Supreme Chef

Chapter 2067 Wu Chi

Chapter 2067 Wu Chi
The method proposed by Lin Mu is obviously the most reasonable.Don't look at this place of exile as a prison for criminals.

But criminals are also divided into grades, and the criminals detained here are obviously of the highest rank.If you are not careful, the guards will be killed, let alone Lin Mu and the others.

Lin Mu and the others advanced quickly, and the roars and howls of beasts behind them shook the sky more and more.


After the old man guarding the gate entered the city of God, he really succeeded in attracting three detainees to follow him out.

But the two wolf ancestors and the demon ape were not attracted at all, and ran towards Wuling.

Faced with such a situation, the old man has no choice but to hope that Lin Mu and the others will be blessed.


Wuling is funnel-shaped, wide on the outside, narrow in the middle, and spacious on the inside.In the narrowest place, they had to turn their bodies sideways to pass through the trees.

After passing through the narrowest place, Lin Mu and the others also felt a very serious and murderous aura.

This kind of murderous aura is very unreasonable, and it can only be felt through the narrowest place.

At the same time, this chilling aura seemed to have the same shape. In the minds of Lin Mu and the others, there were one tragic picture after another in the minds of Lin Mu and the others.

These pictures are battlefields one after another.Or to be precise, one giant meat grinder after another.

Because on this battlefield, blood really flows like rivers, whether it is in the sky or the ground, it is all blood, here seems to be one blood world after another.

"Be careful to keep your heart and don't be affected by these pictures." Lin Mu said to everyone.

Hearing Lin Mu's words, everyone guarded their hearts carefully.In fact, these pictures do not have any problems in themselves.But such a strong visual impact can easily sink people, and this is the real danger.

The further you go inside, the more intense the murderous aura inside.Even at the back, blood and bones have already begun to appear on the ground.

These blood and bones have never decayed, and there are divine lights shining on them.It seems to be telling everyone how powerful they were back then.

"Is that a brow bone?" Xue Linglong twitched his eyelids and pointed to a bone not far away, which was a hundred feet long.

It can be seen from the shape of the bone that it is indeed a brow bone, and it should be broken.

But a brow bone is hundreds of feet long, so how big are its real eyes?

As far as the blood spirit dragon knows, among the dragon clan, there is probably no such a huge existence.

"It should be a creature from the other side." Lin Mu said after looking at it for a while.

Bai Yixian also nodded, expressing agreement.

After all, on this side, even among the ancient mythical beasts, the largest dragon race is not so big. There is no other explanation except for the creatures from other lands.

The trees and the others continued to move forward, while the various blood and bones on the ground had already begun to rot.

But these rotten ones reveal more shocking fluctuations than the previous ones.

Obviously the ones outside were all killed before approaching, they were the weakest part, they were not taken seriously, and they were not completely destroyed.Orphans can be kept fresh, and those inside are obviously valued, and they are all personally shot by the strong, destroying everything, even the bones and blood are not willing to let go.

Such a discovery made Lin Mu and the others feel even heavier.

The creatures in the foreign lands, the outermost ones are already so terrifying, it is almost impossible for the fairyland to fight now. If there are still people from that time alive now, I am afraid that the fairyland is really dangerous.

Soon the four of them came to the most core place inside.

There is a small lake here, and at the same time, Lin Mu also saw the little god and others who entered here before.

At this time, they all surrounded the lake without taking a step.

"Boss, there are people in the middle of the lake." Xue Linglong pointed to a floating object in the middle of the lake.

Lin Mu had actually seen it a long time ago, but the person floating in the center of the lake was covered by the chaos, so he couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman, let alone a person.

In short, this person is very dangerous, and I am afraid that this is the reason why the little gods dare not set foot in the middle of the lake.

"There is a stone tablet there, maybe we can find something, boss, let's go and have a look." Xue Linglong pointed to the stone tablet not far from the little gods and the others.

They had already seen Lin Mu's arrival, but they didn't take any action against him.

It wasn't until the trees approached that the little gods became more vigilant.

"I just came to see the stele, don't be so nervous," Lin Mu said.

The few people didn't speak. At their level, they naturally wouldn't attack each other because of such trivial matters.

And they are not fools, since Lin Mu was able to break through the blockade he had set up on the ring, and he was able to deal with the extreme guards guarding them, it is obvious that Lin Mu's strength has improved again.

And they already knew about Lin Shu's life and death.Lin Shu can still survive under such circumstances, obviously after undergoing a transformation, he must be even more powerful.

So at this time, they don't need to fight with Lin Shu for such a trivial matter.

Besides, the real battle is not now.

Lin Mu came to the front of the stele and was also shocked by the words on the stele.

Here is called 'Witch Chi'.

According to the above records, the witch god and witch ancestor both came out of here.It can be said that this is the cradle of ancient ancestors.

How could such a place be so simple.

At the same time, the trees can basically be determined. The "Indestructible Sutra" should be in this Wuchi.

It's just that the figure in the middle of the pool really put a lot of pressure on everyone.Because they don't know what it is, no one dares to try it easily.If this is the guardian arranged by the witch clan, they will suffer disaster if they go down rashly.

You must know that the ancestors of the ancient times dared to challenge the beasts, especially the shamans who were indomitable.That kind of strength is not something they can shake and contend with now.

"Boss, let me try." Xue Linglong looked at the figure in the middle of the pool and asked for a fight.

"Little Douding, I also want to try, and I'm not afraid of never being reborn." After Xue Linglong finished speaking, someone also spoke.

However, it wasn't Little Heavenly God and the others who spoke, but a servant who followed God of War.

When Xue Linglong heard this, he couldn't bear it immediately.If God of War speaks, I can still accept it. If you dare to speak like this as a servant or servant, you are courting death.

Immediately, the blood spirit dragon was also furious, and roared: "Don't be ashamed, you are so old, and you are still wearing green, why are you pretending to be tender, believe it or not, I took you as if you were a cucumber, and served it with cold dishes."

(End of this chapter)

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