Supreme Chef

Chapter 199 You Have To Die Today

Chapter 199 You Have To Die Today

Seeing Lin Mu and Liang Bing striding in, Hu Tong was still a little scared deep in his heart.

Although he has seen how powerful Juan is, deep down in his heart, he still feels that Lin Mu seems to be stronger.

Hu Tong shrank his neck subconsciously, as if he wanted to hide himself.

Juan didn't express anything about the arrival of Lin Mu and Liang Bing, but narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although Liang Bing thought that there would be people waiting for them here, he really didn't expect that there would be so many people waiting for them. Seeing that there were more than 200 people, Liang Bing secretly clicked his tongue.

And look at these people, all of them are bulging, obviously they all have guys.

Of course, it is impossible for more than 200 people to have guns. Even if it is a movie, it is not such an exaggeration. Besides, China's control of guns has always been very strict.

But even if it wasn't a gun, it was a watermelon knife, which was enough for Liang Bing. If there were more than a dozen guns, Liang Bing would not believe in himself. With this ability, he could walk out of here alive.

But after taking a look at it, Liang Bing felt more confident in his heart as he still looked like a calm forest tree.

Who is his Brother Lin? He is a god who can emit flames. Although there are many of them, Liang Bing still believes that these people can't deal with Lin Mu at all.

Juan looked at Lin Mu and Liang Bing, and it took 5 minutes before he opened his mouth. He looked at Lin Mu and said, "Are you the big brother of the Wild Wolf Gang?"

Lin Mu said: "I'm not, he is!"

Hu Tong interjected at this time and said, "Uncle, don't listen to his nonsense, I heard Liang Bing with my own ears, calling him Brother Lin?"

Lin Mu chuckled, and said, "Who stipulated that to be called brother must be the boss of the gang. Just like if you call him uncle, he is really your uncle? If you call me grandpa, are you really my grandson?"

Lin Mu's words were hurtful enough, and he put both of them in at once.

Hu Tong was very angry, pointing at Lin Mu and said: "You... you, who calls you grandpa?"

Lin Mu said: "You!"

Upon hearing this, Hu Tong quickly defended, "Since when did I call you Grandpa?"

Lin Mu shook his head helplessly, and said, "You can't help being cowardly, and you're also stupid!"

"Ha ha!"

Liang Bing couldn't help but laughed loudly: "Good grandson, why don't you come and see your two grandpas?"

Hu Tong's old face turned red, and he couldn't say a word.

Juan couldn't hold back his face at the side, snorted coldly, and said: "This is my Hongmen's territory, do you two know what the fate of offending my Hongmen is?"

Lin Mu's words were suddenly cold, and he said, "Didn't my good grandson tell you when he came back? If someone in the Wild Wolf Gang loses a hair, I will make Hongmen disappear from now on!"

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Juan couldn't help laughing and said, "What a big tone, a little ancient martial arts practitioner, does he think he can cover the sky with one hand?"

After a pause, Juan's voice suddenly rose to a higher level, and he said, "Don't think that because you know a little about ancient martial arts, you don't have to take me seriously.

Let me tell you, even the first-class sects in the ancient martial arts world would not dare to underestimate my Hong family. If you are sensible, you will abolish your martial arts now, and I can still spare you.Otherwise, I will not help you today, and everyone around you will die! "

As soon as the subject changed, Juan said lewdly: "I heard that you have a pretty girlfriend from a college student. Although she may not be a virgin anymore, it should be good for fun."

Longyou Nilin is bound to die, and the people around Lin Mu are his Nilin.

For someone who violated his bottom line, Lin Mu would never let him live in this world.

"You have to die today!" Lin Mu said five words coldly.

"Haha! Let's see who dies first!" Juan laughed arrogantly.

Lin Mu stood at the door, about 50 meters away from Juan, but with a stride, Lin Mu had already appeared 20 meters away.

Seeing Lin Mu's movements, Juan's eyes tightened, and he could tell that Lin Mu's cultivation was not simple, and he was only higher than himself.

With this in mind, Juan decisively ordered: "Fuck them to death!"

Hearing Juan's order, the men in black in the restaurant all took out their weapons at the same time.

Sure enough, it was similar to what Liang Bing thought. Most of the people in their hands were cold weapons, and there were only a few pistols.And now there are many people in the Hongmen, and there are few of them, so the pistols are useless.

Seeing this scene, Liang Bing also yelled and rushed into the crowd. Liang Bing didn't want to stand outside as a target.

Liang Bing's fighting experience is definitely rich enough, and he has also learned from ancient martial arts masters. His martial arts foundation is much stronger than these so-called elites in Hongmen.

Liang Bing knocked down a person with one punch, picked up the iron rod in his hand, and then grabbed a watermelon knife. With the weapon, Liang Bing swung it away, no matter how many people surrounded him, Anyway, Lin Mu was the only one of his own, and Liang Bing was not worried about hurting Lin Mu.

Liang Bing was originally tall and strong, so when he swung it up like this, he was absolutely vigorous, and he fell down in a few minutes.

