Supreme Chef

Chapter 1873 The Enemy Knows You Best

Chapter 1873 The Enemy Knows You Best

It is said that the person who knows you best is often your enemy.This is not bad at all. Although Lin Mu is miserable now, Gu Jian can still see that Lin Mu still has a backhand.

After hearing Gu Jian's words, Bai Yixian said, "I never thought you knew Brother Lin so well."

Gu Jian looked at Bai Yixian and said, "You also know him very well."

There was really nothing to say to a dull person like Gu Jian, so Bai Yixian also chose to shut up.

At this time, many people came to watch the battle, not only the fairies in white.There were also some people from ancient dynasties and ancient families, all of whom were present.

Everyone is paying attention to such a battle, because it is not only about the life and death of Lin Shu.It is more related to the life and death of everyone present.

If Lin Mu and Hong Dao win, then they don't have to die, and they don't have to betray.

If Lin Mu and Hongdao lose, they may have to consider whether they have to betray their own world in order to survive.

Because Yuan Guan is not something they can resist at all, so as long as Yuan Guan wins, they have only two choices to face.Either die or betray.Other than that, there is no third option.

"If Dean Hong really loses, what choice will the two of you make?" Bai Yixian asked suddenly.

Lord Jiu Yaoxing said: "There is no choice."

Gu Jian nodded in agreement.

Not everyone is spineless, at least Jiuyao Xingjun, Gu Jian and Bai Yixian have spine.


Lin Mu's domain seemed to be unable to hold on anymore. This was the end of the real situation, and the confidence of many people present had been shaken.

Gu Jian and the other three were also frowning, wondering why Lin Mu didn't fight back.

It's not that Lin Mu doesn't fight back, it's just that Lin Mu is hesitating.

The last time I performed the secret method in "Witch God Body Refining Technique", nothing happened.Lin Mu didn't know if nothing would happen this time.

This kind of secret method is really unstable, and Lin Mu cannot be completely at ease.And besides this secret method, Lin Mu also has some hole cards.Lin Mu was just struggling, whether to expose some of it.

After all, once a hole card is exposed, it cannot be called a hole card.This is equivalent to losing a layer of protection.

Seeing that Lin Mu could only defend passively, the four emperors worked harder to attack.Fully prepared, the posture of driving the forest tree into the endless abyss with one blow.

After hesitating again and again, Lin Mu finally decided to use the secret method in "Witch God Body Refining Technique".

To deal with this kind of divine beast form, witches still have the most advantage.And Lin Mu also wanted to see if this secret technique could become his new trump card.

Lin Mu began to form seals with his hands, ready to use the secret technique.

Seeing that the trees began to form seals, Gu Jian and the three felt relieved.Although they were enemies, in this case, they still didn't want Lin Shu to die.If you want to die, you have to die in their hands.

The four emperors also felt a little disdainful when they saw that Lin Shu was still forming seals.

"It's only now that I think of fighting back, I'm afraid it's too late. Four Elephants Universe!"

The East Emperor sneered, and then all four of the Emperors moved.

Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu.

The Four Elephant Beasts entrenched on top of the trees, and then spun at a high speed.

Soon the four elephant beasts couldn't tell who was who, as if they had condensed into one.

And as the four of them rotated, the space where Lin Mu was located was also completely isolated, as if it had become an independent small world.

But this small world is not peaceful, it is full of endless murderous intent.No matter who enters, it will be turned into flying ash in an instant.


Seeing such a scene, those who watched the battle were all moved.

This is the strongest four elephant attack, no one can survive in such a situation.Even if the trees are against the sky, I'm afraid there is no such possibility.

Gu Jian and the others did not expect that the Four Great Emperors would have such a backhand.They all frowned. Under such an attack, even they might not be able to gain any benefits.

Soon it was wrapped by chaos, everything was covered by chaos, everything was covered by chaos.

However, the killing storm inside forced everyone to withdraw from Wanli.

The field of forest trees shook violently and might be broken at any time.The light of the Dao text has also dimmed a lot.Its defensive power is rapidly weakening.

However, Lin Mu didn't pay attention to this, Lin Mu was still forming seals, and activated the witch energy in his body.


In the end, Lin Shu's domain was torn apart, but it was not torn apart by the four-element array, but by Lin Shu himself.

All the domains became the purest energy and entered Lin Shu's body.

With repeated consumption, Lin Shu needs more energy to cast the secret technique.Such tearing was inevitable.

With the melting of the domain, behind Lin Shu, a specter that looks more and more like Lin Shu also appeared.

Just as a phantom appeared, everyone present, including Hongdao and Yuanguan, felt a huge coercion sweeping across the audience, making all of them breathless.

Especially Yuan Guan, he didn't know how such coercion came about.

But when he looked at the four-element formation, he seemed to suddenly think of something, and his face couldn't help but change.

"You knew a long time ago that he has already taken such a step!" Yuan Wang looked at the indifferent Hongdao, gnashing his teeth, obviously being tricked by Hongdao.

With a smile on his face, Hongdao said: "I don't know which step he took, I just know that he won't die so easily."

Yuan Guan gritted his teeth, but at this time it happened to be the other way around.I was entangled desperately by Hongdao, making it impossible for me to escape.He simply couldn't use his means to save the four emperors.

And the appearance of the phantom also made the four elephant beasts that were spinning at high speed abruptly stop.

"what's going on!"

The four emperors didn't understand, they didn't know what happened.

But when they saw the phantom behind Lin Shu, they all trembled in their hearts.

What's even more frightening is that they felt the fear from the Four Elephant Stone.

The Four Elephant Stone was no longer afraid of the ghost behind the trees, it felt afraid.

Sixiangshi wants to break free and leave the control of the four emperors.

Such a shocking change really made the four emperors panic.Without the support of the Four Elephant Stones, it would be difficult for them to take down the trees.

As a last resort, the four of them had to let bloodlet nourish the Sixiang Stone, so that the Sixiang Stone could be stabilized first.

With the four of them losing almost one-third of their blood essence, Sixiangshi finally stabilized.

But the price paid by the four of them was really too high.If Lin Shu couldn't be killed in this way, the four of them wouldn't have to live.


The four-element beast roared again, and then the four-element array continued to rotate, compressing the space bit by bit, and finally refining the forest.

But when the ghost appeared, Lin Shu was completely fearless.The ghost closed his eyes and never opened them.

(End of this chapter)

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