Supreme Chef

Chapter 1978 Competing Time

Chapter 1978 Competing Time
This kind of pessimistic, desperate, and confused thoughts lingered in Lin Shu's heart and could not go away.It is very dangerous to drag the trees into the abyss.

Lin Mu felt that he was really going to sink here, and felt that this place should be his dead end.Without that moment, Lin Mu felt so hopeless and helpless,

Looking at the abyss, Lin Mu really wanted to jump and be completely free.

But at this moment, the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly shone brightly.The light came out through the body, and the emerald green light lit up everything.The world is green, and Lin Shu's heart is extremely transparent at this moment.All the demonic obstacles were swept away at this moment.

A wisp of black smoke gushes out from Lin Shu's body. These are Lin Shu's inner demons, the demons that plague Lin Shu.

Lin Mu's eyes radiated light again, his eyes were like lightning, he raised his hand and slashed, screamed, and then the black mist disappeared.

"It's almost on the road. I haven't encountered a demon all the way. I didn't expect that I'm not used to encountering a demon here." Lin Mu murmured.

That was Lin Mu's inner demon just now, and Lin Mu has been making great progress all the way in practicing "Tai Shang Yin Yang Jue", as for the inner demon, he has never encountered it at all.

Now that he suddenly encountered a demon, Lin Mu was not used to it, felt uncomfortable, and didn't know how to deal with it.

However, it is really strange that there are alien demons living like living beings here.

Generally speaking, inner demons are produced within the body itself.Lin Mu had never heard of this kind of foreign demon, and even saw it for the first time.


Another heart demon rushed over, trying to corrupt the forest.However, it was blocked by the soul-suppressing talisman and the light emitted from it.


Lin Mu shot again, crushing the demons in his heart.

Suddenly, Lin Mu felt something in his heart. Looking at his feet, Lin Mu took a step with common sense.

This step was taken under the protection of the soul-suppressing talisman.

Under the light of the soul-suppressing talisman, the original abyss suddenly parted and a path appeared.

It turns out that there is no road here, but it is completely covered by the inner demon, and it is impossible to see it at all.

The road covered by inner demons, coupled with the blinding of inner demons, it is strange to be able to see the road.

And Lin Mu also understood that this kind of road is a test of human nature.If one's heart is firm enough, one can naturally take such a broken path.

If you want to become a witch god, you need to have an extremely hard heart.If you can't even be firm in your xinxing, how can you fight against the sky, how can you be detached.

With the help of the soul-suppressing talisman, Lin Mu embarked on such a broken road covered by demons.

Lin Shu moved forward step by step, even with the help of the soul-suppressing talisman.But still very slow, and very difficult at the same time.

Because of the tangible inner demon, he kept attacking the tree frantically, trying to bombard the tree from the single-plank bridge.

Facing such an attack, Lin Mu held onto Yuan Yi, his body remained unmoved, and every step he took was extremely firm.

Such a step.Stepping forward, Lin Mu's heart became more and more firm, and at the same time, his soul became stronger and stronger.

Feeling Lin Mu's strength, the light of the soul-suppressing talisman gradually gathered into Lin Mu's body, protecting Lin Mu's sea of ​​consciousness from being disturbed.

After walking out for an unknown distance, a wall once again appeared in front of Lin Shu.

This time the road was really broken, and I couldn't see the other side or the future.

"I don't believe it, this is definitely not the end, nor is it the final result!"

Along the way, Lin Mu's mind has become extremely strong.No matter what the result is, Lin Mu has confidence.


Without hesitation, Lin Mu punched out.

All the volcanoes in his body were erupting, and Lin Shu's punch went out, directly stirring everything up.All the inner demons were frightened and avoided, and those who had no time to escape were shattered.

However, with just such a punch, the wall blocking the way did not move at all.

Continuous attempts, no reaction, no change.Such a road seems to be really broken.

"I don't believe it, this is definitely not my end, I can't turn back!" Lin Mu shouted in his heart, unwilling to bow to fate.

"It must be that I am not strong enough, I can be stronger, I can definitely do it! No matter what step I take, I will definitely be able to pass this wall." In Lin Mu's heart, his final confidence was strengthened.

"I want to keep getting stronger!"

Lin Shu shouted in his heart, causing the volcano in his body to start burning and erupting.

Lin Mu's body was burning, and the witch energy on his body was also burning.


Lin Mu punched out, and this time the stone wall was shaken, but it still didn't collapse or shatter.





Lin Mu didn't believe that this was his final destiny at all, and kept making wild shots, each punch being heavier than the next.At the same time, the volcano in the body is erupting more and more violently.As if to stimulate all the energy, all the same.

Doing so is actually very dangerous and is burning potential.If one is not done well, the forest may be completely abolished since then.

But now Lin Shu seems to have fallen into some kind of crazy situation, and is attacking desperately.

But what is certain is that Lin Mu was not troubled by the inner demon, because Lin Mu's eyes at this time are still very clear and bright.


I don't know how many punches were bombarded, suddenly all the volcanoes in Lin Shu's body erupted and melted.

Such a change did not stop Lin Mu, but instead allowed Lin Mu to continue his crazy attack.

The molten magma surged and rioted in Lin Shu's body.As if to melt the world.

The skin of Lin Shu is emitting green smoke, and the Wushuang Holy Body is about to dry up.Every time Lin Mu punched out, the heat seemed to distort time.

And this result is also obvious, the wall opposite the forest is also showing signs of melting.

Lin Mu continued to punch, and with each punch, a large piece of the wall of the sky and the earth would melt.

This allowed Lin Mu to see hope, the hope of breaking through and then standing up.After Lin Mu punched three times in a row, he had already deduced such a path, but he was not sure.

Now that Lin Mu is sure, his deduction is not wrong at all.Totally affordable and totally successful.

However, the current physical condition of Lin Shu is also very dangerous. The melting magma may melt the forest together at any time, so Lin Shu is competing with the melting speed of this wall.


Large, large pieces of melted stones gathered at the foot of the forest.Then the magma re-condensed and turned into a new single-plank bridge, which continued to extend forward and continue this road again.

Finally, the entire wall melted, turning into magma and melting the ground.But soon the magma condensed and turned into a brand new road, allowing the trees to pass smoothly on it and continue moving forward.

(End of this chapter)

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