Supreme Chef

Chapter 2001 Wen Poison

Chapter 2001 Wen Poison
Lin Mu knew the poison of the Great Elder, it must be no small matter, but Lin Mu also had his own certainty.After all, this is also related to his own life, Lin Mu can't be careless.

"Senior, you resist them for a while, I'll try." Lin Mu said to Gu Gong.

Gu Gong said: "Try it, these traitors, why can't they be me?"

"Since you are looking for death, I can only help you." Wen Qing said ruthlessly.

Lin Mu came behind the Great Elder and said, "Great Elder, how do you feel now?"

The Great Elder said, "I can open a passage and send you away."

Hearing the words of the Great Elder, Lin Mu also knew that the situation of the Great Elder was not good.

It's good to leave, but after leaving, Lin Mu might have no chance with Tiangang Shenwen.

Lin Mu said: "Senior offended."

The Great Elder stopped Lin Mu and said, "It's useless. This is a cultural poison specifically aimed at me, and there is no way to unravel it."

Lin Mu said: "Senior, let me try it, I don't want to die here, and I don't want to miss out on the Tiangang Shenwen."

The Great Elder said, "Okay."

Lin Mu is a Ninth Grade Immortal Alchemist, so he is also a master of detoxification.However, the text poison in the Great Elder is different from any poison I have ever seen, or it is not a poison at all.

This is specially made for the Great Elder. Except for Wen Qing, who knows the Great Elder best, no one else can really make this kind of poison.

"Forget it's useless, I'll send you away." The Great Elder was obviously disheartened.

Lin Mu said: "I haven't tried it yet, why did I give up?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu directly activated Wanfa to form a Wanfa mill to crush the Wen poison.

Text poison is not poison, it is similar to a rule that is only valid for the Great Elder.So Lin Shu directly used the rules, dealt with the rules, and crushed them raw.

Wen Qing raised his eyebrows fiercely when he saw the Wanfa mill driven by Lin Shu.

His cultivation level is indeed higher than that of Lin Mu, and it is much higher.But he really didn't have such means as Lin Mu, and it was even the first time he had seen it.

It was the first time for Lin Mu to use the Wanfa mill to save someone, so he was cautious.

Fortunately, the Great Elder's body is as vast as the universe, which is enough for him to use his ten thousand magic discs.

The Wanfa Mill began to crush along the trajectory of that Wendu.But unfortunately, although it has an effect, the effect is not obvious, and it cannot be completely crushed.

The method of seeing the trees is almost ineffective, and Wen Qing is also relieved.

"Today I will send you on the road!" Wen Qing said with a cold smile.

"Forget it, I still..."

Before the Great Elder could finish speaking, a colorless flame appeared on Lin Mu's right hand.

"Chaos Fire!"

Although this flame is colorless, but in the realm of Wen Qing and the others, even if he is colorless, they can still feel it, it is the chaotic fire.

Wen Qing didn't expect that Lin Shu even had Chaos Fire.Eyebrows couldn't help but twitched violently,
The Wanfa Mill is ineffective, but he is not sure, and neither is the Chaos Fire, and he is not sure that if the two are used together, they will also be ineffective.


Gu Gong had to be dealt with first, otherwise, if he was really detoxified by Lin Shu, there would be no hope of a comeback.

But if Gu Gong was so easy to deal with, it wouldn't make so many people afraid.

Wen Qing shot wildly, but Gu Gong just dealt with it calmly.Although there were many people on the other side, Gu Gong remained calm.

At this time, everyone really saw how terrifying Gugong was.It has always been a legend before, but now it is really scary.

The Great Elder didn't expect that Gu Gong would be so terrifying.Even compared with myself as a living fossil, it is not much better.

No wonder the dean of the Supreme Academy once said clearly.As long as the Supreme Academy has two people, Gu Gong and Hong Dao, it can stand firm.

This Gu Gong is really a rare genius. Even after going through the era when all magics withered, Gu Gong can recover as quickly as possible and walk in front of everyone.


Wen Qing growled, wanting to kill Gu Gong as quickly as possible.

Because he has already seen that under the dual effects of Chaos Fire and Wanfa Mill, his cultural poison is rapidly disintegrating.

Indeed, under the action of Chaos Fire and Wanfa Grinding Disc, the chains of Wen Poison are disintegrating.The shackles that locked the Great Elder's body are melting.


Just as Lin Shu was half untied, the Great Elder's whole body shook violently, and then the rest of the shackles were all dissolved.

After the chains were dissolved, the Great Elder's aura that moved the world once again covered the entire hall.

"When you were my disciple, you already started to plot against me. It seems that I have really failed in my life, raising a white-eyed wolf like you." The elder said mockingly.

The great elders have all recovered, so naturally there is no chance of them coming back.

Wen Qing and the others thought of running away, but facing the Great Elder who had fully recovered, how could they still have the possibility of running away.

The great elder directly sacrificed the wordless heavenly scriptures, and completely sealed off the entire main hall.

"Grand Elder, what are you going to do? Are you going to kill us all? If you do this, it will directly reduce the strength of Shanshui Academy." The people who wanted to force the palace before are completely panicked now.

At this time, the Great Elder also showed his determination, saying: "A malignant tumor like yours is the biggest obstacle to Shanshui Academy."

After the Great Elder finished speaking, he shot directly and continuously, each time taking away a life.

In the end, Wen Qing was the only one left, and the Great Elder didn't kill him.

The great elder looked at the already pale Wen Qing, and said: "I know, you already know that you are the blood of the dean. You have always suspected that I want to take your father's position, but let me tell you, if I want to do it If so, I can sit down when I accept you as an apprentice.

You want to be in this position, I have no problem.But I can't harm the interests of the academy, I won't kill you.After all, you are the blood of the dean, I will not kill you, you go face the wall yourself.I hope that when you come out, you can really understand where your mistakes are. "

After finishing speaking, the elder directly raised his hand, and sent the pale-faced Wen Qing to the cliff, letting him pass by himself.

Having completely resolved the coercion this time, the Great Elder also put away the Wordless Heavenly Book.

"Alas!" Although the coercion was resolved this time, the First Elder still sighed. After all, this is a disciple he trained himself, and it ended like this in the end.Whoever it is will be sad.

"Thank you both." The Great Elder thanked Lin Mu and Gu Gong.

Lin Mu hurriedly returned the gift and said, "Senior, you're being polite. I'm also doing it for my survival."

Gu Gong also said: "I also think about it for the Supreme Academy."

Although Gu Gong didn't say it clearly, the meaning has been expressed clearly.The Great Elder also understands.

(End of this chapter)

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