Supreme Chef

Chapter 1898 Breaking through the Heavenly Palace [Part [-]]

Chapter 1898 Breaking through the Heavenly Palace [Part [-]]

The phantom in the sky was actually shaken, which made the little god brother and others unable to calm down.

Although this is just a projection, it is a supreme method after all, since anything can be shaken.

When they looked down, they saw Lin Shu holding the rusty Yaowang Ding and smashing it against the Heavenly Palace.

The Yaowang Ding always gets cold feet, but it is strong enough to smash the Heavenly Palace.

"Boy, do you want to dismantle it? In the chaotic world, many things can penetrate it, why did you choose me?" Yao Wangding roared angrily.

Lin Mu chuckled and said, "There's no reason, because you always run away, and this time you can't escape."

After saying this, Lin Mu rounded up, and once again the medicine king tripod hit the projection of Tiangong.


Tiangong was shaken again, and it was so powerful that it was in a mess.

When Bai Yixian and the others saw the trees, they had already started to attack Tiangong, and they were not to be outdone.After solving the heavenly soldiers and generals around him, they all rushed towards Tiangong.

At the same time, they each resorted to their own means and began to prepare to blast the Heavenly Palace.

Seeing such a scene, the younger brother Xiao Tianshen felt his face burn.

Just now I was still saying that they are frogs in the well, but now such a group of frogs in the well are ready to start tearing down their Tiangong.

"Hmph, looking for death! Run the formation and kill everyone!" The younger brother of the little god snorted coldly, and then sat down in person, operated the supreme formation, and killed Lin Mu and everyone else.


The formation began to operate like a rushing thunder, and the void was distorted all of a sudden.Endless killing patterns appeared in the void, strangling the disciples of the Supreme Academy.

This is a truly supreme formation, the strongest formation in time.

With just one contact, some people in the Supreme Academy died tragically and some were injured.

Lin Shu was also scratched a little by the pattern, and a horrible bloody gash was torn on his arm.The blood was gurgling, and the wound couldn't heal for the time being.

Everyone was once again in trouble, very dangerous.

Brother Xiaotianshen looked at the scene in front of him and finally smiled, feeling very good at the same time.

"It's just a group of frogs at the bottom of the well. It can't make any big climate. Those who rebel against Tiangong can only die." Little Tianshen's younger brother looked at the people of Zhan Tai's family and said with a twinkle in his eyes.

The members of Zhan Tai's family didn't answer, but at this moment he really hoped that some of them, Lin Mu, could be discouraged, and the spirit of the little Tianshen brother and the others in Tiangong.

It seems that Lin Mu heard the voice of Zhan Tai's family, directly used his dharma form, and then forced the medicine king cauldron to become as huge as the dharma form.

This time the trees were really rounded, and the Medicine King Cauldron, which was like a hill, hit the Tiangong projection all at once.

This shock was greater than all the previous ones combined.



Some of the arrangements in the Tiangong were smashed to pieces in such a sudden.On the ground of Tiangong, vertical and horizontal gullies also appeared, as if a strong earthquake had occurred.

Little Tianshen's younger brother and the others were also stunned by the shock.There were even people with a slightly lower cultivation base who were directly shocked by Lin Mu to vomit blood.

"If you cooperate a little bit and smash through here all at once, you can suffer less." Lin Mu said to Yao Wangding's weapon soul.

Yao Wang Ding gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, you are too ruthless, I wasted my protecting you for so long."

Lin Mu said: "Are you ashamed to say such a thing? Every time something happens, you don't run away alone."

Yao Wang Ding said: "That's because I'm not stable right now. If you have the ability, you can find the treasures of heaven and earth to make me completely stable."

Lin Mudao: "When I find it for you, I can completely restore the Tianlong bow. You said that when the time comes, how about I shoot you through with the Tianlong bow?"

Yao Wangding gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! You're ruthless, kid. This time I admit it."

Lin Mu smiled slightly and said, "Actually, it's good for you if you help me. With my cultivation base, I can get it in many places. I can help you find one or two of the materials you need for repair. You help me How about yourself, or if you do me a favor and I help you find something?"

Giving a sweet jujube with a slap in the face, this method was used by Lin Mu with perfect proficiency.

Yao Wang Ding was obviously moved by Lin Mu's words, after thinking for a while, Yao Wang Ding said, "Okay, I agree."

After being silent for such a long time, Yao Wangding also failed to recover.It also knows that relying solely on its own strength, there is no way to fully recover.It must rely on external force, and the external force it can rely on is only a tree.

"Since the deal is done, then you need to buy some strength, let's cooperate well." Lin Mu said to Yao Wang Ding.

"it is good!"

Lin Mu swung the Yaowang Ding round again, and the younger brother Xiao Tianshen's face changed when he saw Lin Mu's movement.

This Medicine King Cauldron is obviously weird, if it hits it like this again, Tiangong will definitely be breached.

It is no longer allowed for him to think too much, and he must be stopped.



Little Tianshen's younger brother opened several killing formations in a row, consuming countless natural materials and earthly treasures.These lessons are all his own collections, and he never thought that things would develop to this point.

Such a thing is simply unimaginable.Every time he took out a treasure of heaven and earth, he felt his heart bleeding.

But facing Lin Shu, he could only grit his teeth and fight hard.

The killing array was activated, and Lin Shu's body instantly turned into a sea of ​​death.

All kinds of killing lights attacked the dharma form of the forest.Under such an attack, Lin Shu's appearance was also pierced, but this did not stop Lin Mu from being powerful.


The rounded trees immediately launched an attack.

The Yaowang Ding was smashed into the projection of the Tiangong, and this time the Yaowang Ding used some of his abilities.

A nameless flame burned through the Tiangong at once, and then the Yaowang Ding itself penetrated into the Tiangong.

Lin Mu spit out a mouthful of blood foam, and said: "If you don't give you any benefits, you just don't work hard. It's really a mess."

Yao Wang Ding said: "Okay, my mission has been completed. I used too much energy just now. You can solve the rest by yourself."

After finishing speaking, Yao Wang Ding returned to the chaotic world without saying hello.

But Lin Mu was thinking about the nameless flame that erupted from the Yaowangding just now.It doesn't seem to be much weaker than the current Chaos Fire, which is a flame tree that has never been seen before.

Of course, Lin Mu is not in a hurry, after all, the medicine king tripod is in his own chaotic world.If you want to pry into these secrets, you can do it at any time.The key now is not to find the secret of Yao Wang Ding, but to solve the gang of bastards in Tiangong.

Seeing that Lin Shu was the first to smash through the Tiangong, Bai Yixian and the others felt a little bitter.

"We are still defeated, but it is not so easy for him to collect the World Tree. Our Dao Fruit is not the World Tree." Bai Yixian said softly.

Of course, this is not consolation after failure, as the strongest group of people.Their Dao fruit is really not indispensable to the World Tree.They all have their own unique ways and methods, and have their own unique means of enlightenment.

For example, Gu Jian, his Dao Seed can only be the sword, and he can't use it at all, and he can't accept it.

(End of this chapter)

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