Supreme Chef

Chapter 1875 Disgrace 1 Battle

Chapter 1875 The Disgraceful Battle

The four-element vitality, through the circulation of the Tai Chi Yin-Yang Pill, finally becomes the pure Yin-Yang Qi, which makes up for the lack of trees in the body.At the same time, provide the ghost with the capital to continue showing its power.

Being extracted from the source like this, the four emperors all panicked.They twisted and attacked frantically, but in the end they couldn't compete for the chains of order.

If this continues, the four of them will be completely drained, and even the Daoist of that world will be powerless to recover.

In the end, the four of them looked at each other and made up their minds.Then the four of them shot at each other, attacking each other through the forest.

Such a trick really worked, and all four of them were blown away.

But even so, their loss is huge.Everyone at least loses half of their origin.

This is not something that can be made up in a few years or decades.He needs tens of thousands of years, or even 10,000+ years to make up.And without top-notch genius treasures, everything would be in vain.

The magic cloud dissipated, and Lin Mu appeared in front of everyone full of energy.

The phantom behind him has also been completely controlled.And Lin Mu also understood that this phantom is not uncontrollable, it's just that it is uncontrollable when his true energy is insufficient.

But the phantom's demand for true essence is indeed a bit too huge.In the future, it is better not to use friendship, otherwise if you can't kill the enemy, it is very likely that you will be played to death by yourself.

But it doesn't matter now, now that Lin Shu has fully recovered, dealing with the four emperors is a matter of hand.

Lin Mu stepped forward and came to the opposite side of the four emperors.It was really like an emperor looking down, with only contempt in his eyes.

Once upon a time, it was the four of them who looked at others like this, but now Lin Shu used them on them.

"Suicide or tragic death!" Lin Mu gave a simple and clear choice.

Some people really feel extremely humiliated by such a choice.

The four emperors all gritted their teeth and crushed all their own teeth.

"Did you bite your teeth and swallow it?" Lin Mu said contemptuously, really, he didn't mean to put them in the slightest.


The four of them shouted again, launching the final kill.

However, the phantom behind Lin Mu slapped the four of them away.

"There should be some kind of secret treasure on your body, otherwise, how could your four elephant beasts be so strong. I will first find the secret guard on your body, and then let you die." Lin Mu suddenly thought of something and said.

Then Lin Mu raised his hand and captured the Eastern Emperor's son first.

Lin Mu controlled his body with orderly chains, and then lifted him upside down, shaking his body desperately.

The trees shook desperately, and the son of the Eastern Emperor, who was restrained from moving, was so humiliated that he almost committed suicide right now.

However, his body was restricted, even if he wanted to commit suicide, he didn't have the ability.



However, the swaying of the trees is not without any gains.All the things on the son of the Eastern Emperor fell out like rain.

As the son of the emperor, how could he not have any good things on him.

Looking at these things, Lin Mu's eyes glowed again. Many things were things that Lin Mu had been looking for for a long time, but he had never found them.Not to mention anything else, Lin Mu saw two Dao species alone.

Although they are all ordinary dao species, they are equally valuable.


Finally, a stone engraved with the pattern of the green dragon fell to the ground.

Lin Mu picked up the stone and said: "It turned out to be the Four Elephant Stone, no wonder it is so banned. Old man Yuan Guan, I accepted the Four Elephant Stone for you. If you want to ask for it, you can find four of them. I am Snatched from the four of them."

Yuan Guan blew his beard angrily when he heard this.

Throwing the East Emperor's son, like throwing a chicken, to another place, and then Lin Mu shot again, and caught the West Emperor's son.

With the same action, Lin Mu looted all his belongings, leaving him nothing of value.

Dizi Xidi also gritted his teeth, almost committing suicide in shame and anger.

Throwing the West Emperor out again, Lin Mu caught the North Emperor again.

The same action, the same operation, the same baby, the same expression of embarrassment and suicide.

Lin Mu left the emperor's daughter of the Southern Emperor at the end. This vicious woman has never let herself calm down since she entered the academy.How could it be possible for Lin Mu to feel any pity for her.

"I'll hand it over myself, you don't need to do it!" Nandi said before Lin Mu did it.

Lin Mu smirked and said, "How can I do that? I don't believe you. I'm worried that you're not digging clean. Let me do it."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu picked up the Southern Emperor and Daughter in the same upside-down manner, and then shook her desperately.

All sorts of things, like rain.

As a female fairy, and a beautiful female fairy at the same time, it is strange that she can endure such humiliation.

The Vermilion Bird Stone had already fallen out, but Lin Mu was not happy seeing the expression of the Southern Emperor, so he was going to continue emptying it for a while, to see if something could fall out again.


After a while, something really fell out.It can be regarded as a fairy treasure, but it is a red chestnut bellyband.This is also a top-notch fairy treasure, but this kind of thing seems to be worn next to the body.

"Ah! Lin Mu, I must kill you!" The Southern Emperor, looking at the bellyband flying out, really wanted to drink Lin Mu's blood.This is too shameful, and Lin Mu is too much.

Lin Mu also seemed to realize that he was going too far, and quickly threw the Southern Emperor out, and then slapped the bellyband back with his palm.

"I didn't do it on purpose. I didn't expect this thing to be so weak." Lin Mu said.


The Southern Emperor was really ashamed and going crazy, especially when she heard Lin Mu's words.

The people who watched the battle all had weird faces, they didn't know what Lin Mu was thinking.

Of course, there are also many people secretly laughing, such a scene is really rare in ten thousand years.

As an imperial daughter, even her underwear was blown out, which is a bit embarrassing.

The four sons of the emperor, from today onwards, will probably become the four jokes in the academy.Four people hit Lin Shu one, and if they can't beat it, it's fine.They were also beaten and humiliated by Lin Mu. It would be strange if they could raise their heads in the academy in the future.

And the power of the current emperor's lineage, I am afraid it will be difficult to raise their heads.Unless, of course, they still have cards and can kill Lin Shu.But is this possible? Lin Mu is a cockroach that cannot be killed, and no matter how many people come, it will be in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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