Supreme Chef

Chapter 1926 Arriving in the Immortal Realm【Part [-]】

Chapter 1926 Returning to the Immortal World【Part [-]】

It's just that they didn't expect that Lin Mu would come back.Didn't it mean that after entering the Supreme Academy, it is difficult to get out?But how did the trees come out.

But Lin Mu was obviously not in the mood to explain this kind of thing to them.

As soon as Lin Mu's handprint was turned, the thunder poured over, enveloping everyone who came over.

Under the Thunder's package, no matter whether it was the Immortal King or the Immortal Monarch, they all failed to block even one round, and turned into scum directly.

The period when he entered the Supreme Academy was the period when Lin Mu's strength improved the fastest.

Not only because of the resources of the Supreme Academy, but also because of this series of experiences, Lin Mu gained a lot.



The screams were endless, this was the real grief, and all of this was caused by Lin Mu alone.

"Lin Mu, you are courting death!"

Suddenly there was a soaring aura that rushed straight to the sky, making the sky and the earth pale, and the sun and the moon dimmed.

However, Lin Shu was not afraid, he showed his magic, and slapped him with a slap.

The palm condensed with witchcraft crushed it, and the space there was directly shattered.

A figure was shot and flew horizontally, blood arrows dyed the whole sky red.

This is just this one. An Immortal Emperor was already seriously injured in his early days.

Lin Mu was so strong that he directly crushed all the people who besieged Fumanlou, and there was no sound.


The palms of witchcraft covered it like a mountain, and a mountain peak was directly smoothed out by the trees.

Those who wanted to escape there were all wiped out before it was too late.

A total of twelve immortals, who didn't even have the strength to parry, were wiped out by the trees.

Such a scene made everyone understand that Lin Mu was no longer on the same level as them.

The trees surpassed them too much, let alone their shadows, they could no longer see their shadows.

Lin Mu's dharma figure kept making shots, and every time he made a shot, he would take the lives of more than a dozen masters.

As for Lei Hai, he still didn't stop.Still raging wildly, the damage caused by Lin Mu alone is more exaggerated and terrifying than the damage caused by tens of thousands of people.

Lin Mu kept making shots, completely ignorant of fatigue.Of course, a person whose eyes are filled with anger will not know tiredness.

Lin Mu's eyes are completely red, the real god blocks and kills the god, and the Buddha blocks and kills the Buddha.

No matter who stood in front of him, Lin Mu defeated the enemy with one move and killed them directly.

While killing, Lin Shu pushed forward.

The situation in Fuman Building is what Lin Mu cares most about.

Lin Mu really forcibly blazed a trail of blood. On this road, the real river of blood drifted.The continuous mountain peaks below were dyed red by the trees.

Finally, Lin Mu reached the front of Fumanlou, seeing the protective formation that was already dying, Lin Mu was really angry.


As soon as he turned around, the Shadowless Knife in his hand directly swung down the sea of ​​knives all over the sky.

The sea of ​​swords swept across, and all those who followed were strangled in an instant.

In front of the trees, a vacuum zone with a diameter of five kilometers appeared.

This formation was originally arranged by Lin Mu, so without any trouble, Lin Mu directly entered the Fuman Building.

Entering the Fuman Building, Lin Mu also directly came to the City Lord's Mansion.

Arriving at the City Lord's Mansion, seeing that everything in the City Lord's Mansion was safe and sound, Lin Mu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Little Daddy!"

Gu Xuan was the first to see Lin Mu, she threw herself into Lin Mu's arms and burst into tears.

Lin Mu stroked Gu Xuan's soft long hair and said, "Okay, don't cry anymore. Little daddy is back, no one can bully us anymore."

Gu Xuan choked up and said, "Xiao Longlong, Uncle Wu De, and Grandpa Guang are not here, so these people came to bully us."

Lin Mu knew that Wu De and the others were all looking for their own opportunities, and as for Taoist Guang, they also had their own opportunities.

And Emperor Zong seized this vacuum period and wanted to take down Fumanlou in one fell swoop.

It's just that they didn't expect that without them, Fumanlou would still be a very difficult nut to crack.

After the development of Fumanlou, the overall strength has been improved by more than one level.Even without these masters, Fumanlou is not what they want.

Without the trees, Liu Yiyi is the lord of the city.Seeing Lin Mu come back, Liu Yiyi also had tears in her eyes.

"I'm back, no one will bully us." Lin Mu comforted Liu Yiyi.

Liu Yiyi nodded, then choked up and said, "Senior Kuang and Senior Wu died in battle."

Lin Mu's expression changed when he heard Liu Yiyi's words, and he said, "Wu Qiong and Kuang Feng died in battle!"

Liu Yiyi nodded with a choked voice, and said, "The Emperor Zong attacked Fumanlou. The two seniors were the first to discover it. They were the ones who tried their best to stop them from entering Fumanlou. We brought them from the next three days. more than 1 people were lost.”

When Lin Mu heard Liu Yiyi's words, his eyes became red again.The people in the next three days were the first group of people to follow Lin Shu.

The feelings for their trees are very special.

Especially Wu Qiong, who was the first to provide him with the greatest help.

But they turned out to be all dead in battle.

"Emperor Zong, I will make them pay back their debts in blood." Lin Mu said word by word.

"I am back!"

With a roar, Wu De appeared in the City Lord's Mansion like a whirlwind.

"I was there first."

The voice of the blood spirit dragon arrived later, but the person had already appeared in the city lord's mansion one step ahead of Wu De.

The blood spirit dragon has become more mature, and the strength of the blood spirit dragon has obviously improved by more than a large amount.

Wu De is still unreliable, but his strength has obviously increased a lot.

Around Wu De, even fragments of time are circulating.

Obviously, Wu De's reincarnation has been completed.

"Boss!" Seeing Lin Mu, Xue Linglong rushed into Lin Mu's arms excitedly.

Lin Mu touched the blood spirit dragon's head, which was still small, and said: "It has grown stronger, and its bones have also hardened. It seems that it has gained a lot of benefits."

Blood Linglong said: "Hey, it's because the boss gave me a good foundation before."

Blood Spirit Dragon's words are good, the progress of Blood Spirit Dragon can be so fast.It has a lot to do with Lin Mu's foundation.

You must know that even in the ancient times, the young beasts could not be nourished by divine substances before they matured.

And when the blood spirit dragon was a cub, it had already grown up in the divine substance.

Lin Mu looked at Wu De, and said, "How many more tombs have you robbed? Look at you now, you're also very rich, right?"

Wu De said with a serious face, "I'm not a tomb robber, I'm not letting the pearls be dusted. I'm making a contribution to the world, and I can't let those treasures be buried in the ground forever. I think those seniors who have treasures will also Hopefully we can put these to good use against the threats in that world."

Now Wu De's tomb robbers are becoming more and more aboveboard, and they are quite just. This can only show that Wu De's face is getting thicker and thicker.

(End of this chapter)

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