Supreme Chef

Chapter 2064 The Heaven-Defying Gatekeeper

Chapter 2064 The Heaven-Defying Gatekeeper
It was indeed a pleasant surprise to discover Yuantian Supreme's handwriting by accident, but the news brought by this surprise could not be considered too good.

There is only one chance, and that is absolutely not allowed to fail.Otherwise, if you fail, you will have no chance.

In fact, if you are not sure about this kind of thing, you will miss it if you miss it.Now it has been confirmed that the Undead Scripture is here, it would be a pity to miss it again.

The four of Lin Mu also didn't stop, they came out of the cave directly, and rushed to the place where there might be undead scriptures.

Seeing the fairy in white who came out of the cave and changed back into men's clothes, Lin Mu felt awkward no matter how he looked at it.

"I'm doing this to protect myself, so bear with it." Bai Yixian also saw Lin Mu and the others' discomfort, and said to Lin Mu and the others.

The Immortal Scripture is in a canyon in the deepest part of the city of God, and Yuantian Supreme doesn't know the exact location, he just sensed it here.But at that time, the time was short, so even if Yuantian Supreme knew, it was impossible to obtain it.

When the four trees reached the canyon, they also saw that at the entrance of the canyon, a stone tablet said - Wuling.

"It should be right here, let's go in, we can't let them take the lead." Xue Linglong said.

The little gods and the others are likely to have gone deep, so this matter really can't be done, let them take the lead.

And the Undead Scripture is even more important to Lin Shu.

The four of them entered Wuling, and they also went deep quickly.

But at this time outside the city of God, it is not peaceful.

A large number of creatures from foreign lands gathered at the gate of the city.

From the clothes of these people, it can be seen that they do not belong to the current world, but should come from ancient times or even earlier.

As for the shackles on them, they have clearly told everyone that they are prisoners here.

But how these prisoners escaped and trapped them in the cage, the old man guarding the city gate did not know.

"This is not a place for you to set foot in. If you don't want to die, then leave quickly." The old man guarding the city gate said calmly.

Although he was facing powerful creatures from other lands, he was still fearless.

After all, he is guarding here, any one pulled out is much stronger than these foreign gods.

"Old ghost, we are willing to be captured. We have waited so long just to wait for today. Do you think we may leave?" One of the prisoners stood up and said.

Hearing this prisoner's words, the faces of the five old men who came to look for the gate guards and the extremely strong men to solve their physical problems all changed.

This can be regarded as a big secret. Back then, these creatures from other lands were captured on their own initiative, and their goal was actually the Undying Sutra here.

This is definitely a shocking secret, and if it gets out, it may cause a huge shock.

At the same time, they are also emotional, the power and fear of the foreign land.They have already discovered everything, and they have only just discovered some clues until now.And the other party actually started planning in ancient times, or even earlier.

All of this is too amazing, and they feel like they are being played.

However, the old man guarding the city gate was very calm, and said: "Even so, so what, can you go in?"

"Old ghost, I think you are looking for death. You escaped by chance that time, but I didn't expect you to be alive. This time, I will send you on your way!" The leading alien creature pointed to the old man.

Then with a flick, the chains trapped on his body turned into an iron dragon, rushing directly towards the old man guarding the city gate.

Seeing such a blow, those who came to save their lives were all dumbfounded.Such a random blow has already touched the Dao, which is the supreme rule.If it is drawn on oneself, it will definitely be smashed to pieces.


The old man waved his hand casually, and the chain was broken inch by inch, unable to hurt the old man at all.

Seeing that the old man was so strong, the expressions of the leading alien creatures also changed a few times.


However, the alien creature didn't want to give up, and directly shot again. The iron chains on his body all turned into iron dragons of order, and rushed towards the old man guarding the city gate.

The old man raised a crutch that was almost decaying in his hand, and pointed it out continuously.

The damage caused by this seemingly random point is unimaginable.

Every time it is clicked, it will shatter a large area of ​​iron chains, and at the same time, a large area of ​​rules will be shattered.

Those extremely strong men who came to save their lives were all dumbfounded when they saw how strong the old man was.At the same time, they also had more hopes for life-saving.

"This is not where you alien creatures can set foot. If you don't get out, you will die!"

"What a big tone. I was run away by a little ant like you back then. I didn't expect it to become a climate, and I stepped into that threshold." An arrogant voice came, followed by a huge ghost, pressing the cover. Heaven and earth are pressing towards the city of God.

If there is no fear, I am afraid that this phantom even covered the city of God.

The old man looked at the phantom, his eyes also froze suddenly, and said: "You are not dead, it seems that we can settle the account of that year."

Feeling the power of the phantom, the five extremely strong men all swallowed with difficulty.

"I'm afraid this is the person who was imprisoned here in the ancient times?" Someone said with difficulty.

"should be!"

The other four also nodded slightly.

But if this is a person who was imprisoned here in the ancient times, then the old man in front of him is also an ancestor of the ancient times.

There has been nothing left in the ancient times, and apart from these ruins, no living life has survived.

But if the old man in front of him is a creature of the ancient times, then his age may be too terrifying.

Of course, the old man does not belong to the ancient times, but there was a confrontation in the ancient times.

"Last time, I didn't kill a little ant like you. I won't miss the chance this time." After the phantom finished speaking, a palm like a five-finger mountain pressed down on the city gate.

"Get out of the way." The old man said to the people under the five extreme realms with a solemn expression.

"Senior, let us help you." The five said at the same time.

The old man hesitated for a moment, and said: "If you want to help me, then help me guard the city gate, and don't let them enter the city gate for half a step."

"it is good!"

The five of them agreed at the same time, standing firmly in front of the city gate like an iron tower.

The old man stood up from where he was sitting, and the immortal energy in his whole body swelled.This kind of turmoil made people under the five extreme realms feel that what they were facing was not a person at all, but a divine beast, a top-quality fairy spring.

Too powerful, really too powerful, indescribably powerful.


The old man directly pushed the rotten wooden walking stick in his hand towards the palm in the sky.

The crutches and palms touched, and an indescribable explosion occurred directly.

All of a sudden, the rot on the rotten wooden crutches was all the same age, revealing the real appearance of the rotten wooden crutches.

Seeing the body of the rotten wooden crutch, the faces of the five extreme people were all extremely shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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