Supreme Chef

Chapter 2084 Golden Bones

Chapter 2084 Golden Bones
Mirage's most powerful attack method is the illusion that it can release.The reason why the mirage is powerful is because the fantasy it releases is one aspect of reality.On the other hand, the illusion released by the mirage will not affect the strength of the illusion because of its strength.

The fantasy released by the mirage is determined according to the strength of the person it records.To put it simply, if there is a weak mirage, even a newborn, if it can record the image of the supreme being when it died, then it can release an image with the same strength as the supreme.

Of course, this is just an example, and no one knows whether this is the case.What's more, Supreme's means are against the sky, and I'm afraid there will be many means of defense.Besides, if even Supreme is dead, it would be strange for Mirage to still be alive.

But generally speaking, Mirage is still very troublesome.Especially Lin Mu and the others, it was too late to retreat now.

Because there is no way out, and if they walk around casually, they are worried about being discovered.

The illusion created by the mirage locks the two through the rules of time.If you don't also understand the rules of time, it is absolutely impossible to cut off this cause and effect, and you must be immortal.

And Lin Mu was able to discover that this mirage was also because Lin Mu felt that there was something wrong with the time and space here.

In fact, there are too many unsolved mysteries in this central capital, and Lin Mu also regrets that he should not rashly bring everyone here.

"Boss, what should we do now? The people walking here are all big, maybe there are even bigger ones." Xue Linglong said while hiding behind Lin Mu.

The blood spirit dragon's worry is not unreasonable, what kind of place is this place.This is Zhongdu City, which is in the middle of Zhizun Ancient Road.

Those who can come here are at least top-notch Immortal Sovereign cultivation bases.

They can deal with one or two, but if it is ten or twenty, it will be difficult. If it is one hundred or two hundred, then they can only escape. If it is one thousand and two thousand, then Don't run away, just wait for death.

What they are facing now is the state of waiting to die.

Lin Mu glanced around, and finally said in a deep voice: "The time and space here is still stable, you wait for me here. I'll go find that mirage, and this place will be safe."

Blood Spirit Dragon said: "Boss, are you sure? Looking at the range that Mirage can affect, this guy is probably a big guy. This kind of big guy who can survive the ancient and ancient times may not be easy to deal with."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I have a sense of proportion, you just wait here."

In fact, Lin Mu also knew that guys who survived the ancient and ancient times must be difficult to deal with.But Lin Shu had to go, because there was only Lin Shu, who could move freely here.If the trees do not go, others will not be able to go.

Lin Mu used the law of time to protect himself.

Following the guidance of the time rule, Lin Mu quickly found the right path.But this road is really not easy.

The time and space here is very unstable, if you take a wrong step, you will fall into it, and then you can only wait to be torn apart by the fantasy here.

But fortunately, Lin Shu guards the road when he has time, and he walked all the way without any danger.

Soon the trees also came to the end of the road.At the end of the road, Lin Mu finally saw the true face of this mirage.

Looking in front of him, hidden in the vortex of time and space, a mirage the size of a mountain, Lin Shu couldn't help swallowing.

This guy is too big, even though it is said that each of the ancient beasts is very huge.

But the thing in front of him is still a bit too big.

Lin Mu looked carefully again, and found that the mirage turned out to be in the shape of a shell.In other words, what was in front of the tree was a huge shell at this time.

Lin Mu swallowed again, he really didn't know how such a huge guy got here.How did it escape the catastrophe of the ancient times, survive the catastrophe of the ancient times, and come here.

Lin Shu can be sure that this mirage is definitely a later one.

Because if the Supreme knows, there are such big guys here.Either the Supreme will take action to get rid of it, or the Supreme will definitely change places.I will never leave it alone, so it must have come from outside later.

But where it came from, the trees do not know.

This huge mirage hides in the turbulence of time and space, even the trees dare not approach it easily.

And at the edge of this mirage, time rules are constantly popping up. Obviously, these time rules are the root of the illusion in front of you.

Although the forest has found the source, how to eliminate it is definitely a huge challenge for the forest.This mirage is really not easy to destroy, no, it is the trees that have no way to destroy it.

Lin Mu tried it with his own way of time, but he couldn't penetrate the turbulent flow of time formed by the mirage.

This really made Lin Shu worry. He couldn't eliminate it from the outside, so he could only try to break in.But even if he could break in safely, I'm afraid there is no good way to eliminate this big guy.

But now Lin Mu can't waste time, because with the strength of this mirage, if he wants to take the initiative to get the blood spirit dragon and the others involved in karma, it will be a matter of minutes.

"I can only fight, I hope it will be successful." There is no other way, Lin Mu can only fight.

Lin Shu cast his spell and prepared to force his way in, to see if he could kill this big guy.

But just when Lin Mu was about to force his way in, a voice suddenly came from Lin Mu's mind: "Little guy! Come and help me, and I'll get rid of this mirage."

"Who is it!" Hearing this sudden voice, Lin Mu suddenly became nervous.

"Little guy with the Witch God Physique, don't be nervous. I'm here to help you. I really didn't expect that after so long, I would see someone with the Witch God Physique again." The voice came again, obviously this time The owner of the voice should also be an ancient existence.

Lin Mu searched carefully, and finally saw a golden bone stuck in the middle of the two shells opened by the mirage.

"It's you?" Lin Mu looked at the bone and asked.

"It's me, besides me, is there anyone here who can talk to you?" There were waves of waves coming from the golden bones.

Lin Mu looked at the golden bones and said, "Who are you?"

The golden bone said: "I'm the one who helps you. Why do you ask so many questions? You help me. I'll help you solve it."

Lin Mu said: "Why do I believe you, how do I know, what are you going to do? It's pretty bad, but it doesn't mean you're a good person!"

Golden Bones smiled, and said, "I'm quite cautious, but I'm really a good person. When the old man was in trouble, you didn't know where to play?"

Lin Mu curled his lips and said, "So what, you still ask me now. You just want to use the essence of this mirage to resurrect, and you are just working together."

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Golden Bones was also slightly startled, and said, "It's really not easy for you to see through it so quickly."

Lin Mu secretly put away the sky eye that the blood spirit dragon gave him, and said: "It's very simple to see through you. Generally, bad guys can cover it up very well."

This eye of heaven was originally intended for Gu Xuan.However, the ancestor of the mermaid tribe said not to give it to Gu Xuan for the time being, so as not to mislead Gu Xuan, so Lin Mu wore it on his body, and it really came in handy today.

(End of this chapter)

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