Supreme Chef

Chapter 1997 Decided to Participate

Chapter 1997 Decided to Participate
Lin Mu really didn't expect that there would be such a reward for winning the Supreme Contest.

Lin Mu walked through the ancient road in the starry sky, but at that time Lin Mu only completed the four planets in front of him.The planet behind has never set foot on it at all.

But Lin Mu knew very well the danger of that ancient starry sky road.Every star has the danger of causing people of any level to fall.

Even with Lin Mu's current cultivation level, if he sets foot on the first star, there is still the danger of falling.If this is not the case, then it will not be able to play the role of trial, so that the Supreme is willing to pay, a huge price, and go.

But now, you can directly transfer to level 54. There is really too much energy left, and the possibility of completing this ancient road is even greater.

Blood Spirit Dragon said: "Boss, there is also an entrance back to the realm of comprehension in the ancient starry sky road. Boss, I think it is better for us to walk through the ancient starry sky road. What do you think, boss?"

Lin Mu looked at Xue Linglong and said, "I think you want to go on that ancient road?"

Xue Linglong felt embarrassed when Lin Mu saw through his mind, and said: "Boss, my inheritance has awakened again, and I know that this ancient road is also very important to me. And what I said is not false, Xingkong Among the ancient roads, there is indeed a way back to the fairyland. The boss has verified this before. In the current fairyland, it is almost impossible to return to the cultivation world. Even if you want to go back by force, you have to go through it That cracked gap.

The ghost knows what kind of danger there is in that gap. If it directly enters another world, it will be really dangerous.

Lin Mu thought about it carefully, and he also felt that it was relatively easy to return to the realm of comprehension from the ancient starry sky road, and relatively speaking, the danger was much less.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Okay."

When the blood spirit dragon heard Lin Mu's words, he also jumped up excitedly.After all, with trees around, the Blood Spirit Dragon felt much more at ease.After all, if it doesn't work in the end, Lin Mu can still cover for himself.

Even if I lose at that time, if I hide in the chaotic world of trees, how can anyone find me.At that time, I will still move forward from half the distance, and for myself, no matter how I calculate it, there will be no loss.

Of course, as for trees, whether they can enter the top ten is a question.Xue Linglong didn't have any doubts at all. In Xue Linglong's view, if Lin Shu didn't make it into the top ten, it was really unreasonable.

When Wu De heard that Lin Mu would participate, he said simply: "Since you will participate, then I can abstain from voting. I can go in with you when the time comes."

Regarding Wu De's directness, Lin Mu was also speechless.How can you be so shameless as a human being?

But for Wu De, he has done all the shameless things.What else is there that Wu De can't do.

Suddenly Wu De lowered his voice, and said to Lin Mu: "Use that jade slip I gave you well. I've read it, and the contents inside should be no worse than your Nine Slash of Divine Sense. And Nine Slash of Divine Sense, It is mainly the advantage in attack. And what I gave you is mainly exercise, which is also very precious. Remember to destroy it immediately after reading it. If some old guys from Qiankun Academy know about it, I will be in bad luck again. "

Lin Mu did not expect that the things Wu De stole were so precious.But it's nothing to think about it, if it's not precious, Wu De wouldn't be interested in it.

Lin Mu nodded, indicating that he knew about it.

Xue Linglong said: "Boss, I'm here, actually there is still a task. Our sect master wants to make a copy for our Nanshan Beast Sect after you have collected all the Tiangang Disha divine scripts, even if some are missing. "

Wu De said: "I also came with a mission, which is the same as his request."

Lin Mu said: "You two go back and tell your respective sect masters. If I have collected them all, I will copy them all for you."

Wu De and Xue Linglong, after listening to Lin Mu's words, also said: "This is the best, let's go back and talk about it first. Those old folks will definitely repay their kindness when they hear such words. When there is another conflict, they The two will definitely be on your side."

Lin Mu nodded, but Lin Mu really didn't count on them, and then bullied others by himself.

In Lin Mu's view, blacksmithing has to be hard.If you want not to be bullied, you still have to rely on your own strength.

With all the disciples coming out, this trip to the Burial God Realm can be regarded as an end.

Although there are some episodes in the middle.For example, a puppet from another world.It did cause a lot of trouble for Lin Mu and the others, but fortunately they all solved it in the end.

Of course, the casualties were not small, but for everyone, this was a rare opportunity to exercise.

Of course, this time, the one who gained the most must be the trees.

Not to mention the Disha Divine Inscription obtained later, it is the benefit obtained from the stone wall before, which helped his Wushuang Holy Body to get one step closer. Such a huge benefit is indescribable.

After all, if you want to achieve the same physique as the witch god, you can't just rely on hard work.To know the witches and gods in ancient times, there are only a few people.It is really difficult to achieve the same physique as them, but Lin Mu managed it, this is a heaven-defying opportunity.

As for the later Disha Divine Inscription, that was even more unexpected.Straight to the impact of the trees, the real Eucharist paves the way for the future.

Everyone envied Lin Mu's harvest, and that's why Tiangong and the others wanted to take action against Lin Mu even if they wanted to risk the world.


At this time on the boat of the Supreme Academy, Gu Gong and Hong Dao were also very satisfied with Lin Mu's harvest this time.The more they look at Lin Mu now, the more they feel that Lin Mu is the future Supreme Academy and the hope of the future fairy world.

"Two deans, can you stop looking at me like this, I feel a little panicked. What do you think?" Lin Mu asked tentatively.

Gu Gong said: "You should know about the supreme hegemony and the rewards, right? I don't know what you think?"

Lin Mudao: "I will definitely go. As for whether to reward or not, I really haven't thought about it."

Lin Mu is telling the truth, because Lin Mu is going back to the realm of comprehension, so starting from level 54, it will not be of any benefit to Lin Mu.On the contrary, starting from the beginning is more meaningful to Lin Shu, and it is easier to find the barrier to return to the realm of comprehension.

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Gu Gong was also pissed off, saying: "Are you so ambitious? Is it because you are not hitting the real body of the little god, but one of his Dao seeds, that your will is depressed like this?" Yet?"

Lin Mu looked at the agitated Gu Gong, and said, "Senior, I really don't pay attention to the little god. It's just that I have to start all over again. I want to find a way to return to the realm of comprehension. "

(End of this chapter)

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