Supreme Chef

Chapter 193

Chapter 193

Qi Fei left, leaving only Su Feiyao, her concubine, and Lin Mu.

Lin Mu was very indifferent, eating the food in front of him alone.But the other four were not so calm. Tang Xin was better, she had already seen Lin Mu's domineering side.

But Zhou Yuanyuan and the three of them hadn't met each other yet, they all looked at Lin Shu with admiration and awe, even if they were as pungent as Mu Xue, they behaved very well-behaved at this time.

Director Zhang stood there, hesitating for a long time, and finally bit the bullet and came to Lin Mu, and said, "Mr. Lin, what happened just now was my fault. I hope Mr. Lin can forgive me this time!"

Director Zhang also knows that any misunderstanding at this time is nonsense. Besides, Lin Mu's identity is here. With his identity, he really doesn't deserve to have any misunderstanding with Lin Mu.

Lin Mu ignored Director Zhang at all, and still ate his own food.

Looking up, Tang Xin and the others laughed and said, "What are you four looking at me for? Didn't you say you'll go shopping later?"


After seeing Lin Mu's arrogance, none of the four dared to disobey Lin Mu, and they all nodded in agreement.

Seeing that Lin Mu ignored him at all, Director Zhang not only didn't have any resentment in his heart, but panicked.

He is just a director of an airline company, so what if he is an executive director, in Lin Shu's eyes, he is also not enough.

Director Zhang hurriedly explained: "Mr. Lin, you have to listen to my explanation. In fact, I didn't intend to come to Tang Xin at all. It was all the attention of this bitch, and it has nothing to do with me!"

When Su Feiyao heard Director Zhang mentioning herself, she also turned pale with fright.

She wanted to argue, but she didn't know how to speak at all.She was really scared now, she really didn't expect that the boyish boyfriend Tang Xin found had such energy.

Hearing what Director Zhang said, Lin Mu looked up, and he said, "Actually, if you don't use a woman as a shield, I might still think highly of you, but now I find that you are not only shameless, you are even a man. It doesn’t count. I don’t care about your company’s affairs, as long as you don’t bother the four of them in the future!”

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Director Zhang quickly nodded and bowed, and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Lin, I promise I won't bother them again in the future. Thank you, Mr. Lin, for your kind hand!"

People like Director Zhang will exist no matter where they are. Lin Mu really doesn't want to follow such ordinary people, so he waved his hand and said, "Don't be an eyesore here, where should go, where should go!"

"Yes! Yes!" Director Zhang quickly nodded in agreement, turned around and left.

"Wait!" Before he could take a step, Director Zhang heard Lin Mu's voice, and quickly withdrew his feet.

"Mr. Lin, what other orders do you have?" Director Zhang asked cautiously with a slavish look.

Lin Mu glanced at Su Feiyao and said, "She still owes them an apology."

When Director Zhang heard this, he slapped Su Feiyao's pretty face, and said, "Quickly apologize to Tang Xin and the others!"

Director Zhang's slap was not the usual caress between the two of them doing careless things, but it was a real slap, and with one slap, half of Su Feiyao's face was swollen.

Although Su Feiyao felt wronged, she was more afraid of the trees.

With a crying voice, Su Feiyao came to Tang Xin and the others, bowed deeply, and said, "Tang Xin is sorry, I was the bastard before, I will never dare again!"

Tang Xin was a woman after all, and seeing Su Feiyao like this, she couldn't bear it, so she waved her hand and said, "Forget it, let's go!"

"Thank you!" Su Feiyao replied hastily and cautiously.

After Su Feiyao and the others left, the surroundings of Lin Mu and five people finally became quiet, but this quietness was a bit too much, which made Lin Mu very uncomfortable.

Lin Mu looked at Zhou Yuanyuan and the others with a wry smile and said, "You guys are really sincere, you don't want me to eat at your table, or I'll let the waiter pack it up for me to take away!"


Hearing Lin Mu's words, several people laughed.

With this beginning, the atmosphere soon became active. Mu Xue was the first to ask boldly: "What kind of unit do you belong to, Lin Mu? How come people who have been in the military and administration are as honest as grandsons when they see you?"

Before Lin Mu could answer, Tang Xin said, "Axue shouldn't ask you, don't ask casually!"

Zhou Yuanyuan was also very sensible, pulled Mu Xue and said, "Even if you eat, you can't keep your mouth shut!"

Mu Xue stuck out her tongue and said, "Lin Mu, just pretend that I didn't ask anything just now. I don't want to be checked on the water meter in the middle of the night."

"Check the water meter?" Lin Mu looked at Mu Xue puzzled, and said, "Why do you have to check the water meter in the middle of the night?"

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the four of them stared at Lin Mu as if they were looking at aliens.

Tang Xin said, "Don't you usually go online?"

Lin Mu said: "Come on, but I've been busy recently, so I don't care about surfing the Internet!"

