Supreme Chef

Chapter 1933 comprehensive preparations

Chapter 1933 comprehensive preparations
Hearing Lin Mu's words, everyone present was shocked.

How is it possible not to die?That's fighting against Emperor Zong, not picking on soft persimmons.Even if we pick soft persimmons and pinch them, there will be casualties.

Lin Mu took out a thing that looked like a grinding pan, and said, "I made this according to an ancient picture when I was waiting for the three seniors to come. It can't attack or defend. But it can be used on the battlefield. Collect the souls of people in the first place. And if there is this ring to cooperate, the effect will be even better. I was not sure before, but after this experiment, I am sure that this thing is indeed effective. Fu Ninety-nine percent of the souls of the fallen people are here. As long as there are suitable materials, they can be resurrected."

Daoist Guang stared at the things in Lin Mu's hands, his eyes widened, and said, "How did you do this?"

Everyone looked at Taoist Guang's expression and was also a little surprised.

Blood Spirit Dragon stabbed Taoist Guang, and said, "Old Skull, have you seen this thing before?"

Lin Mu also looked at Taoist Guang, wanting to know where he had seen this thing.

Taoist Guang nodded and said, "I've seen this thing before, but it was in ancient times."

"Old Skeleton, don't be a fool, what's going on? Tell me quickly." Blood Spirit Dragon urged.

Daoist Guang said: "It was in an ancient battlefield. At that time, this thing caused an uproar. Many people were speculating, what is the use of this thing? Later, someone found Qi Zun, and Qi Zun solved the secret .Tell everyone that this is for collecting living souls.

But the one at that time was already damaged, even if it was a Qi Zun, there was no way to restore it.Because there are two core formations, Qi Zun can't deduce them.Otherwise, if there was this in ancient times at that time, the loss would probably be much smaller. "

Lin Mudao: "Senior, even if you have it, it shouldn't change anything. The ancient ones are all damaged. Even if the ancient ones can be rebuilt, what can be changed?"

Taoist Guang thought for a while, and it was indeed the case.Also sighed helplessly.

Lin Mudao: "Although it can't be used to fight the catastrophe, it should be enough to deal with Emperor Zong. As long as there are enough materials, the soul can be guaranteed to be immortal, which can be regarded as immortality."

Xue Linglong said: "Boss, you can deduce the formation that even Qi Zun can't deduce. Boss, you are better than Qi Zun. It seems that Emperor Zong will be unlucky this time."

Lin Mu knocked on the blood spirit dragon, and said: "I'm still far from Qi Zun, but I have my own chance, and I just happened to collect those two formations."

Lin Mu is only because of the "Formation", and it is still incomparable with Qi Zun Lin Mu.

But this also made Lin Shu more curious about the earth.

Because whether it is the Tower of Time, or the "array", or the chaotic world.The trees are all obtained from the earth, and the earth hides more secrets than the trees think.

If it is possible to find the way back, Lin Mu must go back and take a good look to explore the secrets of the earth.

Yang Tian looked at the millstone in Lin Mu's hand, and said: "If this is really possible, I believe there will be many people willing to join. After all, for them, the real threat is the threat of death. If there is a pill, Plus this kind of treasure. I believe they will definitely be willing to work hard."

Lin Mu nodded, and said: "I think so too. So I plan to spend all of Fumanlou's current possessions, refining elixir and building these things, and then start preparing for the battle with all the members. The Emperor Zong has been at ease for too long. Watching other sects establish and perish, they should also have a good taste of this feeling."

When Gu Xuan heard Lin Mu's words, she asked weakly, "Little Daddy, if you want to give up everything we have in Fumanlou, then we won't be able to survive in the future?"

Hearing Gu Xuan's words, everyone laughed, and the oppressive and tense atmosphere eased a lot.

Seeing everyone laughing at herself, Gu Xuan felt a little embarrassed, but she still didn't know what everyone was laughing at.Because she didn't think there was something wrong with what she said.

"Xiaolonglong, why are they laughing at me?" Gu Xuan poked the blood spirit dragon and asked weakly.

Blood Linglong held back his smile and said, "Xuanxuan, think about it. If we win the Emperor Zong, the Emperor Zong's treasure will be ours. What we lost now is nothing?"

After listening to Xue Linglong's words, Gu Xuan understood why everyone laughed at her.It turned out that I asked myself, such a small mentally handicapped question.

Gu Xuan was also a little embarrassed, and said, "Little Dad, I'll let Mingzhe take a look and see who is more suitable for us to operate on first?"

Lin Mu said to Gu Xuan, "It's too much pressure for Ming Zhe to count as a school's luck."

Satisfied, Gu Xuan said: "Little dad, you don't have to worry about him. He is improving very fast now, except for you, little dad, he can calculate everything. And with the comprehensive protection of the fortune-telling family, he will not bear it." What."

Seeing that Gu Xuan was proud of what she said, Lin Mu didn't want to dampen her enthusiasm, and said, "Then you go. But remember, you can't force Zhe to die."

Gu Xuan said: "Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for the little fat man."

After finishing speaking, Gu Xuan left in a hurry, and as for Lin Mu and the others, they had to start arranging the next thing.

Grandpa Yan went directly to Mortal Realm to find Zhen Guoshi.As for Taoist Guang and Yang Tian, ​​they were going to monitor Emperor Zong's movements.

After all, only the two of them have enough cultivation to deal with Emperor Zong's various methods.

Blood Linglong and Wu De also have missions.They need to go out and recruit candidates, although Lin Mu is confident in Fumanlou.But Lin Mu is not yet confident enough that he can fight against the profound Emperor Zong with a small Fumanlou.Therefore, Fumanlou also needs help.

And the biggest helping hand is the entire fairy world, all those who are dissatisfied with Emperor Zong.

As for Lin Mu's task, it was the most important.Lin Shu needs to refine elixir, and Lin Shu also needs to refine the magic weapon that can collect living souls.

Luckily for the elixir, Lin Mu has an apprentice who can help.But that magic weapon, except for Lin Mu, no one else knows it.

Lin Mu did not cherish himself with a broom. Lin Mu found all the best masters in Fumanlou to teach them.

Because although Lin Mu felt that this would not be of much use in the future apocalypse.But at least it gives people a psychological comfort, so Lin Mu hopes that the whole fairy world can experience it.

But they can't learn it anyway, even if they know it, their cultivation base is not enough, and they can't really arrange it.

(End of this chapter)

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