Supreme Chef

Chapter 1929 Revenge [Part [-]]

Chapter 1929 Revenge [Part [-]]

5000 million people, not 5000 million pigs.

In just one stick of incense, Emperor Zong suffered a tenth of the loss.

The price Fumanlou paid was almost negligible.And you must know that Fumanlou only used 500 million people, and it caused a loss ten times that of theirs.

If it was really given to Fu Manlou, he would have so many troops.Didn't Fumanlou already cleared the fairyland and dominated the fairyland long ago?

Thinking about it like this is scary.

And these elders of Emperor Sect finally understood.Why is the head of the sect so determined to solve the hidden danger of Fumanlou?

Because Fumanlou is a terrifying raptor waiting for an opportunity.

Once you give him time to grow, give him a chance.With an invincible posture, he will trample all of them under his feet.

"We're holding Lin Mu and the three of you here, and you go down and sit in charge." Among the emperor's sect, an elder began to command the army of immortal monarchs.


After receiving such an order, Immediately, Xianjun was ready to leave, and went to take command below.

But how could it be possible for Lin Mu to let them go.

Lin Mu's body turned into a white light, appearing directly on the outermost edge.



Lin Mu went down with both feet, and was about to kick the two immortals who were about to leave.

"If you want to run, have you asked me?" Lin Mu said ruthlessly, looking at the two immortals whose veins were broken and unable to fight again.

And Xue Linglong and Wu De also beat back the other four immortals who were about to leave.

"Lin Mu, don't be too rampant." An elderly fairy stood up and shouted angrily.

Hearing this, Lin Mu smiled coldly, and said: "It's really heartbreaking to hear such words. You are majestic, with such a huge army, and you are going to destroy my Fumanlou. Now instead, you have changed It’s too much for me to deceive people.”

After Lin Mu said this, all the elders of the emperor's level felt hot on their faces.

The elder who spoke just now wanted to find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

I and others came to attack Fumanlou, but how could I say such a thing.

It was obvious that he was bullying others, so why did he switch over now.Isn't this slapping yourself in the face?

Xue Linglong also spoke to the side, saying: "Okay, you don't have to blush. Have you done too many things to blush? Bring so many people to destroy our Fumanlou. We Fumanlou committed crimes. What's wrong? Besides, you've been wiped out like this, shouldn't you make yourself blush?"

Blood Spirit Dragon's words are even more direct.Like a sharp blade, it pierced into the deepest part of the hearts of Emperor Zong and others.

This is the greatest pain in their hearts.I vowed firmly, in a hurry, under everyone's attention, to destroy Fumanlou.

But Fumanlou without Lin Mu and others existed, they even attacked for half a year without attacking.

In the end, Lin Mu and the others came back and started a fierce counterattack.They counterattacked like this, and almost completely wiped out their advantages.

It can be expected that this battle will be won or lost.They will all become the laughing stock of the entire fairy world.

The one-hundred-fold advantage in numbers was finally countered by others.In just one stick of incense, one-tenth of the number of people on his side was lost.


The elder Xianjun roared, and then the remaining Xianjun began to form an array, preparing to wipe out the three of Lin Mu with the formation.

Xue Linglong curled his lips and said: "I thought about something a long time ago, but now I think about forming an formation. Arrogance is what you want, and you have to pay the price of arrogance. Boss, let's form an formation too, let's play with them."

Lin Mu said: "We don't need to fight in from the outside to disintegrate their bullshit formation."

After hearing this, Xue Linglong said excitedly: "I like this proposal."

After deciding on the tactics, Lin Mu and the three of them were not polite.

Directly smashing in from three directions, it doesn't matter what formation they form or not.

The three trees are all so vigorous, even though their bodies are stained red.Even though the wound was gone, the bones could almost be seen, but this did not stop Lin Musan's footsteps.

Lin Mu's shoulder was once again pierced by a sword light.After all, this is a peerless formation composed of immortals. Even if Lin Mu's cultivation is against the sky, he will still be injured.

However, being injured could not stop Lin Shu's bravery.

Wuying Dao directly smashed Huashan with one blow.There was no hesitation, and of course there was no hesitation in the explosion of the opposite fairy.

The forest trees were so vigorous, and they smashed into it abruptly.



This place has been completely overwhelmed by the three trees and the fairy king here.

They have completely gone from space to chaos.The places with a radius of tens of thousands of miles have all been blown up.

Not a single blade of grass grows here, and there is no vitality at all here.

The immortal monarch of the emperor's sect was really chilled from the beating.

They have never seen such a desperate leader.

This is still the leader, is this the captain of the Death Squad?

But they don't know Lin Shu's bravery and Lin Shu's blood.It also aroused the viciousness of everyone in Fumanlou.

This was originally a battle of the last stand.This is not an equal battle at all, and Fu Manlou can only crush Emperor Zong's attack if he is determined to die.

In one day and one night, the front of Fumanlou had turned into a real sea of ​​blood.

Fumanlou's army was completely struggling in the sea of ​​blood, killing people in the sea of ​​blood.

Emperor Zong's people were really killed and lost their spirits.Some people have already started to escape slowly.

They don't want to be a corpse in the sea of ​​blood.

As for Lin Mu, after a day and night of hard work, there were originally more than 100 immortals.Now there are less than fifty left.

More than half of the immortal monarchs have all fallen.

This is definitely the most tragic battle between immortals in the history of the immortal world.

Even in the darkest era at the end of ancient times, there never was a time when so many immortals died in a single battle.

And the most unacceptable thing for them is that whenever they think that the tree is exhausted, they can kill the tree.

The trees will be crushed mercilessly, and those who are close to them will be crushed.

Like the unkillable God of War, Lin Shu doesn't know how to get tired at all.

compared to trees.Blood Linglong and Wu De are slightly worse.But two people are slippery enough, and both have self-protection methods that can restore their strength.

For example, Wu De's Qiankun Seal, even if they tried their best, they couldn't shake the Qiankun Seal.

As for the Blood Spirit Dragon, his speed determined that they couldn't catch it at all.

Moreover, the blood spirit dragon's rough skin and thick flesh, coupled with the endless emergence of various magic weapons, made it impossible for them to really get close.

They are really frustrated, and they have paid such a high price.There were three trees, not even one fell.


Suddenly at this moment, a ray of light that lifted the sky directly descended from the nine heavens, and went straight to the forest, intending to chop the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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