Supreme Chef

Chapter 2074

Chapter 2074
That is an exotic, very distant ancient ancestor.

He is a person from the same era as the Dao ancestor in the foreign land. Everyone in the battle of the ancient times thought he had fallen.But only the real strong in the foreign land know that this ancient ancestor has not fallen, this is an exquisite arrangement.

An arrangement that could completely destroy the fairy world, and for this arrangement, they have waited too long.

At the same time, in the world of comprehension, the ancestors of the mermaid clan also felt something.After all, the ancestor of the mermaid clan was also one of the characters who participated in the ancient arrangement.

The ancestor of the Mermaid Clan summoned Fu Manlou and all the members of his Mermaid Clan, and said, "I'm going to the Immortal Realm. I may or may not come back. I recruited you, not to keep you I just have a few words to tell you."


Hearing the old ancestor's words, all members of the mermaid clan spoke eagerly.

The ancestor of the mermaid clan waved his hand and said: "This is my mission and my choice. It is no regret for me that the mermaid clan can continue and revitalize once again."

After a pause, the ancestor of the mermaid clan said: "This time the turmoil has come ahead of time, I don't know if the ending can be changed. If it can't be changed, I hope you must keep a low profile and don't think about avenging us, let alone I want to go to the fairy world."

"Especially you guys, Lin Mu will be fine. He will play a key role in the future, and he won't die so easily." The ancestor of the mermaid clan said this to Fan Xiaoxiao and Yu Yaqing. of.

"Don't worry, Patriarch." Yu Yaqing cupped her hands and said.

The patriarch of the mermaid tribe said: "Okay, I have nothing more to explain. I'm going to complete my task."

The ancestor of the mermaid clan directly raised his hand, opened a passage, and disappeared into the space passage in one step.

At the same time, there was some movement among many Jedi in the comprehension world, and some people entered the fairy world one after another.


In the land of exile, Di Jiang watched the ground continue to crack, and was not in a hurry to make a move.

"You guys have to keep an eye on it later, the number of shots I can make is limited. Just try to memorize as many as you can remember." Di Jiang said to Lin Mu and the others.


A sound of breathing, directly like the roar of a ferocious beast, directly shook the world, caused the mountains and rivers to collapse, and made everything shattered and blurred.

Gugong and the others felt a sweetness in their throats, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"What's going on here? Who is it? It's time to leave the customs."

Gugong and the others were all shocked, not knowing what happened.

"Haven't come out yet, so arrogant, it's really like we have no one." Di Jiang was obviously very dissatisfied with such an appearance.

As soon as Di Jiang pointed out, countless spaces overlapped immediately, forming a space killing blade, which directly cut into the ground.

Although it was just a random blow, it left Lin Mu and the others dumbfounded.

This method is really amazing.


The earth was torn apart like a spider web, and countless people and beasts were all swallowed up.Millions of alien creatures died underground.

"Di Jiang! You are not dead yet!"

Came from the ground, an angry voice.

It should not be regarded as a sound, it can only be regarded as a consciousness.Because what he said, no one can understand, is the oldest language.But the meaning can directly appear in everyone's mind.

"Aren't you not dead? You really looked like you faked your death back then, almost deceiving us all." Di Jiang said.

"Dijiang, you only have the consciousness of a remnant soul left. Instead of finding a place to linger, you are here to find your own death." The voice from the ground said arrogantly.

Di Jiang said: "I will definitely die, but if I can bring you with me, I will feel that I will die without regret."

"You in Dijiang today, can you be with me?" the ancestor in the ground roared.

Di Jiang said: "The you today are not the same as you were then. You were suspended animation. But your injury is not a fake injury. After all these years, you probably haven't recovered even one piece of it."

"Even [-]% has not recovered, so that's it. If it recovers [-]%, who can stop him." Xue Linglong said while hiding behind Di Jiang after hearing what the ancestor said.

"Back then, your parents were able to force him to retreat." Di Jiang said.

Hearing Di Jiang's words, Xue Linglong also appeared from behind Di Jiang, saying: "Then I can do it too."

Di Jiang glanced at Xue Linglong and smiled slightly.

"The blood of the Shenlong clan just replenishes my body." The ancestor of the foreign land obviously also sensed the existence of the blood spirit dragon, and also shot directly to take down the blood spirit dragon.

An immortal chain of order pierced through the ground.


Seeing the chains, the blood spirit dragon hid directly behind Di Jiang, not daring to show his face at all.

Seeing this immortal chain, Lin Mu really wanted to try it, but Lin Mu knew that he couldn't stop it.


Di Jiang raised his hand and slashed with a hand knife, cutting off ninety-nine percent of the chain.

"Little guy, come and try it, it's an early experience." Di Jiang said to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu nodded, and also shot directly, and the Wanfa Mopan was sacrificed directly.


However, the omnipotent Wanfa Mill was unable to crush the chain that had been cut off by ninety-nine percent.

"The embryonic form of the Dao Jing."

The ancestor in the ground let out a slight surprise in his mouth.

"Little guy, your Dao Jing is not home yet. It's too far away, try to use the power of witches." Di Jiang raised some trees beside him.


Lin Mu let out a roar, and directly displayed the ten thousand zhang dharma.

The energy in his whole body was surging, and Di Jiang's face changed slightly when he saw the situation in Lin Mu's body.

"Huh? I have embarked on such a road, a dead end that has been proven impossible." Di Jiang said: "It seems that there is still a chance in this life."

Lin Mu Faxiang made a move and grabbed the immortal chain.

As soon as Lin Mu caught it, he felt that his Dharma image was about to collapse.It feels like my soul is about to be crushed.


Lin Shu roared again, causing all the particles in his body to vibrate.

The starlight in the particle world all emits dazzling light.

Even Di Jiang was a little surprised by such a scene.

"He has come to such a step, who is he? It can't be that he has nothing to do with Taigu? Could it be that he really rose in this life?" Di Jiang was thinking in his heart, wanting to put Lin Shu in his seat.

But Di Jiang found that Lin Mu really couldn't match up with the people he knew.

(End of this chapter)

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