Tang Xin listened to Lin Mu's words, and patiently explained: "This is a joke that has been circulated on the Internet recently. It's about..."

After listening to Tang Xin's patient explanation, Lin Mu also suddenly realized, and said to Mu Xue, "Then you'd better not know, don't talk about checking the water meter by then, the courier might be there in the middle of the night!"

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Mu Xue became even more curious, and said, "Lin Mu, are you really from the mysterious department?"

Zhou Yuanyuan pulled Mu Xue and gave her a hard look.

Seeing Zhou Yuanyuan's actions, Lin Mu also laughed loudly, and said, "Actually, I'm not a mysterious department, but this matter is more complicated, and I won't be able to explain it clearly to you in a while."

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Zhou Yuanyuan and the others were all relieved.Although Lin Mu said that he was not from the mysterious department, they felt that such Lin Mu gave them a sense of reality.

After eating, the four of them went shopping, and Lin Mu went back to his room alone.

Sitting in the room was fine, Lin Mu took an inventory of what he had gained this time.

The biggest reward of coming to Qinling Mountains this time is undoubtedly the fairy tomb.

It can be said that any one of the things Lin Mu got from the fairy tomb was enough to cause a bloodbath.Fortunately, here is the earth. So far, there is no one else except himself, a cultivator, and Lin Mu is not worried about being coveted by others!

At the same time, Lin Mu also had a general idea about his next training direction.

Although I can't continue to advance, the "Witch God Body Refining Technique" is not under the control of heaven.

Of course, spiritual consciousness is not controlled by the way of heaven, so Lin Mu's next practice direction.It is to practice "Sorcerer God Body Refining Technique" and the special cultivation method brought out from the fairy tomb. As for the wonderful book "Zheng", Lin Mu has no plans to dabble in it yet.

Lin Mu still understands the truth that too much can't be chewed.Besides, the book "Array" is too vast to be understood overnight.When there is time in the future, Lin Mu will naturally study this book carefully, but the main problem now is how to leave the earth.

After making a decision, Lin Mu didn't stop for a moment, and directly took out the incomplete spiritual consciousness technique to look at.

Lin Mu probed into the jade slips with his spiritual sense, and first glanced at the general outline of the divine sense exercises.

Lin Mu discovered that this spiritual consciousness skill is actually the same as the "Witch God Body Refining Technique" in terms of level division. It is divided into heaven, earth, and human. The three major realms are also each major realm, divided into nine levels.

After reading the opening chapter, an idea suddenly popped up in Lin Mu's mind.

Lin Mu suddenly felt that "Sorcerer God Body Refining Technique" and this broken spiritual consciousness technique seemed to belong to the same era, and should have been handed down from ancient times.

Although this was just a feeling without any evidence, Lin Mu felt that his feeling should be right.

Thinking of ancient times, Lin Mu couldn't help yearning.However, Lin Mu also knew that that level was too far away from him, and he had to settle the matter before him to be the right way.

After reading the general outline, Lin Mu began to look at the contents.

It took a full three hours for Lin Mu to finish reading the exercises of Human Realm.

After watching the exercises of Human Realm, Lin Mu had a 'perverted' thought.

Lin Mu felt that the self-torturing exercises were already self-torturing enough, and the level of self-torture of the spiritual consciousness exercises was comparable to that of the body-training exercises.

If you want to practice the spiritual consciousness technique, the first step is to break it and then build it up. To put it simply, you have to completely crush your original spiritual consciousness, and then let it recover slowly. According to the abbreviation in the book, the spiritual consciousness Only when it is just formed, the plasticity is the highest, and only at this time, it is the most suitable for practicing spiritual consciousness.

Holding the jade slips, Lin Mu also said to himself: "Did the ancients like to torture themselves? Don't they have to make themselves disabled?"

But fortunately, Lin Mu once fused with the soul-suppressing pearl, and his spiritual consciousness has been crushed once, and his current spiritual consciousness fully meets the requirements of the exercise. If not, Lin Mu is really worried that he will not be able to do such a cruel thing to himself. Completely crush your consciousness.

Spiritual consciousness is different from the body. If the body is injured, at least there is a chance to recover.But spiritual consciousness, if it is not done well, it is very likely to endanger life, even if it is not life-threatening, if it becomes an idiot, it is not a joke.

Lin Mu recalled "Sorcerer God Body Refining Technique" and compared the spiritual consciousness exercises in front of him. Lin Mu seemed to know why so many exercises in ancient times were lost.

According to Lin Mu's speculation, these disappearing exercises are likely to be extremely perverted and self-abuse.

If there were no other cultivation methods in the past, everyone had no choice but to practice this, but once a lighter cultivation method is released, then this is useless. No one likes to abuse themselves, and they can achieve their goals. Why not Choose an easy one.

(End of this chapter)

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