Supreme Chef

Chapter 1877 Refresh the lower limit

Chapter 1877 Refresh the lower limit
This kind of dialogue left all the people watching the battle speechless.

"Tell me, what do you want?" The guardian almost squeezed out these few words from between his teeth.

Lin Mu said: "I want to kill them, but you want to protect them. Of course, it won't be of much use if I kill a few trash that pose no threat to me."

"What are you looking at? Believe it or not, your head will explode." Lin Mu threatened the East Emperor and said,

The son of the Eastern Emperor couldn't help being shocked when he heard Lin Mu's words.He was really worried, Lin Mu got angry and blew his own head off, so he hurriedly turned his head away.

After a pause, Lin Mu continued: "So if you want to save them, it's much easier, just take out what you think can save their lives."

The guardian said: "What do you want?"

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "Now it's not what I want, but what can you give?"

If Lin Mu doesn't ask for it, the guardian is the most difficult thing to deal with. The guardian can only exchange the most precious things.

Lin Mu is so cunning that the guardian once again scolded Lin Mu hundreds of times in his heart.

"I'll exchange the Dao Seed with you," the guardian said.

Lin Mu couldn't help but feel happy when he heard that Dao Seed was exchanged.Right now, what Lin Mu needs most is the Dao Seed, and if he exchanges the Dao Seed, it will save a lot of trouble.

Although he was pleasantly surprised, there was no expression on Lin Mu's face, and he said, "Yes. Each person is worth one different Dao Seed, or five first-class Dao Seeds."

Hearing Lin Mu's offer, the guardian finally couldn't bear it anymore, and roared angrily, "Why don't you grab it."

Lin Mudao: "You may have misunderstood something. I am not robbing you now. I am robbing you now. You can choose not to trade with me. I have no problem at all, but I will definitely blow them all up."

The guardian is really going crazy, why did he meet such a difficult master as Lin Mu.

If he had known about Lin Mu's behavior earlier, he would not agree to anything, and the four princes came to find Lin Mu for revenge.

The guardian was silent for a long time, and finally said: "I don't have so many different Dao species in my hand."

Lin Mu said: "As I said, first-class Daoists with the same price are fine. Don't bargain with me. You are also an old senior. It would be disrespectful to haggle with me as a junior."

The guardian really wanted to slap Lin Shu to death, you also know that you are a junior, do you blackmail your seniors like this?

Of course, the guardian will not see the tree back and forth like a hooligan.

The guardian said directly, "I only have three different Dao species and six first-class Dao species now, that's all. If you don't want to exchange, I have no choice."

Hearing the price quoted by the guardian, everyone present was shocked.

There are so many Dao species, you must know that Dao species are not radish and cabbage.A person may spend his entire life without being able to collect a single alien dao species, but there are three guardians, and there are six first-class dao species.

In fact, this is what they don't know. These Dao seeds were not found by the guardian alone.It was collected by the power of the four great emperors.

And this time he came in to find or exchange another Dao Seed of different species to help the Four Great Emperors break through.

But now it seemed that he was going to be ransacked by Lin Mu.

Lin Mu pondered for a while, and said: "Although there are four first-class Dao Seeds missing, they are just so-so. Let me pass the test. Give me your Dao Seeds."

Everyone present was used to Lin Mu's shamelessness, but they still gave Lin Mu countless blank stares.

Three different dao species, plus six first-class dao species, are just so-so, and they don't know what is not so-so.

"The old man is trapped and cannot give you the Dao Seed. The old man will give you a map, and you can bring the four of them to me," the guardian said.

Lin Mu said: "I read a lot, so don't be fooled by me. If you can transmit the sound, you can send things to me."

Guardian, said; "But the space channel will be unstable, if the Dao seed is broken..."

Before the guardian finished speaking, Lin Mu interrupted directly, saying: "If the Dao Seed is broken, it will be yours. If one is broken, I will crush a part of their body."

Don't be afraid of the shameless, but be afraid of the ones who don't even have a lower limit.

Lin Shu is now refreshing again, the lower limit of everyone's cognition.They don't know about trees, how can they be so shameless.

The guardian really gritted his teeth, and the voice clearly reached everyone's ears.Everyone can empathize with the guardian's anger.

But even so, he had to do what Lin Mu said.

Soon a space passage appeared in front of Lin Shu, and nine Dao species appeared in front of Lin Shu.

Lin Mu didn't have time to observe, so he raised his hand and put away the nine auspicious Dao seeds.

In front of so many people, check the Dao Seed, unless Lin Mu is looking for death.

"Can you let him go now?" the guardian asked.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Of course, I keep my word. These four wastes can be returned to you now."

After speaking, Lin Mu raised his hand, and slapped the four great emperors away.

Such humiliation made the four emperors faint in anger.

After the four emperors were settled, Lin Mu also turned his head to look at the battlefield between Yuan Guan and Hong Dao.

The two are still inseparable, but it is actually very easy to understand.Yuan Guan and Hong Dao, masters of such a level, are likely to be killed even for decades.

"Old man Yuanguan, you actually plot against me, today I will let you see my skills." Lin Mu threatened Yuanguan.

"Ignorant child, I'll kill you first." Yuan Guan said with a cold snort.

Lin Mu directly took out his Heavenly Dragon Bow, then bent the bow into a full moon, and turned directly to Yuan Guan.

"Okay, old man, what you said is good. You have successfully angered me, so I will kill you first." Lin Mu said after aiming.

When Yuan watched the Tianlong bow in Lin Mu's hand, his expression changed completely.

"Tianlong Bow! It still exists in the world!" Yuan Guan said in shock.

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "The old man is quite knowledgeable, but you won't be wronged if you die, at least you know how you died."

As Lin Mu said, the momentum on his body was constantly accumulating, and at the same time, the Tianlong Bone Arrow also released a huge pressure, locking onto Yuanguan.

Yuan Guan felt that he was locked, and his face was very ugly.Although Yuan Guan does not believe that Lin Mu has the strength to collapse the ancient times with three arrows, but if he gets hit by an arrow, it will be very troublesome.

And the most important thing is that there is still a great way.If he was hit by an arrow, Hongdao would definitely not let him go.

(End of this chapter)

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