Supreme Chef

Chapter 1924 Yuyue's Secret [Part [-]]

Chapter 1924 Yuyue's Secret [Part [-]]

The elders of the Zhan family finally left.

With Gugong present, no matter what he wanted, he didn't have this opportunity.

"Come with me." Gu Gong said to Lin Mu obviously a little bit downhearted.

Rolling up Gu Gong's sleeve robe, he brought Lin Shu to his cave.

"Senior, Yuyue asked me to give this to you." Lin Mu said as he handed Lei Zhentang to Gu Gong.

Gu Gong picked up Lei Zhentong, with some sadness in his eyes.It is very rare for a person of this level of cultivation to have such obvious mood swings.It can be seen that Gu Gong still attaches great importance to Yu Yue.

"Does he have anything else to say?" Gu Gong asked.

Lin Mu said: "Senior, you can ask him yourself, he still owes me an explanation."

After Lin Mu raised his hand, a ray of soul appeared in front of Lin Mu and Gu Gong.

This is Yuyue's living soul, and Lin Mu preserved it through special means.

Gu Gong saw that Yuyue still had a living soul, and his expression changed.

When Yu Yue saw Gu Gong, he also knelt on the ground respectfully, kowtowed three times, and said: "The disciple can kowtow three times to the master, and the disciple will die in peace."

Gu Gong snorted coldly and said, "I don't have a disciple like you."

Yu Yue said: "The disciple is indeed unworthy, the disciple is already a slave, indeed he is not worthy to be the master's disciple, not worthy to be the disciple of the Supreme Academy, please master, please kill me."

"Senior, he still owes me an explanation. After he finishes explaining, it's not too late for you to kill him." Lin Mu stopped Gu Gong and said.

Yu Yue said: "I have nothing to explain, you can kill me. I hope you can make the Supreme Academy regain its glory."

Lin Mu said: "Do you think I can let you go in exchange for sympathy?"

Yu Yue said: "I never hoped that anyone would let me go, just kill me."

"Hey! What's the trouble?" Suddenly sighed, and then Hongdao appeared in Gu Gong's cave.

"I've met Dean Hong." Seeing Hong Dao, Yu Yue bowed his hands respectfully.

"Why are you unwilling to admit it?" Hongdao looked at Yuyue and asked.

Yu Yue said: "The disciple has nothing to admit, the disciple is willing to wash away the shame of the Supreme Academy with his own blood."

Hongdao sighed and said, "If you are the disgrace of the academy, then no one will be the pride of the academy."

Gu Gong heard Hong Dao's words, turned his head to look at Hong Dao, his eyes widened, and said: "What do you know?"

Hongdao said: "Things are already like this, and I have nothing to hide. You should be clear about the situation at that time. The Tiangong family is dominant and seems to annex my Supreme Academy. The rise of Yuyue at that time, even more It is regarded as a threat by Tiangong.

Later, Yuyue approached me, and he told me about his plan.He wants to go to Tiangong as a slave, so that Tiangong will not regard himself as a threat.Since the second, Tiangong will think that he is a disgrace to the Supreme Academy.Instead, he would slow down and use himself to humiliate the Supreme Academy forever.

I naturally disagree, although my Supreme Academy was in decline at the time.Many seniors have just retreated.But he has not yet had the habit of sending his own disciples to be slaves.But what happens next, you will know.He challenged the little god by himself, but in the end he failed. "

After a pause, Hongdao said: "It can be said that half of the time in the Supreme Academy these years was won by Yuyue for us."

Gu Gong and Hong Dao were also shocked when they heard this.

Although Lin Mu knew about it, there were some stories he didn't know.But I didn't expect the story to be so tragic.What kind of courage and perseverance should it be to let myself go to the academy to be a slave for so many reincarnations.

Gu Gong looked at Yu Yue, and said angrily: "As a teacher, do you want to use you like this? How about Tiangong, why have you ever been afraid of being a teacher?"

Yu Yue said: "Master, I was picked up by you. Without you, Master, I would have died in the mouth of monsters. I have nothing to repay you. This is the only thing I can repay you and the academy. Disciple There is no regret in dying, please master take action."

Gu Gong's eyes were slightly red, and there were hot tears in his eyes.

Gu Gong even forgot himself, how long has it been since he cried.But this time, Gu Gong was really moved by his disciples.

For Yu Yue, Lin Mu also respected him.Such a thing, if it is oneself, absolutely can't do it.

"The disciple saw the academy, there was a genius like Junior Brother Lin born, the disciple really has no regrets in dying, please master take action." Yuyue once again begged for death.

Gu Gong refused to let go, Hong Dao remained silent.

Lin Mu said: "I have already torn your headband, and you have died once. Now you can be reborn. I think the two principals must have no objection to this point."

Yuyue shook his head, and said: "I never thought about being reborn. I have become a slave, and I will always be a humiliation to the academy. In my soul brand, there is the word slave. I am alive, and to the academy, I will always be a slave." shame."

Lin Mudao: "I can cleanse all your soul and make you truly reincarnate!"

Hearing Lin Mu's words, not only Yu Yue, but also Gu Gong and Hong Dao were all shocked.

Lin Mudao: "You two Qin Beis, I have mastered the principles of time. I can let Yuyue enter reincarnation and completely cleanse the living soul. But I need the help of the two seniors."

The way of time is the secret of trees.Even Gu Gong and Hong Dao didn't know about it.

Lin Mu would not have made a move if he hadn't respected Yue Yue.

Gugong and Hongdao looked at the trees with shocked expressions.

"It seems that you are really a person who should be robbed, and the way of time will never come out, but this life has reappeared." Hongdao said with emotion.

After a pause, he said, "How do you need our help?"

Lin Mudao: "Seniors, just help me protect the Tao. I can't easily use my imperial energy now."

"it is good!"

Gu Gong and Hong Dao shot at the same time, setting up a large formation that completely isolated the heavens from all worlds, allowing Lin Mu to minimize the damage.

Lin Mu tried it, and the damage was indeed much smaller, and he was ready to make a move.

"Wait!" Just as Lin Mu was about to make a move, Yuyue suddenly called out to Lin Mu.

"If you want to repent now, I'm afraid it's too late." Lin Mu said.

Yu Yue shook his head and said, "I won't regret it, but before reincarnation, I still have something to say. I'm worried that after reincarnation, I will forget everything."

Lin Mu said: "Speak."

Yuyue said: "Junior Brother Lin, someone is studying your situation in Tiangong. And it seems that some results have been obtained. There should be records of this in the Sutra Library of Tiangong. If you have the opportunity, you must enter the Sutra Take a look in the building."

Lin Mu nodded, and said, "Thank you, Senior Brother Yuyue, Senior Brother Yuyue, stick to Yuan Yi now, I will send you like reincarnation."

Yuyue closed his eyes, waiting for his new life.

Lin Mu made a move, using the supreme principle, a vortex of reincarnation appeared, and at the same time, with the blessing of imperial energy, this reincarnation was completely controlled by Lin Mu.


Lin Mu sent Yuyue into the vortex of reincarnation, allowing Yuyue to reincarnate thoroughly, washing away all previous memories and branding.

(End of this chapter)

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