal with this void formation.

However, the first slash, which was invincible in the past, was completely ineffective in the face of such a city of Taoism.

The first split of the sky entered the city of Dao Formation silently.It didn't stir up even the slightest wave, everything was too weird and quiet.


The Southern Emperor has poisoned Lin Mu. If Lin Mu can die, she hopes that Lin Mu will die in front of her in the next moment.After all, Lin Mu is her shame, and only when Lin Mu dies can she wash away the shame.


Mountain-shattering formation patterns bombarded down, and these formation patterns combined in the void, also condensed into a mysterious symbol.

Obviously, the path that Lin Mu is taking now is correct, because the Four Great Emperors are also working hard to step on it.

But obviously they made some mistakes, not only did they not go as far as the trees, but their methods were also a little wrong.The road they walked was far from the trees.

But after all, it is very difficult for the emperor to be able to have the situation like today.

"A road of failure, you are still walking so happily. Since you are here to find your father, I will help you. Let you see, what kind of road your father wants to take." Lin Mu said, still The mouth is completely taking advantage and spreading hatred.

Fortunately, Lin Mu has no teammates for the time being.Otherwise, if there are teammates, Lin Mu's teammates will probably tear him apart if he pulls hatred like this.

Daoze's battle suit appeared on Lin Mu's body, and the Daoze's battle suit appeared, and the word 'array' inlaid on the suit suddenly emitted a dazzling light.



Each of these rays of light is a peerless sword in the void.

Every fairy sword pierced through the void and destroyed the universe.

Lin Mu's runes confronted the Nandi's runes, which was a direct collision of Taoism.

The ability and power of destruction can be imagined.

Everything is going into destruction and decline, the collision between the two is really too amazing.

Although they were used to seeing big winds and waves, such winds and waves still made them feel a little seasick.

In the end, the arrogance in the forest 'formation' broke through the killing situation arranged by the Southern Emperor.

The city of the Southern Emperor's Dao Formation, the condensed runes, are simply vulnerable in front of Lin Shu.

Although the word "array" of forest trees looks very small, it is not as good as one ten-thousandth of that of the Southern Emperor.

But this is not a comparison of size, but a real competition of strength.The word 'Zhen' for Lin Mu is derived from the book "Zhen" until now Lin Shu has not been found. Find out where its source is.

But this book is amazing, it's true.There are not only records here, there are countless formations, large and small, in the sky and on the ground.At the same time, it also helped Lin Shu to condense into the most difficult to condense 'array' character script among the three thousand avenue runes.

Any array has countless changes and possibilities.

If you want to use one character to express all the changes and the future, it is a bit too realistic.

But with the help of "Zheng", Lin Mu succeeded.Successfully turned thousands of inexplicable formations into a final character.

This is almost an impossible task, but Lin Mu did it.

At this time, he is indeed playing a role in fighting against the city of the Southern Emperor's Dao Formation.

According to the legend, there really is such a city in this world, which completely uses Taoist formations as its walls and houses.

However, he does not manifest in this world, but is accompanied by the Dao of Heaven.According to legend, only a few people have actually seen it.

Nandi is one of those predestined people, and Nandi is very enlightened.After I was lucky enough to watch it once, I used my own ability to re-imitate a city of Taoism.

And now, he has passed this Dao Formation City to his daughter.It's just that his daughter, when facing Lin Mu, an old enemy, seems unable to fully exert the power of the Dao Formation City left by her father.

(End of this chapter)

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