Supreme Chef

Chapter 1959 I Want It Too

Chapter 1959 I Want It Too
Being pulled by Lin Mu as a thug for no reason, Bai Yixian was also very speechless, but now that the two are allies, even if Bai Yixian wants to go back on his word, he has to wait until he understands this matter.

Fortunately, Zhange and Miao Qingshuang seemed to have no intention of trembling with Lin Shu.

War Song said: "I'm not that boring, as long as you don't make trouble, I can spare your life."

Miao Qingshuang didn't speak, but the meaning was already very clear. Obviously, what she and Zhan Ge wanted to express was the same.

It is equivalent to saying that Lin Mu was ignored again, and the two expressed it very clearly.As long as you're out of the way, we can pretend you don't exist.

"Brother Lin, we didn't come here to fight." Bai Yixian stopped Lin Mu, who wanted to continue talking.

Lin Mu heard Bai Yixian's words and said: "This time, you two have gone far away. If it was normal, I would have chopped you both up."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu suddenly thought of something, and quickly shook off Bai Yixian's hand.

Regarding what Bai Yixian said, although Lin Mu doesn't really believe that Bai Yixian is of the same sex, but thinking about such things is also very disgusting, so it's better to stay away.

Bai Yixian is not angry, as long as there are no moths in the trees, Bai Yixian will be very happy.

Lin Mu shunned the white fairy, but Miao Qingshuang looked at the white fairy differently, and even looked twice more.

When Lin Mu had a conflict with Zhange and the others, all the outsiders also came in.

Seeing the shining elixir in the alchemy room, all the people who came in had the urge to fall into madness.

The pills here are all magic medicines for the birth of spiritual consciousness.It definitely has the effect of life and death, and if they take it alone, they can definitely make great strides forward in their cultivation.

But when you think about this matter, you have to think about it, there are three trees.

They don't know Lin Mu's strength, but they still know the strength of Miao Qingshuang and Zhange very well.

War Song exists side by side with Little God of War, but Little God of War is a generation older than him.Otherwise, the Zhan family would have two strong men with the title of little God of War.

As for Miao Qingshuang, the reputation of Zhange is almost equal to that of Zhange. Miaoqingshuang has all the reputation Zhange has.

As for the trees, although they didn't have a specific understanding.But being able to survive under Tiangong's pursuit shows that Lin Shu's strength is absolutely extraordinary.

It is definitely the tragedy of this era to live in the same era as these three people.And wanting to get some hints and help from their subordinates is wishful thinking.

Looking at the backs of the three of Lin Mu, many people felt a little bitter in their mouths.It may be really difficult to snatch it from the mouths of the three of them.

But no matter how difficult it was, no one quit.After all, this is a heaven-defying opportunity, and no one will give up voluntarily.Even if they know they are invincible, they still have to experiment.

Zhange and Miao Qingshuang didn't care about those who came in later.Both of them are looking for, obviously looking for another elixir with the highest value.

They don't want to waste too much time here, and every well-preserved pill here is protected by a peerless formation.

It is not an easy task to break the formation. After obtaining the resources here, they have more important things to do.

In the end, Zhange and Miao Qingshuang all fell in love with the Heavenly Dao Pill refined from the Heavenly Dao Grass that Lin Mu needed.

This elixir is not only useful for trees, it is also useful for people without dao injuries. It can help people improve their cultivation and better integrate into the Dao of Heaven to understand Dao.

As if it had been agreed upon, Zhan Ge and Miao Qingshuang took action at the same time on the elixir refined by Tian Dao Grass.

Seeing the two of them, Lin Mu finally chose, and he couldn't help shaking his head for the Tiandao Pill he had his eye on.

Lin Mu didn't want to intervene, but the matter was too coincidental, so he couldn't help it.Who made the two of them fall in love with what they fancy.



The two activated Qian Kun Battle Song and Tian Di Shang at the same time, and the two voices collided in the air, causing the entire alchemy room to vibrate violently.

In the sound of collision, everyone seemed to see the collision of thousands of troops, as if they saw countless people fighting, as if they saw the reckless struggle of immortals.

Everyone who was vibrated by the sound had pain in their eardrums, and even some people with weak cultivation had bleeding from both ears.

"I'll go to the side and wait for you, and check if there are any suitable for me. It's too noisy here." Bai Yixian said to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu grabbed Bai Yixian and said, "We are allies, and I also need that Heavenly Dao Pill. Should you help me?"

Bai Yixian is not a fool. Although he is an ally, he does not just serve Lin Mu as a thug.

"I'm not very interested in this Heavenly Dao Pill, and it doesn't do me any good. If you really want it and want to sell it, then I can exchange it with you." Bai Yixian said to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu said with a hippie smile: "It's so outrageous to ask for remuneration, you help me this time, and I will definitely help you back next time."

Bai Yixian glared at Lin Mu, and directly chose to back off, saying, "I won't do anything unless I'm paid."

After Bai Yixian finished speaking, he turned around and sat on the side.There were already many spectators there, after all, it is very rare for two people to make such a move.If you can see two people doing it at the same time, there will definitely be a lot of useful things.

Of course, in addition to watching the fun, some people went to the side to try their own opportunities.

After all, it is not easy for two people to fall in love with the same thing at the same time.

When they have no time to take care of themselves, they are all hurrying to find their own opportunities.


However, this search for opportunities also coexists with danger.Take the present as an example, some people have been strangled by the formation before they even get close to the pill, and the blood is spattered everywhere.

Obviously these elixirs have become refined, they know what is best for themselves.They hide in the formation, which is the safest for them.

In the battle between Miao Qingshuang and Zhange, after a collision, they each took a step back and opened up some distance.

Obviously the two are evenly divided.

"I want to apply for that. I'm also interested in this Heavenly Dao Pill. How about we discuss it. Please do me a favor, both of you, and give me the pill. If it doesn't work, I'll give you some Compensation is possible. Whatever the two want, I can do my best to make up for the loss of the two." Lin Mu said before the two were about to make a move.

(End of this chapter)

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