Supreme Chef

Chapter 1908 Who Uses Who to Prove the Dao [Part [-]]

Chapter 1908 Who Uses Who to Prove the Dao [Part [-]]

Lin Mu looked at the prince of the Wuxian Dynasty, his eyes tightened at the extraordinary change.

But when Lin Mu saw the next scene, his eyes completely changed.


Lin Mu looked at the prince of Wuxian Dynasty, the color of his blood changed from blue to golden, and his complexion completely changed.

No matter how rich Lin Mu's imagination was, he never thought that there would be such a change.

This change is somewhat beyond imagination, the imperial energy can manipulate the way of heaven, and the trees can still be understood and imagined.

But if it is said that imperial energy can change a person's blood, Lin Shu doesn't quite believe it.

But the fact is right in front of our eyes, the bloodline of the prince of Wuxian Dynasty is indeed changing.

In the blood, veins appeared one after another. If you observe carefully, you will find that these veins all represent the strongest way of heaven.

Lin Mu already knew some secrets about Wuxian Dynasty.

The blue blood of Wuxian Dynasty is indeed against the sky.But everything has two sides. The bloodline can revive them nine times, but it is also a kind of shackle for them.

This kind of shackles will limit their communication and connection with Heaven.After all, this ability itself is a kind of going against the sky, and it is not recognized by the way of heaven.

In the Wuxian Dynasty, the Supreme Being could not be born because of the limitation of their blood.This was also in ancient times, although the Wuxian Dynasty was powerful for a while.But in the end, there was no reason to become a dynasty, but the fundamental reason why it could only be subordinated to the Supreme.

But it would be unimaginable to break through the restriction of the bloodline and have the natural advantages of the Wuxian Dynasty.

And the ancient prince of the Immortal Dynasty in front of him has obviously achieved this, or in other words, he has already found such a path.

Lin Mu opened his sky eyes and observed carefully again, trying to find out what was going on.

Because this is not just curiosity, but also about your own life and death, so you can't be careless.

Lin Mu observed carefully, one drop of blood after another, and finally Lin Mu saw some tricks.

This change of bloodline is not a complete change in the true sense.Instead, he used the emperor's aura to imitate the lines of the way of heaven, which echoed with the way of heaven.In the end, it changed into a bloodline similar to dao blood.

Although this is not a real bloodline change, at least it is a way.To be able to come up with such a method, the prince of the Wuxian Dynasty is considered a genius.

And such a road may not be impossible to succeed in the future.Because with the improvement of his cultivation, he may generate more royal aura.

In the end, it is very likely to be successful if it is completely engraved, or if it is tempered in this way during the tribulation.

Lin Mu really didn't expect to use imperial energy like this.At the same time, Lin Mu also understands that imperial aura is also important to him now.

Before Lin Mu couldn't absorb and utilize the imperial energy of the present age, he didn't pay much attention to it, but now that he has seen so many effects of imperial energy, Lin Mu has to pay attention to it.


The prince of the Wuxian Dynasty, after completing the reversal and transformation, suddenly opened his eyes, and the world seemed to open and close at once.

The sound pulsated with the way of heaven, and instantly spread throughout the small world.

"What happened? Did someone become the Immortal Emperor!"

"Is there a new Immortal Emperor born?"

The other guardians were also startled, staring at the clouds one by one.

The Immortal Emperor has not been born for too long, especially this kind of Xeon Emperor.

Because even an immortal emperor could not be born in this world, many people chose to hibernate.I don't want to become the Immortal Emperor too early, but I am waiting to become the strongest Immortal Emperor.

So in this world, there have been tens of thousands of years, and no new Immortal Emperor has been born.Hence the huge response.

Not to mention the guardians outside, even the disciples watching the battle inside were all alarmed.

Everyone looked nervously at the chaotic cocoon-like area.They all want to see if a new Immortal Emperor will be born after the cocoon is broken.

However, the trees in the cocoon are not comfortable, and it can even be said to be very uncomfortable.

Lin Shu coughed up blood, his face was as ugly as gold leaf.

Under the attack of the prince of Wuxian Dynasty, who communicated with heaven, Lin Mu endured the pressure beyond the limit.

"Is this the gap of lack of royal aura?" Lin Mu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and whispered in his mouth.


The prince of the Wuxian Dynasty ignored it at all, shouted again, and the world rioted even more.

Formed a continuous series of killing moves, pressing towards the trees like sea water.


Lin Mu didn't hesitate anymore, and sacrificed his own Domain of Ten Thousand Laws.

The domain of trees, after continuous evolution, finally formed the real domain of ten thousand laws.



However, there is still a gap between Wanfa and the real way of heaven.As soon as it was sacrificed, there was a piercing sound.



Lin Mu made continuous shots, and all the Dao runes he had mastered now entered the realm of ten thousand laws.

As soon as these avenue runes were fused in, it really stabilized.

But now Lin Mu is about to make his own choice.

At this moment, there are only two choices before Lin Shu.

The first one is to directly sacrifice the Heavenly Dragon Bow to shoot and kill the prince of the Wuxian Dynasty.There are only two such outcomes.Either Lin Shu wins completely and shoots the prince of the Wuxian Dynasty with one arrow.Or, he couldn't completely kill him, and he lost his strength and continued to fight.

The second is that Lin Mu is taking risks now, using the Dao Seed he now has, to force a breakthrough in front of the battle, and generate his own royal aura.However, this approach is also very dangerous.Not to mention whether it will be successful or not, it's just that there is a slight difference.If Lin Shu doesn't go mad, he will be broken into the Realm of Ten Thousand Laws by the prince of the Wuxian Dynasty, and will die tragically in the end.

However, Lin Mu didn't struggle for long before he made his own decision.

Lin Mu still chose to break through forcefully, the Heavenly Dragon Bow was always a foreign object.It is better to believe in your own potential and strength than to believe in a foreign object.

The strength obtained after the breakthrough is one's own strength.

Now that the decision has been made, Lin Mu will not hesitate any longer.As soon as Lin Mu raised his hand, all the Dao Seeds he possessed now were all arranged around Lin Mu.

And Lin Shu is even more straightforward, sitting directly in the area surrounded by these Dao species.

These Dao Seeds in Lin Mu's hands are all first-class Dao Seeds.

The prince of the Wuxian Dynasty was also slightly shocked when he saw Lin Mu suddenly sacrificed so many first-class Dao species.

After all, first-class Dao seeds are not radish and cabbage.It's not something you can get if you want to.

The Dao species outside constitute the Ten Thousand Demon Formation, and it is not so easy to obtain at all.Although there are a lot of them, most of them can just be seen.

And what puzzled him the most was that he didn't know what Lin Mu was planning to do with these Dao Seeds.

After watching for a while, the prince of the Wuxian Dynasty seemed to understand Lin Mu's plan, and couldn't help but let out a contemptuous smile, and said, "Do you want to break through? You think too highly of yourself, and too little of Xian. The emperor. But for your behavior, which doesn't even care about your own future, I still appreciate it very much. But even if you break through the Immortal Emperor, you will still die."

Lin Mu glanced at the prince of the Wuxian Dynasty, and said, "I also appreciate your courage to make wild guesses. But keep your dog eyes wide open and see how the Dao Seed is used!"

(End of this chapter)

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