Two strides from Lin Mu came in front of Juan. When Juan saw Lin Mu approaching, he punched him directly.

Juan is indeed not a softie. The power of this punch is already comparable to that of a master in the late stage of the Xuan class. If he is facing an ordinary person, or an ordinary martial artist below the Xuan class.

Juan's punch was enough to kill him.

Unfortunately, what Juan met was not an ordinary person, let alone an ordinary martial artist below the Xuan level.

Facing Juan's attacking fist, Lin Mu didn't blink his eyes, and directly grabbed Juan's fist.

"Ah! You are... a master at the prefecture level!" His fist was clenched by Lin Mu. No matter how hard Juan exerted himself, there was no reaction at all. It was not until this time that Juan realized the seriousness of the matter and his understanding of Lin Mu's strength. wrong estimate.

In fact, this can’t be blamed on Juan. Whoever brought Hu Tong back told Juan that Lin Mu was just a young man in his 20s.

A person in his 20s who can cultivate to the Xuan level is already a genius among geniuses. Juan thinks that a master in his 20s at the Xuan level can still handle it.

However, to Juan's disappointment, Lin Mu looked to be only in his 20s, but he was not a master at the Xuan level, but a master who surpassed the Xuan level. Juan even suspected that Lin Mu's strength might have surpassed the prefecture level.

With such thoughts, Juan felt powerless for a while.

Hu An is not Hu Tong, Hu Tong has only heard about the ancient martial arts world, but Ju An really understands it.

He knows what it means to be an earth-level master, which means that although there are many people here today, he can't compare with the earth-level masters at all, and the people on his side will definitely end in a very miserable end. As for himself, Juan has not dared to Thinking about the end, Juan doesn't know whether Lin Mu will leave a whole body for himself.

"Ex...Senior, this junior knows it's wrong. This junior shouldn't disturb senior. This junior is willing to withdraw from Binhai immediately and never set foot in Binhai!" No one wants to die. Although Juan knows that he must die, he still has to fight for it, even if this The chances are very slim!

Lin Mu looked at Juan with a sneer, and said, "Don't you think it's a bit late to say that?"

Upon hearing this, Juan hurriedly said: "Senior... the junior is willing to compensate the loss of the senior, no matter what the conditions, the junior is willing to agree to you!"


Lin Mu took out a throwing knife from Juan's waist and shot it directly.

As if the flying knife had eyes, it passed through the crowd and directly hit Hu Tong's feet. Hu Tong was firmly nailed to the ground by the flying knife.


Hu Tong hugged his thigh and let out a piercing scream!

"I didn't let you go, so you just stay with me!" Lin Mutou said without raising his head.

When Hu Tong heard Lin Mu's words, he was so frightened that he didn't dare to say a word, and he didn't know whether it was pain or fear. Cold sweat ran down Hu Tong's forehead, and he lay down.

In the eyes of outsiders, Lin Mu's hand is gorgeous.But this is the real layman watching the fun, and the insider watching the way.

Juan, who is also a practitioner of ancient martial arts, knows that Lin Mu's strike just now was not easy.

Not to mention how to control the flying knife to pass through the dense crowd, but to find Hu Tong accurately, let's say to fly to turn in the air, turn to the front of Hu Tong, and stick it on Hu Tong's feet.

This is not something that ordinary people can do, at least Juan has never seen a person who can play the throwing knife as delicately as a forest tree!

Juan is also in a cold sweat now. Only he knows how much Juan has paid to be able to walk to the punishment hall, the position of the hall master.

But today, everything he owns may disappear with him, Juan is really not reconciled.

His boss was arrested, and the few pistols in the field were all aimed at Lin Shu.

The rest of the people quickly formed an encirclement circle between Juan and Liang Bing.

Within the encirclement, Lin Mu held onto Juan's fist and stood still.

But outside the encirclement, Liang Bing was already enjoying himself.

Liang Bing didn't know how many people he had cut down. In short, his body was already covered with blood, some of which were his own, but more of them belonged to the enemy.

"Tell me, how many people are there in Hongmen in Binhai?" Lin Mu looked at Juan and asked, not paying attention to the people around him at all.

Juan was startled when he heard Lin Mu's question.

He knew what Lin Mu was going to do, Lin Mu was going to kill the grass and roots, and he wanted to completely cut off the people of Hongmen in Binhai.

If someone else said such a thing, Juan would definitely scoff.

But when a prefecture-level master said such words, Juan had to believe that Juan was very clear about the abilities of prefecture-level masters.

Trees are indeed to be cut down.I have offended Hongmen today, if I don't clean up Hongmen's people in Binhai, then my own people will still be threatened.Cut the grass without removing the roots, and the spring breeze will regenerate. The trees will not do such idiotic things!

"Don't waste my time. If you don't want to say it, I can ask other people. I don't believe that no one knows?" Lin Mu looked at Juan and said.

Although surrounded by his subordinates, his life is much more important than any dignity or oath: "I say!"

(End of this chapter)

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