Supreme Chef

Chapter 1966 A Special Gift [Part [-]]

Chapter 1966 A Special Gift [Part [-]]

People in the fairy world couldn't accept such a scene.

After all, these people are all people who have been dead for a long time, and they once lived with them in the same era, and some of them are even friends of some people present.

But now their dead bodies are standing in front of their eyes, and these dead bodies have now become their enemies, and they want to fight them to the death.

And if they want to survive, they must destroy the bodies of these former comrades in arms.

There is nothing more cruel than this.

"If you want to survive, I'm afraid you have only one choice, kill your former comrades-in-arms." The people on the other side of the world said.

"Impossible, I'm going to kill you!" Someone roared, almost going mad.

Because he saw the ancestor of their sect, who once fell in ancient times, and now stands in front of him again.

Such a thing is really unacceptable.Let him kill his old ancestor with his own hands, he can't do such a cruel thing.

"I knew you might not be able to do it, so I prepared another gift, but it's not for you, but for those disciples who are bathing in blood."

After the voice fell, someone flew out of the sarcophagus again.But this time, they were all young people. These people were the top geniuses in ancient times, but in that dark age, they also died.

Now they have also been refined into puppets.

"go with!"

The voice from the other side of the world let out a soft drink, and then all the young corpses flew out.

"These corpses are a gift I prepared for the disciples I brought you. I hope they can survive. If they survive, it should be regarded as a kind of exercise." The person on the other side of the world said it very jokingly. Obviously, in his opinion, This is a game.

Gu Gong and the others are really passive now. If they make a move, they really can't do it.But if they didn't make a move, Lin Mu and his disciples would be really in danger.After all, each of those ancient corpses was once in ancient times, emitting the most dazzling light.Although they have been refined into puppets now, they are still very strong. I am afraid they cannot be dealt with by Lin Mu.

After all, Lin Mu and the others haven't fully grown up yet.


The Great Elder of Shanshui Academy was the first to strike, raising his hand to kill a puppet in front of him.

"What are you waiting for? They are already dead. Those disciples are the hope for the future. If they die, we will not even have a chance to avenge them!" The words of the Great Elder were resounding, reaching everyone's heart among.

After hearing the words of the Great Elder of Shanshui Academy, everyone gritted their teeth, and then chose to make a move.

The Great Elder of Shanshui Academy is right, Lin Mu and the others are the hope for the future, if Lin Mu and the others die.They didn't even have the chance and possibility of revenge.

Gugong and the others all made their moves without any reservations or hesitation.

Everyone shot together, instantly turning this place into a battlefield of death.

These puppets can't just be beaten passively, they also have instincts from previous lives, they will react differently according to different attacks, and no matter their strength or speed, they are not slow.

"It seems that you like my gift very much." The person on the other side of the world said.


The Great Elder of Shanshui Academy activated the Wordless Heavenly Book, and a ray of light directly passed through the crack and blasted into the other side of the world.


With a muffled grunt, the person from the other side of the world was attacked.

"Old man, when I come across the border, I will be the first to crush you." The action of the great elder of Shanshui Academy really angered him.

"Let's talk about it when you can come across the border." The elder of Shanshui Academy responded coldly.

Everyone is trying to make a move, because those young puppets have disappeared from their sight.They don't know if they will be in danger.


Lin Mu and Bai Yixian, the two of them teamed up, have penetrated into many dilapidated ancient sites.

This place is worthy of the God Burial Domain. Even among the fragments of magic weapons left behind, rare and rare genius treasures can be separated.

These genius treasures have long since disappeared in the modern fairy world.

Forest trees and white immortals can be said to be full of excavations,

"It's almost done, these are not worth wasting too much time. There is a palace in front of it, which is the real treasure place in the Burial God Realm. It is very complete there, although it has been entered millions of times in this life, But the real treasure has never been discovered." Bai Yixian said to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu was also surprised when he heard Bai Yixian's words: "There is still such a place, it seems worth visiting. Maybe by the way, you can go inside and trap one or two people."

Bai Yixian was really speechless to what Lin Mubao said.But he knows Lin Mu, and if Lin Mu really does this, he has no choice.

"The cave where my master practiced in the past is also nearby. If you encounter danger, you can go inside and hide." Bai Yixian said.

Lin Mu said with a smile: "That's a good relationship, it saves me a lot of things, even if it is to hide, there will be a place to hide."

Just when Lin Mu and Bai Yixian were about to leave, their way was blocked by two uninvited guests.

These two uninvited guests were none other than the two dead puppets.

But Lin Mu didn't see it at first glance, he just felt that their service didn't seem to belong to the current world.

"This kind of clothing should be the oldest one in ancient times." Bai Yixian also frowned.

"How come I can't feel any anger from them." Lin Mu's brows frowned even tighter, and he couldn't feel any vitality at all, which was really very strange.

Bai Yixian took out a stone from his bosom, looked at it for a while, his expression suddenly changed, and said: "None of them are alive, they have all been dead for at least a year."

Bai Yixian's words changed Lin Mu's expression.People who have been dead for so long suddenly appear in front of you alive and kicking, even if you are scared, you will be scared to death.

This is indeed a bit scary, and people have no way to understand it.This can be regarded as a real ancient corpse.

"Are you sure you read it right?" Lin Mu still couldn't believe that such a thing would happen.

Bai Yixian nodded seriously, and said: "There is absolutely nothing wrong, this is left by the master back then, it has no other purpose, it can only distinguish between life and death."

Since it is something left by Yuantian Supreme, it must be right.And I also felt that there was no vitality in them, so it must be impossible to be wrong.

"But where did they come from?" Lin Mu was puzzled and didn't quite know where the two things that popped up suddenly came from.

But there was no time for Lin Mu to think for too long, and the dead puppet on the opposite side had already moved.

(End of this chapter)

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