Supreme Chef

Chapter 1931 Create a Miracle Again

Chapter 1931 Create a Miracle Again

With a roar of excitement, the blood spirit dragon directly transformed into a mighty dragon.

The dragon is like a mountain, crushing directly downwards mercilessly.A divine dragon swung its tail over, not to mention a human wall, even the arrangement of stars could sweep away and smash it to pieces.

Looking at Wu De, Lin Mu also said: "I have a lot of materials here from the Supreme Academy. You break through it first, and I will let you choose it at will to repair the Qiankun Seal."

As soon as Wu De heard this, his two small eyes immediately lit up like stars.

"Okay, just watch it."

Wu De screamed excitedly, and directly used all his strength to attack Xianjun's defense.



Wu De's continuous shots made him face Wu De Xianjun, complaining again and again.

Seeing Wu De and Xue Linglong attack with all their strength, Lin Mu was not far behind.

Wanzhang's method was transformed into an illusion, and Lin Mu made a strong move, holding the three thousand avenues of illusion runes directly, and the rune sword composed of them slashed forward.


In just one click, the unbreakable defense was broken by Lin Shu.

At the same time, the ten-thousand-foot dragon body of the blood spirit dragon also crushed a large number of people.As for Wu De, relying on a pair of strange traps, he beat a group of people with black noses and swollen faces.

Seeing how fierce the three of Lin Mu were, the elder Xianjun who was communicating with the emperor's magic weapon in the center was really anxious.Desperately seal, speed up the summoning.

However, his speed was not as fast as Lin Mu's three.

Like three sharp swords, the three of them rushed directly in front of the Great Elder Xianjun.


The three of Lin Mu shot at the same time, and the eyes of the Great Elder turned into ashen despair.In the end, he was still a step too late and failed to summon the Great Emperor's Magical Artifact.


The Great Elder's body exploded, and even the space above his head was crushed.

The terrifying fluctuation of the Great Emperor's Magical Artifact failed to reach Fumanlou in the end.

Even the Great Elder has fallen, and the remaining immortal monarchs have really been killed.They began to flee one after another, and they had no intention of fighting at all.

Seeing the masters of the Xianjun level, they all ran away desperately.Needless to say, the following disciples.

All fleeing beyond the sea of ​​blood, they really bought this fate of being killed.They can't bear this endless killing.

The escape of one person led to the escape of others.All of them fled, driving everyone to flee.

The army below was truly defeated.Fumanlou, on the other hand, became more and more courageous as he fought more and more, gathered together in one place, and then frantically chased and killed the defeated people.

Beating the dog in the water, a one-sided situation was formed all at once.

As for Daoist Guang, the three Immortal Emperor-level masters were also severely suppressed.

Especially on Grandpa Yan's side, he suppressed his opponent fiercely, and now he can only defend passively, with injuries all over his body, he may fall at any time.

The three Immortal Sovereigns, seeing the army below, were already defeated and had no intention of fighting, so they wanted to leave.

Daoist Guang and Yang Tian didn't have to kill each other, so if the other party wanted to escape, Taoist Guang and Yang Tian didn't pursue desperately.

But Grandpa Yan obviously didn't think so.His opponent wanted to escape, but he was sure of it, and he must leave him behind.

Grandpa Yan kept making shots, and the Great Emperor's method was brought into full play by him.

A great way bottle appeared above Grandpa Yan's head.The silver killing light slanted down crazily.

Even the Immortal Sovereign can only back away from this killing light.


In the end, Grandpa Yan seized the opportunity and shattered half of the Immortal Emperor's body with one palm.

The Immortal Emperor shed blood, and the heavens and the earth wept bitterly.

The blood rained down, and the world was completely dyed red.

Gaining the advantage, Grandpa Yan became even stronger and let go of his defense completely.Regardless, his shoulders are also bleeding.


Grandpa Yan shot again, very forcefully.

With the cooperation of Dao Ping, he punched out and went straight to the opponent's dantian.

Seeing such a scene, the Immortal Emperor was also frightened into a cold sweat.

If he was punched on the dantian with one punch, all his countless years of penance would be explained away.


Grandpa Yan let out a loud roar, and the momentum of his whole body suddenly increased several times. Such a punch was simply unstoppable.


The Immortal Emperor on the opposite side did not expect it at all.At this time, Grandpa Yan's momentum can continue to skyrocket, and he can still maintain such a high combat power.

Before he had time to dodge, his body was pierced by Grandpa Yan.Even the sea of ​​consciousness was completely shattered.

This time, he was really dead and couldn't die any more. A master of the Immortal Emperor level fell like this.

The sky and the earth were completely pale, and there was a ruthless thunder.

Grandpa Yan bathed in thunder alone, like a generation of killing gods.

This kind of momentum really makes people have an urge to worship.

"Old ghost, it's okay, don't stand for too long, can you hold on with your old body?" Yang Tian said in a very untimely manner.

Grandpa Yan snorted coldly, and punched against the sky, smashing all the thunder.

A fairy emperor has fallen, and the people below are even more unwilling to fight.He ran away crazily, but Fumanlou chased and killed him even more crazily.

They have been chasing for hundreds of thousands of miles. If it wasn't for Lin Mu's order, they might have been chasing and killing.Until the last person is killed, the position is cleared.

No matter who takes a look at the sea of ​​blood that is hundreds of thousands of miles away, I'm afraid it will only be terrified.

As for the people who died, it is impossible to count them. We can only make a rough estimate from the people who escaped from the Emperor Zong coalition forces.

The total number of people who escaped from the Emperor's Allied Forces may be less than two-thirds of the [-] million.In other words, the remaining one-third, more than [-] million people, were left here forever.

[-] million people died in World War I, not counting serious injuries.This is definitely the most tragic battle since the end of ancient times.

As for the losses on Fumanlou's side, the total number of casualties is only one hundred thousand.

Such a terrifying record, I am afraid that no sect can do it.This really created a miracle.

Lin Mu stood high in the sky, and a fire from the sky went down, and the sea of ​​blood began to burn.This is Lin Mu's Fumanlou, and Lin Mu doesn't want this place to become a magic cave.

The sea of ​​blood continued to burn for a full month before the flames of the sea of ​​blood gradually extinguished.

All the immortals who saw this sea of ​​burning blood felt chills down their spines.This is the blood of [-] million people, a sea of ​​blood dyed red, it is too exaggerated and terrifying.

And such a record spread throughout the last three days in the shortest time.

Everyone who knew the news was shocked.Such a terrifying record has never appeared in the history of the fairy world.

Fumanlou once again created a miracle, but also made history.

Fumanlou, which had been silent for too long, shocked the world once again.

At the same time, those who thought that Fumanlou was bound to lose this time felt their faces burn.

Back then they told everyone so sternly that this time Fumanlou would definitely lose.But what happened now, Fumanlou not only did not fail, but created such an unimaginable miracle.

(End of this chapter)

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