Supreme Chef

Chapter 2077 Di Jiang's Last Gift

Chapter 2077 Di Jiang's Last Gift

When Lin Mu heard the words of the ancestor of the mermaid clan, his expression changed suddenly, and he said, "Senior, you mean that the person who made the move was a Dao ancestor from a foreign land?"

The patriarch of the mermaid tribe said: "It was his method, but he probably wasn't the one who made the move. In the first battle that year, he was also very seriously injured. It is impossible for him to recover so quickly. This should be his reserved method."

When Lin Mu heard the words of the ancestor of the mermaid clan, his mood was not relieved, but even heavier.

The small tricks left by Daozu back then all possess such power.If it was the Taoist ancestor in its heyday, how powerful it would be.

Lin Mu really couldn't imagine what the Taoist ancestor in his heyday was like.

"You don't need to be too nervous. In the past, the foreign land was known as the Five Dao Patriarchs. Didn't we kill three of them abruptly? Now there are two left, and one should be very difficult to sell in this life. The remaining one , so we can only use some small tricks like this." The ancestor of the Mermaid Clan comforted Lin Mu.

Hearing the words of the ancestor of the mermaid clan, Lin Mu was also a little dumbfounded.

There is not just one such character, but five.

Although the mermaid ancestor said it was easy, Lin Mu knew clearly that this matter was definitely not that easy.

On the opposite side, three Dao ancestors were killed, but the price paid by himself was too high.

He paid for the total demise of the ancient times, the premature end of the ancient times, and the withering of this life.

Such a price is not insignificant.


The sky and the earth shattered, and Di Jiang collided with that palm, and the sky and the earth suddenly shattered, and the wind roared.

Countless spaces collapsed, and the originally not-so-wide passage expanded a hundred times.

The breath of the exotic rushed into the fairy world.It made everyone feel very depressed.


The sound of shouting and killing from the foreign land also came over.

Among the shouts of killing, there was already a smell of blood.Moreover, the scenes of mountains of corpses and seas of blood directly impacted everyone's consciousness.


Seeing the crack in the space open, the faces of the mermaid patriarch and the others also changed.

In fact, not only did their faces change, Lin Mu's and the others' faces also became very ugly.

Such space cracks are enough for people from other regions to kill them.As for Lin Mu and the others, it wasn't that they were not ready, they were almost completely unprepared.

If they were rushed over like this, it wouldn't take much effort at all, and the fairyland would probably be destroyed.

The faces of Gu Gong and the others were very serious.

After Di Jiang dealt with the palm, he also stood on the crack that had been enlarged a hundred times due to his own blow.

"Little guy, follow Lin Mu carefully, I hope to see you grow up. My time is up, I should go to carry out my mission." Di Jiang said to Xue Linglong.

"Lin Mu, go all the way according to your ideas. I hope to see you complete the unfinished business." Di Jiang told Lin Mu.

Hearing Di Jiang's instructions, Lin Mu suddenly had a very bad feeling.

Because of Lin Mu's feeling, Di Jiang seemed to be explaining the funeral.


Lin Mu's feeling was correct, because after Dijiang explained all these things, he blew himself up directly.

Di Jiang is the head of the witch god, and he is only one step away from the existence of the witch ancestor.It is simply unimaginable what kind of power it will produce when its physical body self-destructs.

And Dijiang controls space and speed.

Such a self-destruction is equivalent to detonating the space here.

The violent space storm poured into the crack.

The storm began to rage, those alien creatures who were about to rush out.Under such a storm, they couldn't hold on even for a breath, and they all turned into ashes.

And it's not just that, because of Dijiang's self-destruction, the space crack here also healed quickly.It became the same width as before.

However, it can still be seen that this newly generated space barrier is much weaker than the one next to it, and it is not stable.

But this is already very against the sky, you must know that there is only one person in Di Jiang.

Not only blocked the thousands of miles of space cracks, but also killed more than hundreds of millions of creatures in foreign lands.

But this is also Di Jiang's last gift to the fairy world.Because from now on, there will be no Di Jiang in this world.

"Senior." Xue Linglong looked at the crack that was about to be healed, and there were tears in his eyes.

The blood spirit dragon existed in the same era as Dijiang, so the relationship is naturally deeper.

And for the blood spirit dragon, Taikoo is already dead.For "relatives" like Di Jiang who came from the ancient times, one of them died and one was missing.

If in the end, there is only one blood spirit dragon left in Taikoo, how lonely it would be.

Lin Mu was also moved by what Di Jiang had done, such feelings, such tragic, are really unimaginable.

The mermaid ancestors were also very emotional, and at the same time, they had already made a decision in their hearts.


At the same time, the underground also separated its burden.

The devil emperor won miserably, and blasted the ancestors of the foreign land into scum.

"God Dijiang, he has done everything he can. The rest is up to us. This time we can't retreat, and there is no way out." The ancestor of the mermaid tribe said.

The woman in the Starry Sky Ancient Formation nodded, and said: "We really have no way out. In ancient times we could calculate, but in this life we ​​have no room for calculation."

The demon saint said: "Then shall we look for some helpers, some helpers who are unwilling to help us?"

The female fairy in the Immortal King's Tower said: "Of course. We have already assumed a huge karma in the last life, and we should let them do some activities in this life."

The Devil Emperor looked at the alien creatures below, and said, "That's good. Let's deal with the little ants below first, and then go find them."

Lin Mu didn't quite understand what they were talking about, but at this moment, Lin Mu's heart was filled with murderous aura, and he needed to let it out.

"If you seniors don't dislike it, I am willing to stand with you seniors!"

"I would too!"

"I would too!"

"I would too!"

The three blood spirit dragons also stood up and said.

The female fairy in the Immortal King Tower smiled and said: "Behead the people below, we can take you to play. But we can't take you with the rest. Because we are just buying time for you, but Can't take you guys out to play. Then there would be no point in anything we do."

Before the female fairy in the Immortal King's Tower finished speaking, the Devil Emperor and the Demon Saint had already started.

The female fairy in the ancient formation of the starry sky felt a little emotional when she saw the devil emperor and the demon saint, and said, "They are still the same as before, but there were 12 of us back then, and now there are only five of us left."

(End of this chapter)

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